Sensei of Shambala. Book IV. Anastasia Novykh
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Название: Sensei of Shambala. Book IV

Автор: Anastasia Novykh


Жанр: Эзотерика

Серия: Sensei of Shambala

isbn: 978-966-2296-13-6


СКАЧАТЬ is how a human treats this dispute.

      If someone like Ariman thrusts his opinion to two friends, but is governed by his secret goals, and friends fly into a rage towards each other because of that and overfilled with hatred, so first of all they should cool down and think whether both of them are right. And what did really become a reason of their discord and lies in the core of this hatred? Is it their Animal nature with its megalomania which sticks out like a hardened cake? Could it be that a spiritual man isn’t able to forgive his neighbour?

      And in fact why should we, people, argue with each other if this entire world belongs to Ariman and we live here only temporarily, we came as guests? In this position we can only establish noticed facts and render each other at least a moral support. Since sooner or later all of us will have to go beyond the boundary of this world! And this indisputable fact unites all of us and turns every issue of our dispute into an empty thing. Since in front of the eternity only your spiritual part strengthened by good doings makes sense. And all other negative garbage which we acquire with years due to our own stupidity just burdens our soul pushing it to new circles of earthly hell. So is it worth starting any dispute if its consequences are so dreadful?!

* * *

      My reflections were interrupted by Tatyana who dragged me to swim as soon as our improvised table shone with its former cleanness. The guys were splashing for long. They launched a game with real acrobatic feats called “who will jump farther”. For doing this two guys linked the hands under the water and the third one got on this improvised “hand” jumping-off place and holding the guys’ shoulders was thrown by them jumping this way to the water. Whereas such “shy” guys like Kostya and Yura just flew away enjoying the process of flight, the others, like venturesome Andrew, Eugene and Stas tried meanwhile to make some acrobatic feats in the air. Of course, there was plenty of splashes and loud laughter! Looking at them me and Tatyana also wished to “play heroes”. First, our “jumping-off place” were Kostya and Andrew. But then looking how far other guys flew due to tall and strong Stas and Eugene, we decided also to test this distance flight.

      I was first who climbed on this mighty “jumping-off place”.

      “Just push off strongly,” Stas advised to me.

      “Right! And when you will be flying, bend your legs, group yourself and turn around in the air, thus you will make a somersault,” jabbered Eugene from another side.

      “And don’t stop on the half-way, turn around immediately,” added Victor getting ready to the next “start” after me.

      “So, did you get it? When I count “three”, push off! And go ahead!” reminded Stas.

      Briefly saying, after I have heard all the advices of the “experienced” guys, I climbed on the cross-linked hands of the guys and got ready to the jump, holding by their shoulders so that not to fall down. Swinging me in the water up and down, the guys started to count all together, “One! Two! Three-e-e!”

      With these words they have thrown me so high and so far to the sea that it took my breath away. Frankly speaking, such a distance flight was so unexpected by me that I was a little bit scared and at first forgot all the advices including the one that I should turn around right at once. But then when I realized it and tried to undertake something, it was too late, I stroke my body against the water like a midge against a glass. I have not only a pain in my belly because of this stroke against the water surface (it ached as if it was burnt by the fire) and sinking to the cold water took my breath away, as with all these evident signs of the “sea” panic, fear and “burnt” belly I had to swim big distance to the shallow water.

      “So how was it?” Tatyana merrily asked me. She was first to meet me on the way back.

      “Nothing good,” I answered. “It seems to me that I was thrown like a little frog into the water which landed on his belly with protruding eyes.”

      I looked at my belly. It was all red after such a “happy” landing, or to say it more precise, water-landing.

      “Not bad!” uttered Tatyana with sympathy after she had seen the injured area on my body. “How come! Does it ache?!”

      “Of course! It burns…”

      Meanwhile Nikolai Andreevich came close to us. And looking at me, he was sorry about me, “Oh dear, girls why don’t you take care?! I can understand when the guys have gone crazy, but why do you need it?!”

      “Who knew that it might happen like this?” I shrugged my shoulders. “I have not thought that the may be so…”

      “Right, everything is learnt by your own experience,” grinned our psychotherapist. “The water has its surface tension. Jumping from the big height without knowing a certain technique of water entering, you may even get smashed. It’s not a joke!”

      Ruslan, who stood not far from us and listened to the “teachings” of Nikolai Andreevich, asked with confused air, “How can one get smashed against the water?”

      “Easily!” Nikolai Andreevich confirmed.

      And turning towards me, he said which ointment I should use in order to remove pain and where the first-aid set was.

      Me and Tatyana went to look for the first-aid set. When we finished with our “medic aid” and were returning to the beach, we met already Ruslan who hobbled with red belly going the same way like me and Tatyana not for so long, to take the first-aid set. He happened not to believe to Nikolai Andreevich and my sad experience and decided to jump in a “frog” style taking start from the “jumping-off place” arranged by Eugene and Stas. So he jumped in a way that he not only stroke with his belly but even managed to hurt his leg. So me and Tatyana again went beck to render first aid help to this misfortuned victim of his test experiments. After the injury of Ruslan, Sensei and Nikolai Andreevich just drove out all the guys to the beach, for non-observing the safety rules on the water. Sensei even hold all of us in a joking manner the whole lecture on the proper behaviour on the water.

* * *

      The guys unwillingly parted with the sea and putting on their rugs on the beach in a scattered way, and started to take sun bath having rest after active swimming. However less than in ten minutes of this total “seal-rookery” Volodya dragged his rug closer to Sensei who was acquired a tan near Nikolai Andreevich and reminded him, “Sensei, you promised to tell us about secret societies.”

      “Yes, indeed!” supported him Victor who was not far from them and also dragged his rug closer to Sensei.

      They were at once followed by Eugene and Stas who pushed away Volodya and Victor and got to the center like piglets to the thick of their congeners, together with their rugs. All the others quickly joined them. As a result of such mass movement of rugs everybody crowded around Sensei.

      “Sensei, please tell us!” the guys backed up.

      “Well, if I have promised, then listen carefully…” uttered Sensei friendly and thinking about something for a while he started his story. “In order to understand the goal of secret societies, which knowledge and methods they use, we should go deep into the sources of confrontation between Good and Evil. In East from ancient times people believe that the main center of opposition to the Evil and dark forces on Earth is Shambala, which is a firstprimary source of knowledge and huge spiritual power. But I would like to notice that though Shambala possesses all these features, in general it’s neutral relative to the human society, giving people pure knowledge and full right to make their own choice between the forces of Good and Evil. That’s why spiritual knowledge of Shambala is spreaded in the human society and the Evil is opposed as a rule by people themselves who are on the spiritual way.

      “Of СКАЧАТЬ