Love Without a Home. Shari Mong
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Название: Love Without a Home

Автор: Shari Mong

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Короткие любовные романы


isbn: 9781938768378


СКАЧАТЬ local cuisines and even danced with some of the locals. Elisa was having the time of her life. She could stay here, but her demanding career and life in New York would beckon her back all too soon.

      But while she was here, she might as well live it up and that is what she was doing. Elisa got many pictures and souvenirs. She had left her personal items and evening dress at Guy’s yacht so when they went back they would already be there. As the morning turned into the afternoon, they headed to Guy’s yacht to go sailing and then Elisa would shower and put on her dress. She knew she would not have it on long.

      She could already feel herself tingling inside at the sensation of having Guy touch her and kissing her. They got to the yacht and Guy’s crew had the yacht all ready to go. Elisa went down and changed into her bikini. It was violet to match her eyes and the wrap to match. Guy saw it and whistled.

      He already had on his swim gear. “You make the sun want to dance.” Guy wrapped his arms around her and she could feel his warm skin against her. He took both of his hands and brought her face to his and brushed her lips. They were warm and soft. “I thought that we could go jet skiing. I have two jet skis.” Elisa had only been jet skiing once and that was when her father took her to Indian Lake with some of his friends. He had taught her how to ride one but it had been years. She did not know if she could still do it.

      “What is it my Mon Cherie?” Guy looked perplexed at her expression. “Are you worried about something?”

      “Oh no Guy, it is just that the last time I went jet skiing was when I was little, before my father left us and with his friends back in Ohio. I do not even know if I remember how to ride one.”

      Guy laughed and Elisa just stared at him. “Is that all? It is nothing. You start it up, you steer it like you would a car, and the gas and brakes are on the handles. Here let me help you.” Guy took her hand and brought her to where the jet skis were. He untied one. “I will let you in front and me in back until you get the hang of it again.”

      Elisa stared at the Jet Ski as if it were a shark. “Don’t be scared Elisa.” She took his hand and got on. He got behind her and told her to start it up. She started it up. “Now ease it on out.”

      She hit the gas a little too hard and almost knocked Guy off of it. “Oh, I am so sorry Guy.” Elisa said nervously.

      “It is okay.” He put his hand over hers and gently eased the Jet Ski out and took off.

      He helped her steer it and drive it. He eventually let go and let her take control. She almost knocked him into the water a few times but managed to keep it under control. “You are doing a great job Elisa,” Guy said over the roar of the Jet Ski. Elisa was getting the hang of it again and was laughing. Her nervousness was gone.

      They pulled back up to the yacht and Elisa stayed on the Jet Ski and Guy got the other one out. “Now,” said Guy. “Let’s go.” They both took off and were racing each other across the water. Guy would get close and spray her with water. Elisa got him back by turning her Jet Ski so that water just splashed Guy. She was laughing. “You will pay for that later,” Guy said, drenched now.

      “Oh yeah,” said Elisa. “You will have to catch me first.”

      “That will not be a problem.” Guy said. They jet skied for what seemed like hours when they got back to the yacht and tied up the jet skis.

      When they were back on the yacht, Guy grabbed her and Elisa screamed. “You see, I told you that getting you would not be a problem.”

      They were both wet as he carried her downstairs. They threw their wet swim wear on to the floor as their wet bodies clung to one another. He kissed her all over and he took her with all his might. He pulled her to him from behind and entered her. She cried out and he moved in and out of her until he ejaculated into her. He lay on top of her from behind caressing her thigh, his other hand holding up his head. Elisa laid there with her hand stretched out and her hair spread out.

      “I have a surprise for you at dinner my Mon Cherie.” Guy said softly.

      “You have already given me this trip Guy.” Elisa turned her head to him.

      “I told you about it before hand, so it is not a surprise. I hope you will accept it.”

      Elisa’s curiosity was alert and what did he want her to accept. She would find out at dinner. She got up to shower and get ready for dinner. Guy joined her in the shower and took her again.

      They were at dinner and Elisa looked spectacular as ever. Guy had opened the finest wine and it was a beautiful evening on the water. Elisa was wearing a light blue evening gown that slit all way up to her thigh on the left side and had diamonds studded around the bodice. She was wearing the earrings, the necklace, and bracelet to match that Guy had given her.

      “I know you were wondering what the surprise was, but I wanted to wait until we were done eating.” Guy poured them another glass of wine.

      “Yes Guy, I would be lying if I said I was not curious.” Elisa took a sip of her wine. They had finished dinner.

      “This is not easy for me especially since I know the kind of woman you are. You are dedicated, hard-working, and independent. You have made your career your life. I know I said that I would never do this again Elisa, but I cannot help it. When I am with you, I forget everything else.

      You are the only woman in a long time that has made me feel this way. We have known each other for a year now and we have had great times together and great sex. You are married to your career I know, but I was hoping that for once Elisa you would give this a chance.” Elisa had a feeling what he was going to ask her but remained silent to let Guy finish. “I have had many women in my life Elisa and I have had two bad marriages. But after being with you Elisa, I want you in my life, I need you, and I am in love with you.”

      He pulled something out of his jacket pocket. “I wanted to wait until the right time to do this.” He opened the box and a ring with a diamond as big as a quarter shown. Elisa’s eyes got wide. “Elisa Drinnings, will you marry me?” Guy asked.

      CHAPTER 8

      Elisa could not speak, she was surprised. She never expected this. Guy knew her feelings about marriage. She was married to her career. She had never let herself put a man before her career. She had never let herself, even before she met Guy, to fall in love with any man. Guy was a great man and surely any woman in Elisa’s shoes right now would say yes, but Elisa was not any other woman and while she loved spending time with Guy, she was not in love with him.

      “Elisa darling, I know this is a surprise to you.” Guy was watching her.

      “Oh Guy, we have known each other for a year yes, but you know where I stand on this.”

      “Listen Elisa, you do not have to give me an answer right away. You can have time to think about it.” Guy told her putting the ring away. “I will not force you to do what you do not want to do, but I just wanted you to know Elisa while we had this time together to let you know how I feel.”

      “Guy I do appreciate what you have done for me and given me. This trip, the jewelry, the wonderful lovemaking, and I do not want to seem ungrateful, but I thought that we had an understanding. I made a vow that I would not end up like my mother and depend on a man. That is why I worked hard and put myself through school to get myself where I am today and get out of the miserable life that I was in.”