Sensei of Shambala. Book IV. Anastasia Novykh
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Название: Sensei of Shambala. Book IV

Автор: Anastasia Novykh


Жанр: Эзотерика

Серия: Sensei of Shambala

isbn: 978-966-2296-13-6


СКАЧАТЬ fragments of historical documents and chronicles, religious and philosophical writings of ancient Egyptians, Sumerians, Akkadians, Persians, ancient Greek, with doctrines of other nations worshiping Eastern religions.”

      “Here you are!” uttered Stas startled. “That’s a news for me! And I thought that it were Jews themselves so smart to come to such an understanding of the world.”

      “Of course, they were smart,” nodded Sensei. “Because they had to be really very smart people in order to process all that knowledge of more developed ancient civilizations and to represent it as their own religion. And not only represent but to spread their idea in the whole world claiming exclusive rights of only their belief against all other in order to convince the majority of people of special importance and ‘peculiarity’ of Jewish people among other nations. And in fact in the first turn it means special importance and ‘peculiarity’ of the clan of Jewish priests’ descendants who use their nation as a cover for reaching the personal world rule. A cover which is thrown by stones during many ages because of the ungovernable activity of the priestly leaders in reaching their power-seeking goals. Their people, unfortunately, were and remain to be their personal slaves and have nothing from their ‘priests’ except the total headache.

      Thus they had to be not just smart but very wise people in order to transform for their selfish goals the traditional knowledge of different peoples sometimes changing their internal structure so that those who wanted to grasp it had first to learn the language, history and culture of the Jewish people. That is first of al he had to get to know the ennobled and thoroughly polished ’history’ of appearance of the clan of Jewish priests and their ‘great role’ in formation of the whole humankind.”

      “That’s true!” Nikolai Andreevich grinned. “When you read in the Bible who bore whom and from whom originated all the peoples, you start to have doubts about your nationality.”

      Sensei laughed merrily together with our group. Whereas Eugene couldn’t help adding one of his funny comments.

      “Who wrote it in fact? All-round talents and self-degenerators!”

      “Not self-degenerators but gifted people, you, village boy!” Stas corrected him with a laugh.

      “Well, but I say so, those who degenerated that is generated himself,” Eugene explained to his friend.

      Stas hopelessly waved with hand towards him under the overall laugh of the guys.

      “What can I explain to him? He has only two eyes and furthermore behind his nose.”

      In reply Volodya commented their funny dialogue, “You are like in that proverb, ‘The blind swapped from the deaf a mirror for a guitar’.”

      Burst of laughter rolled on the sea coast. When the guys calmed down, Victor asked Sensei, “I wonder what is concretely transformed in the Bible?” and he begged with sincerity, “Sensei, tell us at least a few examples for my blind eyes to see the light finally.”

      “Aha! And for my slowcoach please, too,” Stas added with humour.

      “You are always welcome,” answered Sensei with readiness and explained, “For example, if you take the most elementary what you can easily find yourselves. In the Bible (in ‘Genesis’) the description of the original state of the world as of the water chaos was taken at certain time from the Akkadian legend about the goddess of original element, embodiment of the world chaos, Tiamat. And Akkadians borrowed these legends from Sumerians. The legend about the paradise Eden as a blissful place on the earth is the transformation of the ancient Sumerian legend about the island of Dilmun, or as it was later called by Akkadians, Telmun. Dilmun is a blissful island, the original country, ‘pure’, ‘light’, ‘virgin’, without diseases nor death. One of the ancient Sumerian myths was connected with it, the myth about god Enki and mother goddess Ninhursag. By the way, Jewish ‘interpreters’ reshaped in their own way namely this most ancient legend distorting its sense caused by inaccurate translation into the Bible story about Adam, forbidden fruit, expulsion from the paradise, creation of the woman from the rib of the man. Though it was all described in Sumerian legend completely different and it was based on the primacy of the female nature, but noway of the male one… Ziusudra was settled on the Dilmun island after the Flood, his name is literally translated from Sumerian as ‘the one who found life of long days’. In Akkadian this man was called as ‘Ut-napishti’ and that already meant ‘the one who found breathing’.”

      “Everything is clear, in the Jewish version it’s Noah,” Victor remarked with a smile.

      “Right you are,” Sensei nodded, “Moreover this time his name is understood as ‘appeasing’.”

      Kostya inquired with interest, “Which legend about the Flood did ancient Sumerians have?”

      “I’ll tell you now… Jewish priests copied this legend from Babylon myths, they just changed the names of their heroes and introduced some alterations. And the legend itself was as follows. According to Sumerian legend Ziusudra was a son of the famous wiseman and pious ruler of his city. From Enki, the god protector of people, he received a news about the forthcoming Flood which was prepared by gods to be sent for people. According to Enki’s advice this man built a big ship called a ‘boat saving life’, survived the Flood which lasted seven days and seven nights. And then as a ‘saviour of human semen’ he got a ‘life like gods’ and ‘eternal breathing’ settling down with his spouse on Dilmun, the island of blissful… Later this legend formed a basis of the Babylon legend about the Flood, just the main characters were called in different way. That is Ziusudra was named as Atrahasis (‘exceedingly wise’) and as Gilgamesh (‘forefather-hero’).

      “In general one should note that except Sumer the legend about the Flood as well as the one about the world tree, myths about twins were disseminated around the world, for example in such ancient centres of civilization as India, China, Egypt. And every nation gave its own names to the main characters of these legends. If you take for example the world tree, Sumerians called it as huluppu, ancient Babylonians called it the tree of truth and the tree of life. Ancient Egyptians named it as the tree of cognition, the beautiful sycamore with fruits of life, they believed that the one who sat on it became a god. The dead one in the form of bird was invited to land on that tree. There he was opened a great secret and namely he cognized his divine essence and his origin from the Supreme God. And in general in was believed in Ancient Egypt that death brings a man back to that divine country where he was expelled from for the time of his earthly lives.

      I don’t even mention the creation of legends about Abel and Cain, Jacob and Esav, connected with myths about twins, in particular with Sumerian legend about matchmaking of the farmer Enkimdu and the shepherd Dumuzi to Inanna, with Egyptian legends about brothers-gods Osiris and Set where envious Set by the way with the help of seventy two accomplices-plotters kills kind Osiris.

      Well, in general and so on and so forth. And it concerns not only legends but also many rituals, customs, signs which the nomadic tribes of ancient Jews took from more developed nations. Let’s take for example the very Ancient Egypt. Fertility was considered there as a gift of Osiris and was highly valued in the society. Egyptians strived to have big families because children mortality was quite high that time. Male circumcision was practiced in Egypt since times immemorial, however not as a baby but at a young age when the boys were from six to twelve years old. And it was stipulated only by hygienic considerations because these people lived in the region with a quite hot climate. But not more. Beside this, pig was considered by ancient Egyptians as an impure animal and it was ascribed to the kingdom of Set. That’s why they didn’t eat pork. One can make a long list of these ‘adoptions’.

      “Well, I didn’t know that,” Victor uttered with curiosity.

      Having СКАЧАТЬ