Hungry for Love. Nathaniel Feldmann
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Название: Hungry for Love

Автор: Nathaniel Feldmann

Издательство: Bookwire

Жанр: Языкознание


isbn: 9783956953378


СКАЧАТЬ building the same, row after row after row, blocking any view of the sea, Coney just around the bend.

      Fresh air rushed into our lungs the moment the doors opened. Seagull caws washed over a sense of calm, an otherworldly feeling of the sun always shining.

      Andy held my hand as he took his first step onto Ocean Ave, a pair of strawberry shaped sunglasses over his eyes, moving them onto his forehead as he brought his camera to his eye and took snaps of the kitschy fairgrounds on the other side of the busy road.

      We made a pit stop at a Russian grocery down the block. I went straight to the cooler, zeroing in on tall boys that we could sneak into paper bags and drink on the beach, getting day drunk would be another little secret to share.

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