Born to Win. Zig Ziglar
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Название: Born to Win

Автор: Zig Ziglar

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Экономика


isbn: 9781613392324


СКАЧАТЬ R. Carpenter President and CEO

      Carpenter Hotel Group, LLC



      THE BORN TO WIN philosophy is both “profoundly simple” and “simply profound.” The concept that you have to plan to win and prepare to win before you can expect to win is simple, but simple doesn’t mean it’s necessarily easy; and when you dig a little deeper, you understand just how profound it really is.

      In my career at Ziglar (I tell people I have been in the business for forty-six years, since I am forty-six years old), I have worked with many individuals and companies who are seeking a higher level of success. One of my previous roles in the company was to market “success” seminars. Through the years we have come up with many interesting and compelling seminar titles and marketing headlines. The idea in a headline is to make it state exactly what the prospects really want so that they take action right away. The following headline is my all-time favorite, although for obvious reasons we never used it:

      “Success the Easy Way in 5 Minutes or Less—GUARANTEED! Or Double Your Money Back.”

      Yep, that pretty much sums up what almost every individual and company is looking for! The bad news is there are no “magic pill” solutions that allow you to achieve success “fast and easy.”

      However, there are several success strategies that will allow you to achieve a higher level of success faster and more easily than you thought possible—and that is what this book is about, to give you a road map for success in pure and simple language. Don’t get me wrong, winning doesn’t come without work, but focusing on the proven steps and processes to winning will allow the journey to be faster and a ton more fun.


      In order to keep things simple (just the way my mind likes it!), I want to share with you two words and a phrase that I use as key points when I explain to people how to achieve consistent and lasting success.

       Two Words: Identity and Hope

      For many years I wondered why Dad had been so successful at motivating people to change, to take action, to try something different or new. Growing up, I thought it was because he was so inspirational, funny, and smart. What Dad said makes sense, and nobody said it better than he did! Yet all of these things only explain why people liked him, not why they take action. I know trust has a lot to do with it, yet many people heard him only one time and then were inspired to take action. Sure, the foundation for trust was established, but something more than trust had to move them to action.

      Digging a little deeper and asking the “why” question (Why do people take action?), I discovered this scarlet thread. Almost every time Dad spoke, and in almost every book, tape, CD, video, or DVD he had done, he told his story. In a nutshell, Dad’s story goes like this: Born in the heart of the Depression, he was the tenth of twelve children. His dad died when he was five. Dad started working at age six, never did well in school, and married when he was twenty. He started his sales career and failed miserably for several years. An executive at his company told him he could be a champion if only he believed in himself and went to work on a regular schedule. He had always been honest and worked hard, but with this new information he changed his attitude, and his sales career started to take off. Unfortunately, while he would achieve momentary success over the next twenty years, he was still chasing the worldly definition of success and looking for the “get rich quick” solution. Because of this, he found himself having to start over more than ten times during that twenty-year stretch. Stability was not a word to describe Dad! Then, when Dad was forty-five years old, his life totally changed as he discovered his eternal purpose with his faith in Christ. The rest is history.

      Something very interesting happened when Dad told his story. You would start to see people’s heads nodding. If you could read their minds, this is what you would have saw: “Wow! I had no idea Zig struggled so much when he was coming up. His dad died when he was five. His mom had a fifth-grade education. He didn’t do well in school. When he started in sales, he was horrible.

      “He made and lost money numerous times because of really bad decisions. Wow, if Zig did it, so can I.” Suddenly they identify with Dad, and hope is born.

      Inspiration is powerful, and Dad may have been the most inspirational person on the planet, but inspiration only lasts so long. Hope is much different. When you have the hope that things can change and a plan to make that change possible, then you can take action. When Dad told his story, it literally flipped the hope switch in people because they could identify with him—“If he can, I can.”

      Then, all of a sudden, when Dad suggested that people try something, they’d do it—not because they liked Dad, or because he inspired them or made them laugh, but because “if he can, I can.”

      Next time you get discouraged and caught up in your circumstances, just remember what Dad said: “You cannot control what happens to you, but you can control how you respond to what happens to you.” If he can, YOU can.


      My simple mind really loves this phrase: Will, Skill, and Refill. Almost every day I get asked the question, “What are the keys to constantly improving my personal or my company’s level of success?” As Dad said, “You build a better company by building better people,” so the Will, Skill, and Refill philosophy is a foundation of all of our personal and corporate training. This is how it works:

      Will—this is the “want to.” This is the heart, the desire, the attitude, the passion that people have.

      Skill—this is the “how to.” This is the skill, the process, the technical expertise that people have.

      Refill—this is reinforcing the Will and Skill. There is no such thing as “one and done” training and development. Will and Skill must be developed and reinforced daily. Take the Will away from any person and you will have, at best, someone who is just taking up space, and at worst, someone who is a real drain on their company and their family. Without Skill, no matter what you do, you will create an endless cycle of frustration. Without Refill it is impossible to maintain the difference-making levels of Will and Skill you need to achieve the level of success you desire.

       BE WEIRD

      I love what Dave Ramsey says about being in debt. He says that “normal” people are broke, so be weird. I agree 100 percent! As Dad said, “I have had problems when I have had money, and I have had problems when I haven’t had money, and I have discovered that if you are going to have problems, it’s better if you have money!”

      Here is the reality: “normal” people are not successful in the truest sense of the word. “Normal” people do not practice Will, Skill, and Refill. I am encouraging you to BE WEIRD. Choosing to be successful starts with choosing to do what successful people do. Successful people practice Will, Skill, and Refill on a daily basis. •

      Will, Skill, and Refill is simple—remember, I am a simple person, so it has to be! This concept is based on my favorite of all of Dad’s quotes: “You are who you are and what you are because of what has gone into your mind. You can change who you are and what you are by changing what goes into your mind.”