Sales Success. Mark Bowser
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Название: Sales Success

Автор: Mark Bowser

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Маркетинг, PR, реклама


isbn: 9781613397848


СКАЧАТЬ to buy because of what you will gain… that’s pure love. That’s what it’s all about. People don’t really care how much you know, until they know how much you care about them.

      Let me say it again; the minute you start to pull for them to buy for their benefit, you become more professional, more effective, more loving, and you'll sell much more. And you'll be able to go back and sell them again and again and again, and they'll be more than happy to send you to their friends and relatives. And when you do these things, you not just have a job in sales; you have a career in the world of selling, which in my opinion is the greatest profession in the world.

      Jack had never felt so energetic in his life. As he and Digger walked out of the auditorium into the bright, sunny, Cincinnati morning, Jack felt as though he could take on the world. Digger knew what he was feeling. Digger said, "You must now capitalize on the motivation you feel and the knowledge you have just gained. Here is a list of action steps I want you to ponder as you go make your sales calls today. Digger handed Jack a sheet of paper that read:

       Digger Jones' Recommended Action Steps & Thoughts on Selling-The Proud Profession, by ZigZiglar

      1. Be proud of your profession. Selling is the most honorable and needed profession in the world. Remember, you help shape the economy.

      2. Your character is the most important tool in your tool chest. Guard it and your word with your life...because they are.

      3. Be sold yourself on what you sell. If you aren't, they won't either. Remember what Zig said: "Selling is a transference of feeling." Believing in what you sell creates passion, belief, and conviction. The prospect picks up on these elements more than anything else.

      4. Selling is a people business. Today, we are in what is called Relationship Selling. Your first goal in selling is to build a relationship with the prospect. It has been said that with all things being equal, people buy from their friends. All things not being equal, people still buy from their friends.

      5. Always have motivational and sales-related audio programs in your car. Listen and learn as you drive to your sales calls.

      Now, go out and make some sales.

      Digger Jones

       Chapter Two

       Highlights of the Perfect Sales Process

       By Tom Hopkins

      Jack and Digger walked into the beautifully expansive lobby of the Hilton in downtown Cincinnati. Jack looked up at the historic paintings that covered the cathedral ceilings.

      “Well, you are in for a treat today,” said Digger. “Many people have heard of a Mastermind Group, but very few take the time to be a part of one. These nine individuals you are about to meet have become for me my success cabinet. Any time I am stumped on a project or considering a new entrepreneur enterprise, I toss the idea first by these nine wise professionals.”

      “You see Jack, my nine friends and I form ten brains. Ten brains are better than one. We put our brains together and help create success for each other.”

      “I have read about the Mastermind Group in Napoleon Hill’s book, but I have never experienced it,” said Jack.

      “Well, my young friend, I think you will be sold on the concept after today. Our group meets for two hours every other week. The first hour and fifteen minutes is spent brainstorming on two of the members’ projects or challenges. The last forty-five minutes is dedicated to a presentation given by one of our members so that we can all improve our skills and knowledge. You see, my group consists of professionals in multiple different expertise. We have three Corporate CEOs, three Sales Professionals who are at the top of the profession, the CFO of a Fortune 50 company, two retired professionals including me, and even a Grammy-winning musician. This eclectic group of professionals forms, in my opinion, the best of the best Mastermind Group."

      After all the introductions were given, it was time to start the meeting. It was fantastic. The thought energy in that room was like nothing Jack had ever experienced. He felt as though these ten people could solve all the world's problems if given the chance... well, at least some of the world's challenges.

      Digger, of course, served as the chairperson of the meeting. At promptly one hour and 15 minutes into the meeting, Digger stood up and introduced the presenter for the day. "Alright friends, we have the privilege of learning today from one of the top sales producers of all time. His background comes from the real estate world. He holds the record for more houses sold in history. For the last couple of decades, or is it three, Tom?" Digger said with a twinkle in his eye. "Tom Hopkins is the Sales Champions Champion. He is the master of fundamentals. And as we know, fundamentals win championships. I give you...Tom Hopkins."

      Tom walked up to the lectern as his colleagues gave him a warm welcome of applause. Tom began to speak:

      Welcome to the Highlights of the Perfect Sales Process. As you know, the profession of selling consists of two components - finding the people to sell to and then of course selling the people you find. Awhile back, I came home from a tour, and I walked in on my wife working on a jigsaw puzzle. This took me by surprise because I hadn't seen her do this before. Now, I eat, breathe, and sleep selling, so everywhere I can find an analogy, find something that I can teach to better impact the student with the message, then I am all for it. I began thinking about puzzles. Let me ask you a question. When you begin to put a jigsaw puzzle together, where do you start? That's right, on the outside on a flat line, and you begin from the outside and work towards the middle. Well, the selling process is the same way. There are eight pieces you put together, and the end result is the perfect sales process.

      Keeping with our puzzle analogy, the first piece on the outside in a corner is called prospecting. Now, nothing will ever replace eyeball-to-eyeball or belly-to-belly contact, that will always be the best, but today I decided to talk about Activity in Different Areas. That is the first key to success in selling. Govern your entire life, not by productivity, which are sales, but by activities on a daily basis. Every day the number of quality activities you do, which are the contacts you make, will determine at the end of the month your success in the profession of selling. And so, I would like to talk about some types of prospecting that we really haven’t discussed before, and that is first of all what we call working the warm market. A warm market is your friends, relatives, associates, and people you have worked with on an existing job. For example, when you leave a job and go into selling, I recommend that you develop a letter that introduces your new career to them. It lets them know you have chosen selling as a profession and that you would like them to help you build your business.

      Now, here is an excellent example of an introductory letter that you might try sending to all of the people you know in your warm market. You might start like this:

       Good morning Bob,

       It is with great excitement that I inform you about a career change that I have recently made. I have just joined ABC Company as a Sales Executive, and it is my pleasure to introduce our company and its products and services to people in the community. Because of our relationship, Bob, I look forward to serving you and anyone you know in the area with the benefits this СКАЧАТЬ