Sensei of Shambala. Book II. Anastasia Novykh
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Название: Sensei of Shambala. Book II

Автор: Anastasia Novykh


Жанр: Эзотерика

Серия: Sensei of Shambala

isbn: 978-966-2296-11-2


СКАЧАТЬ another person and will impact considerable growth and acceleration of your energy potential.

      “So, when you concentrate mentally, certain spin structures arise in labile spin system, that is in your brain, and they duplicate the spacial frequency structure of the formed image. This information, in its turn, will be transmitted not only to the body as a whole, but to the surrounding space and it interacts this way with photons, that is with quanta of electromagnetic emission. At certain conditions, and namely with personal force and precise concentration of thoughts, it comes to an effect which lets you afterwards drastically diminish your weight. And further it’s a matter of techiques. Just take into account that the more power you will give to your generator of stable thought, the longer the effect of levitation will dure. It’s simple physics and there is nothing difficult or extraordinary in it…”

      The guys tried to listen attentively to each word of Sensei. I didn’t grasp even a half of what he said and just tried to remember his words writing them down in my mind so that to put them word by word to my diary. And Nikolai Andreevich was just chap-fallen after he had heard all of that and he had such an air as if he were a first-year student listening to someone presenting at least a PhD thesis.

      “That is, everything depends on your internal will-power. Because this power is enormous. In ancient times, for example, people were able to lift up in the air such huge devices as ‘vimans’ just due to their will-power, that is by the psychic energy of concentrated thought, not saying about their own bodies. The ancients were able to lift up and to move hundreds of tons. Why did they manage to do it? Because these people possessed the discipline of their mind… The main thing is the concentration on the desired result, only then the psychic energy will be accumulated. There should be only one final goal, precise and clear. You should feel and imagine the whole process in reality…

      Ruslan looked determined and goal-seeking during an explanation by Sensei. The guy seemed to burn with the desire to put the words into practice immediately.

      “Sensei, does it take long to learn it?” Ruslan jabbered with enthusiasm.

      “Well, if to speak seriously, it takes of course some time to learn levitation for hours. But levitation for a few seconds can be practiced by almost every beginner.”

      “Wow!” Ruslan said with admiration. “May I try it right now?”

      “Why not? Everything is possible if you wish it strongly.”

      “But how? What should I do?” Ruslan inquired hastily.

      “Well, in this case, it is very important to master a quick start at the beginning stage. I won’t promise you a long levitation first time, but a minute or so of free flight is quite real. You are unlikely to be able to stand more. At least after getting over the critical point you will be able to run a few seconds on the water.”

      “Really? On its surface?” Ruslan exclaimed with joy.

      “Of course… It’s very important to consider the speed and the impulse force of a push…”

      At these words I recalled about pond-skaters, how quickly and easily these insects slide on the water surface. I recollected zoology lessons and thought, “If to take into account the small weight and the film of surface tension of water, so maybe this process is quite possible.”

      Our group became agitated. Ruslan prepared to start towards the sea with concentrated air and listened carefully to Sensei. Other guys observed this process with interest. Eugene and Stas started to give hints to Ruslan how to make a good start. Andrew and Kostya expressed their desire to be next participants of this experiment. I and Tatyana looked already with envy at ‘lucky’ Ruslan who will be the first among our group to levitate in the air.

      At this moment Kostya asked Sensei with all his enthusiasm, “Maybe I can try it instead of Ruslan, to make this experiment pure. I have two kilos less than he.”

      “Two kilos less, two kilos less”, – Ruslan teased him. “The one who asked first, will levitate first! Take your turn.”

      “There is no difference,” Kostya waved with his hand. “Sensei, maybe we will levitate together with him? In case if he is unable to do it the right way?”

      “We will see who will be unable to do it the right way!” Ruslan protested. “Go away, man, you only disturb my concentration…”

      Sensei only smiled at such a boyish fervor and continued his instructions, “Why are you getting so anxious, guys? Everybody will have enough time to try it, if you wish. I repeat once again, the most important thing is to take a good start…”

      “Will I feel something during it… physically?” Ruslan asked zealously looking sideways at Kostya who tried to join him.

      “For sure. You will have certain feelings. When you take off, for example, you will have a sharp change of pulse frequency. It will increase up to forty units. The coherence of wave processes in your brain will also change. At take-off first your breathing will be fully stopped, and then its pattern will change. In general, don’t worry about the range of your sensations. Be sure that its complete set is already guaranteed for you. The main thing for you now is to take a good start. Did you understand?”

      Ruslan stood fully strained, so to say, on the alert.

      “I see, I see,” he reported. “What should I do next? How can I take off the land?”

      Sensei replied, “Oh, don’t worry about that, you will take off for sure. The main thing is to take a very good start. Look, you should have no outside thoughts in your head. The main thing is your goal. Your goal is flight.”

      “I see, I see! Well, the goal is set up. No thoughts. What should I do next?”

      “Next,” uttered Sensei, “you run up and… hit Volodya to the back.”

      With there words he pointed at our military man. The last one was right bent over and washed the dishes at the sea coast. Well, Volodya stood in the good ‘start position’ for the ‘initial take-off’ of Ruslan.

      “And that’s all! The following levitation is guaranteed for you.”

      A silence reigned. The guys glanced amazed at our military man Volodya and then back to Sensei and tried to figure out what had happened. But this silent scene frozen in time didn’t dure long. The first one who grasped what Sensei said was Nikolai Andreevich. He burst out laughing so loud until he cried. The other guys started to get it a bit later. But when even I ‘saw the light’ the whole sea coast was shaken with loud laughter of our group and ‘kind mutual concessions’ of Ruslan and Kostya of the right on the first ‘flight’. Even our guys on duty turned to us on hearing our roars of laughter and hurried on to join us with half-washed pans. Dying from curiosity they tried for ten minutes to pump out of our laughing group what actually had happened there.

      After that the guys calmed down a bit and most of them ran to swim, experiencing in jest a ‘new method of levitation’ at each other. Only then Nikolai Andreevich returned to the conversation with Igor Mikhailovich he was so interested in which was interrupted so unmannerly by the stupid curiosity of Ruslan.

      “I cant’t get it, first of all, who could tell this knowledge to the ancients and second how were able those ancient tribes understand this science by their primitive mind?”

      “The thing is that those tribes weren’t primitive. They were survived descendants of the Atlants’ civilization. Their mind wasn’t primitive as you think. It was the same like ours. As during all this time the human brain СКАЧАТЬ