Love Poems and Others. D. H. Lawrence
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Название: Love Poems and Others

Автор: D. H. Lawrence

Издательство: Bookwire

Жанр: Языкознание


isbn: 4057664648600



       D. H. Lawrence

      Love Poems and Others

      Published by Good Press, 2020

       [email protected]

      EAN 4057664648600

       BEI HENNEF [p. xviii ]

       LIGHTNING [p. xix ]

       SONG-DAY IN AUTUMN [p. xxi ]

       AWARE [p. xxiii ]

       A PANG OF REMINISCENCE [p. xxiv ]

       A WHITE BLOSSOM [p. xxv ]

       RED MOON-RISE [p. xxvi ]

       RETURN [p. xxviii ]

       THE APPEAL [p. xxix ]

       REPULSED [p. xxx ]

       DREAM-CONFUSED [p. xxxii ]

       COROT [p. xxxiii ]

       MORNING WORK [p. xxxv ]

       TRANSFORMATIONS [p. xxxvi ]

       RENASCENCE [p. xxxviii ]

       DOG-TIRED [p. xl ]

       MICHAEL-ANGELO [p. xli ]

       VIOLETS [p. xlii ]

       WHETHER OR NOT [p. xliv ]

       A COLLIER’S WIFE [p. liii ]

       THE DRAINED CUP [p. lvi ]

       THE SCHOOLMASTER [p. lix ]

       I A Snowy Day in School

       II The Best of School

       III Afternoon in School THE LAST LESSON

       Table of Contents

      The little river twittering in the twilight,

      The wan, wondering look of the pale sky,

       This is almost bliss.

      And everything shut up and gone to sleep,

      All the troubles and anxieties and pain

       Gone under the twilight.

      Only the twilight now, and the soft “Sh!” of the river

       That will last for ever.

      And at last I know my love for you is here,

      I can see it all, it is whole like the twilight,

      It is large, so large, I could not see it before

      Because of the little lights and flickers and interruptions,

       Troubles, anxieties and pains.

       You are the call and I am the answer,

       You are the wish, and I the fulfilment,

       You are the night, and I the day.

       What else—it is perfect enough,

       It is perfectly complete,

       You and I,

       What more——?

      Strange, how we suffer in spite of this!

       Table of Contents

      I felt the lurch and halt of her heart

       Next my breast, where my own heart was beating;

      And I laughed to feel it plunge and bound,

      And strange in my blood-swept ears was the sound

       Of the words I kept repeating,

      Repeating with tightened arms, and the hot blood’s blindfold art.

      Her breath flew warm against my neck,

       Warm as a flame in the close night air;

      And the sense of her clinging flesh was sweet

      Where her arms and my neck’s blood-surge could meet.

       Holding her thus, did I care

      That СКАЧАТЬ