1984. Адаптированная книга для чтения на английском языке. Уровень B1. Джордж Оруэлл
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СКАЧАТЬ this moment the girl at the next table turned partly round and was looking at him. It was the girl with dark hair. When she caught his eye she looked away again.

      Winston felt scared. Why was she watching him? Why was she following him about? Unfortunately he could not remember whether she had already been at the table when he arrived, or had come there afterwards. But yesterday, at any rate, during the Two Minutes Hate, she had sat right behind him when there was no need to do so. Quite likely she had wanted to listen to him and make sure whether he was shouting loudly enough.

      His earlier thought returned to him: probably she was not actually a member of the Thought Police, but it made her even more dangerous. He did not know how long she had been looking at him, but perhaps for as much as five minutes. It was possible that his face had not been perfectly under control. The smallest thing could give you away. To wear a wrong expression on your face (to look as if you don't believe it when there was a message of a victory, for example) was itself an offence. There was even a word for it in Newspeak: facecrime, it was called.

      The girl had turned her back on him again. Perhaps after all she was not really following him about, perhaps it didn't mean anything that she had sat so close to him yesterday and was looking at him now. His cigarette had gone out, and he laid it carefully on the table. He would finish smoking it after work, if he could keep the tobacco in it. Syme had folded up his strip of paper and put it away in his pocket. Parsons had begun talking again.

      «Did I ever tell you, old boy», he said, «about the time when those two kids of mine set fire to the old market-woman's skirt because they saw her wrapping up sausages in a poster of B. B.? Burned her quite badly, I believe. Troublemakers, eh? That's a good training they give them in the Spies now – better than in my day, even. They've given them ear trumpets for listening through keyholes! My little girl brought one home the other night – tried it on our sitting-room door, and said she could hear twice as much as with her ear to the hole. Of course it's only a toy. Still, gives them the right idea, eh?»

      At this moment the telescreen let out a whistle. It was the signal to return to work. All three men jumped to their feet and went to the lifts, and the tobacco fell out of Winston's cigarette.

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      Час дня, 13:00 (обозначение времени, принятое в армии; так называемое «военное время», Military Time).


      Колчестер – город и одноимённый район в графстве Эссекс на юго-востоке Англии, на реке Колн.


      Карл I Великий – франкский король в 768–814 гг. (император с 800 г.) из династии Каролингов (751–987). Основал огромную империю в Западной Европе, в которую входили Северная Испания, Франция, Германия, Северная и Центральная Италия.



Час дня, 13:00 (обозначение времени, принятое в армии; так называемое «военное время», Military Time).


Колчестер – город и одноимённый район в графстве Эссекс на юго-востоке Англии, на реке Колн.


Карл I Великий – франкский король в 768–814 гг. (император с 800 г.) из династии Каролингов (751–987). Основал огромную империю в Западной Европе, в которую входили Северная Испания, Франция, Германия, Северная и Центральная Италия.


Гай Юлий Цезарь.