Biophysical Therapy of Allergies. Peter Schumacher
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Название: Biophysical Therapy of Allergies

Автор: Peter Schumacher

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Здоровье


isbn: 9783131627315


СКАЧАТЬ are passed before they can have a negative effect. This makes optimal use of a patient's therapeutic frequency range whereas the unsuitable frequencies remain ineffective.

      While in the past it was necessary to set the frequency range manually, the sweeping bandpass considerably simplifies setting the frequency range, at the same time increasing efficacy and safety.

      Early on Morell observed that the required therapy time can be shortened if the therapy course is interrupted by short breaks. The body seems to react favorably when allowed a break to regulate those impulses received.

      Based on these observations, an interval setting was added to the therapy device. Initially it was variable and selected manually. Over the course of the years a rhythm of 3-seconds therapy time with a 1-second break has proven to be a favorable setting. This rhythm is now permanently integrated into the device. It is possible to switch to a continuous therapy mode when needed for special indications.

      The duration of therapy can be set using the device. For adults it is usually 3–8 minutes. For children it varies according to age: babies one-fourth, infants one-half, and school children three-quarters of the time intended for adults.

      The therapist individualizes the therapy to the patient and his/her illness. The following settings are adjusted on the device:

      1 The type of frequencies out of the entire spectrum that are returned to the patient (harmonic, disharmonic, or both), selectively inverted as a mirror image.

      2 Amplification or attenuation of individual signals.

      3 Frequency selection (frequency sweep or individual frequency setting).

      4 Intermittent and continuous therapy.

      5 Duration of therapy.

      When choosing one of the therapy programs stored in the BICOM device, manual selection of the above data is not necessary.

      This book does not aim to explain in detail all the possibilities and facets of bioresonance therapy. Anybody who is interested in applying this resourceful, ingenious therapy should attend training seminars to obtain the necessary skills. Further information can be obtained from Regumed, Inc., Gräfelfing, Germany.

      The most important, basic precepts to understand this methodology are summarized in 10 short sentences as follows:

       Basic Principles to Aid the Understanding of Bioresonance Therapy

      1 In and around the human body are electromagnetic frequencies. These are superior to the biochemical processes and regulate them. Cells and organs oscillate at certain frequencies. This creates the frequency spectrum of an organism.

      2 In addition to physiological frequencies, each human being also has pathological frequencies caused by toxin stressors, injuries, inflammations, lingering illness, iatrogenic damage, etc.

      3 Together physiological and pathological frequencies are called the patient's individuated frequencies.

      4 The patient's individuated frequencies can be picked up from the surface of the body and channeled to a therapy device via cable.

      5 The patient's individuated frequencies are transformed into therapeutic frequencies using modern electronics (BICOM device). No technically or otherwise generated frequencies are added.

      6 The BICOM device returns the therapeutic frequencies to the patient. Therapy takes place within the patient's body, not within the therapy device.

      7 Therapeutic frequencies reduce the pathological frequencies in the patient's body. They also stimulate and/or strengthen physiological frequencies.

      8 Bioresonance therapy aims at reducing and/or eliminating pathological frequencies as well as strengthening physiological frequencies.

      9 Once the biophysical energy situation improves, biochemical processes improve and become more balanced.

      10 The chief objective of bioresonance therapy is to activate the body's own regulatory powers and to free the body from disturbing pathological influences so it can restore itself to a state of health.


      Popp once pointedly remarked “we live in an ocean of electromagnetic interplay that we know little about” (Popp 1984).

      Indeed it is not necessary to understand everything in detail in order to use it. For centuries ships crossed the oceans, long before Archimedes discovered why they did not sink.

      The rules of Chinese acupuncture were established without knowing what happens in the body physically. Homeopathy proved an effective healing method even though it was not possible to explain its workings to doubters for 200 years.

      Slowly but surely we are opening doors to areas that initially seemed like fantasy and in the realm of the impossible, the reality of which, however, we experience daily in practice. Electro-acupuncture, particularly bioresonance therapy, allows a vision of a medicine that is able to treat illness before it actually manifests, that heals without side-effects or suppression of symptoms. Lastly, a medicine that eliminates stressors rather than adds them and creates a state of health that promotes harmony in the entire living being, and not simply the absence of disease. Decades will likely pass until the findings of modern biophysics become part of a newly formed medical paradigm. It will be impossible to stop the fundamental shift in thinking. Developments in nature and science appear on the horizon, have their pathfinders and predecessors, but only when their time has come will they prevail.

      As Victor Hugo aptly stated:

      ”Nothing has more power than an idea whose time has come.”

      We believe that the significant progress in medicine in the 21st century will be made in the field of biophysical research. The correlations in the field of bio-information are presently barely understandable. Nevertheless, we can already clearly see the implications and benefits physicians and patients can obtain from the discoveries in quantum physics and biophysics. The physical diagnosis and treatment of allergies serves as an excellent example.

      Today we are in a position to largely eliminate allergic reactions using exclusively physical methods. The “how and why” will be discussed in the following chapters.


Defining the Term Allergy

      The term allergy is not merely a modern catchword; it represents a major problem of our times that has yet to be overcome.

      It seems that the increasing number of allergies worldwide is just as much part of our current environment as air pollution, dying forests, or similar developments that are not being adequately dealt with. Their source may also be the same.

      The world we live in today is not the one we were made for. Our natural resources to adapt have long been exhausted and overextended. We are exposed to a variety of stressors for which we do not possess any naturally inherent adaptation mechanisms.

      Clinical СКАЧАТЬ