The Heavenly Twins. Grand Sarah
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Название: The Heavenly Twins

Автор: Grand Sarah

Издательство: Bookwire

Жанр: Языкознание


isbn: 4064066060435



      "Well, you need not have been, for he singled me out in order to talk about you. He thinks you are a nice child. You interest him."

      "Defend me!" said Evadne. "But you mistake me, dear aunt. It was not of him I was jealous, but of you. The fat prince is nothing to me, and you are a very great deal."

      Mrs. Orton Beg's face brightened at the words, but she continued to look into the fire silently for some seconds after Evadne had spoken, and made no other visible sign of having heard them.

      "I don't think I ought to encourage you to sit up so late," she said presently. "Lady Adeline has just been asking me who it is that burns the midnight oil up here so regularly."

      "Lady Adeline must be up very late herself to see it," said Evadne. "I suppose those precious twins disturb her. I wish she would let me take entire charge of them when she is here. It would be a relief, I should think!"

      "It would be an imposition," said Mrs. Orton Beg. "But you are a brave girl, Evadne. I would not venture."

      "Oh, they delight me," Evadne answered. "And I know them well enough now to forestall them."

      "When I told Lady Adeline that these were your rooms," her aunt pursued, "she said something about a lily maid high in her chamber up a tower to the east guarding the sacred shield of Lancelot."

      "Singularly inappropriate," said Evadne. "For my tower is south and west, thank Heaven."

      "And there isn't a symptom of Lancelot," her aunt concluded.

      "Young ladies don't guard sacred shields nowadays," said Evadne.

      "No," answered her aunt, glancing over her shoulder at the open book on the table. "They have substituted the sacred 'Commonplace Book'—full of thought, I fancy."

      "You speak regretfully, auntie; but isn't it better to think and be happy, than to die of atrophy for a sentiment?"

      "I don't think it better to extinguish all sentiment. Life without sentiment would be so bald."

      "But life with that kind of sentiment doesn't last, it seems, and nobody is benefited by it. It is extreme misery to the girl herself, and she dies young, leaving a legacy of lifelong regret and bitterness to her friends. I should think it small comfort to become the subject for a poem or a picture at such a price. And surely, auntie, sentiments which are silly or dangerous would be better extinguished?"

      Mrs. Orton Beg smiled at the fire enigmatically.

      "But the poem or the picture may become a lasting benefit to mankind," she suggested presently.

      "Humph!" said Evadne.

      "You doubt it?"

      "Well, you see, auntie, there are two ways of looking at it. When you first come across the poem or the picture which perpetuates the sentiment that slew the girl, and beautifies it, you feel a glow all over, and fancy you would like to imitate her, and think that you would deserve great credit for it if you did. But when you come to consider, there is nothing very noble, after all, in a hopeless passion for an elderly man of the world who is past being benefited by it, even if he could reciprocate it. Elaine should have married a man of her own age, and made him happy. She would have done some good in her time so, and been saved from setting us a bad example. I think it a sin to make unwholesome sentiments attractive."

      "Then Lancelot does not charm you?"

      "No," said Evadne thoughtfully. "I should have preferred the king."

      "Ah, yes. Because he was the nobler, the more ideal man?"

      "No, not exactly," Evadne answered. "But because he was the more wholesome."

      "My dear child, are you speaking literally?"

      "Yes, auntie."

      "Good Heavens!" Mrs. Orton Beg ejaculated softly. "The times have changed."

      "Yes, we know more now," Evadne answered tranquilly.

      "You are fulfilling the promise of your youth, Evadne," her aunt remarked after a thoughtful pause. "I remember reading a fairy tale of Jean Ingelow's aloud to you children in the nursery long ago. I forget the name of it, but it was the one into which 'One morning, oh, so early,' comes; and you started a controversy as to whether, speaking of the dove, when the lark said 'Give us glory,' she should have made answer, 'Give us peace' or 'peas.' The latter, you maintained, as being the more natural, and the most sensible."

      "I must have been a horrid little prig in those days," said Evadne, smiling. "But, auntie, there can be no peace without plenty. And I think I would rather be a sensible realist than a foolish idealist. You mean that you think me too much of a utilitarian, do you not?"

      "You are in danger, I think."

      "Utilitarianism is Bentham's greatest happiness principle, is it not?" Evadne asked.

      "Yes—greatest human happiness," her aunt replied.

      "Well, I don't know how that can be dangerous in principle. But, of course, I know nothing of such questions practically. Only I do seem to perceive that you must rest on a solid basis of real advantages before you can reach up to ideal perfection with any chance of success."

      "You seem to be very wide awake to-night, Evadne," Mrs. Orton Beg rejoined. "This is the first I have heard of your peculiar views."

      "Oh, I am a kind of owl, I think, auntie," Evadne answered apologetically. "You see, I never had anything to do in the schoolroom that I could not manage when I was half asleep, and so I formed a habit of dozing over my lessons by day, and waking up when I came to bed at night. Having a room of my own always has been a great advantage. I have been secure all along of a quiet time at night for reading and thought—and that is real life, auntie, isn't it? I don't care to talk much, as a rule, do you? I like to listen and watch people. But I always wake up at this time of the night, and I feel as if I could be quite garrulous now when everybody else is going to sleep. But, auntie, don't use such an ominous expression as 'peculiar views' about anything I say, please; 'views' are always in ill odour, and peculiarities, even peculiar perfections, would isolate one, and that I do dread. It would be awful to be out of sympathy with one's fellow-creatures, and have them look suspiciously at one; and it would be no comfort to me to know that want of sympathy is the proof of a narrow nature, and that suspicion is the inevitable outcome of ignorance and stupidity. I don't want to despise my fellow-creatures. I would rather share their ignorance and conceit and be sociable than find myself isolated even by a very real superiority. The one would be pleasant enough, I should think; the other pain beyond all bearing of it."

      Mrs. Orton Beg's heart contracted with a momentary fear for her niece, but she dismissed it promptly.

      "The room to yourself has been a doubtful advantage, I fancy," she said. "It has made you theoretical. But you will lose all that by and by. And in the meantime, you must remember that in such matters we have small choice. We are born with superior or inferior faculties, and must make use of them, such as they are, to become inferior cooks or countesses or superior ditto, as the case may be. But there are always plenty of one's own kind, whichever it is, to consort with. Birds of a feather, you know. You need not be afraid of being isolated."

      "You are thinking of ordinary СКАЧАТЬ