Eternity and a day. Maria Spotlight
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Название: Eternity and a day

Автор: Maria Spotlight

Издательство: Bookwire

Жанр: Языкознание


isbn: 9783968589572


СКАЧАТЬ like a ball, his face kissing the dirt on the floor each time and after a short time he was covered in blood. With another hand movement I threw his dead body aside like garbage. Then I dedicated myself to the house. In a matter of seconds, the facade crumbled away from the housing, the small flakes flew away in the wind. Very soon only the basic structure was left standing, exposing its inhabitants. They sat as if living in a goldfish bowl, mother had crawled into a corner; it would not save her.

      "EMILY", father shouted, and Gabriel was also determined to put a stop to me. Those fools! Nothing could stop me now. The very next moment neither father nor Gabriel could move. My powers held them down. I let them both float up in the air, my eyes first directed at Gabriel.

      "You told me you would cut my face one day. Now how about I take a look at your face?"

      My thoughts were completely directed towards him, without releasing father from the invisible grip. Gabriel's mouth pressed apart, he fought vehemently against the ever-increasing pressure. His upper and lower jaws were moving further and further apart, it crunched and cracked in his entire oral cavity. In vain he tried to scream, but only a miserable groaning came out of him. He wriggled desperately, his jaws opened so wide that his skull burst and he crashed to the ground dead. Mother screamed hysterically in her corner, father, still trapped, insulted and spat on me. I tapped Gabriel with the tip of my foot.

      "You look better now than when you were alive, brother."

      "What have you done? Not my boy", father whimpered.

      "Oh, don't worry, you'll follow him soon enough."

      In the fireplace there were still last smouldering pieces, time to continue where I had stopped. At my command a smouldering piece shot towards father. Explosively it kindled a new fire over his whole body and swallowed him whole. He was exposed to the red flower with neck and crop, his screams were music to my ears. As a dead, still burning body I dropped him to the ground as well. Only one was left. Whimpering and sobbing she had hidden even deeper into the corner. I bent down to her.

      "Look at me!", I ordered her, when she wouldn't turn to me, I slapped her face, "LOOK AT ME!" Her stone-grey eyes finally looked at me.

      "You were never really a mother to me. A mother should love her child, but in you I only feel hate."

      My hatred for her was now the executing weapon of her doom. I played as the stranger had ordered me to and my wicked game was accompanied by nefariousness, whose cold-hearted hand discharged itself on my mother. She disintegrated, bit by bit her appearance painfully detached itself from her. She flew away like ashes in the wind. I was free! My years of humiliation by my family were over. Among the ruins of my previous life I stood there, the mysterious stranger came near.

      "You're not at your destination yet, Emily. Finish it!"

      And he touched me again. A beam of light, brighter than the sunniest day itself, escaped from my inner being. It swept over the land that had once belonged to my father, like a deadly storm. In this all-devouring power I heard his words clearly.

      "A dark Phoenix will rise from the ashes of its wrath."

      The first Witch

      There was nothing left. Where once there had been a blooming farm, there was now an absolute emptiness. My parents' house, gone, the pigsty, gone, the lake behind our house, gone, everything was gone and lay on the ground as lifeless dust. I had freed myself from the tyranny of my parents' house, or rather had been freed. My saviour stood by me, my power had not harmed a single hair on his head and he looked as beautiful as ever.

      "Come, my dear", and he offered me his hand, "it is time to leave this place."

      "And where are we going?"

      "Where no one can hurt you anymore."

      With the rising sun we left the former land of my tormentor. We made it to the border of the nearest forest, when curiosity seized me. I stopped.

      "Who are you?"

      He too stopped. "You owe me an explanation after what happened", I insisted.

      "Yes, I do, indeed." He walked towards me, a sparkle of red in his eyes and although I had now left my fragile cocoon, I was afraid. He stopped in front of me, the evil sparkle had disappeared.

      "I am the Devil, Emily!"

      A moment of absolute silence, my heart suspended its rhythm for two beats, impulses crept along my nerves, which ensured that my body was simultaneously flooded with icy cold, but also with murderous heat. I stared at him spellbound. This one moment, this one sentence changed my world fundamentally. His statement moved in a paradox, it made sense and yet none.

      "The shadow on our farm, that was you", I whispered reverently.

      "Yes, I was with you the whole time. You have no idea how long I've been looking for you."

      "Looking for me? What does that mean?"

      "That I asked you at the market for a special healing plant was just a test. I had to make sure that you were really who I thought you were; and I was not disappointed. Look, Emily", he stepped out of the shadows into the light, the sky above him broke open and threw warm rays of sunlight through the branches of the trees, "I am not sure how well educated you are in matters of religion, but my person is real, I am the Devil incarnate and I have chosen you to be the first witch."

      "The first what?" Now I understood nothing at all, my head was roaring heavier than the sea in a storm.

      "A witch is a being with special powers, just as you have them. Let's call them magic powers. Didn't you see what you did to your parents and your brothers? It was just you, I only gave you the push you needed out the door."

      "But why me and where does it all come from?"

      "That's a very good question, Emily, but in order to answer it, I must go back once in my own history." He leaned against a tree trunk, his face now lying completely in the shade again. "Eons ago a heavenly being named God created the earth and because he did not want to be alone, he created the angels, his children, who were to live with him in the kingdom of heaven until the end of all days. I was one of those children, but I never felt loved, much like you. So one day I set out, started a rebellion to overthrow my father. In vain! He crushed my rebellion with the help of his loyal followers and banished me from his heavenly kingdom forever. But where would I go? And when I was all alone in this dark hour, a new kingdom opened up for me, far below the heavens. It seemed to open its gates only to me and welcomed its new king."

      "Hell!" I whispered.

      "Yes, my new home. Destined for me by my father. It was not enough for him to humiliate me, no, he burdened me with a task for the rest of my life that I would never have wanted for myself. So much for that, but there is more. Now we had heaven on one side and hell on the other. But in between there was another power. It's called nature. It was not my father who created mountains, forests, rivers and oceans, it was her. She is something very special, she can create and destroy at the same time, she is moody and calm at the same time and she has produced a child who has the same qualities as she has."

      The Devil looked at me, I understood.

      "I am that child!"

      "Yes", he approached me again, "nature is the harmony between the four elements", suddenly four bright balls of light shot out of his СКАЧАТЬ