Inspector Stoddart's Most Famous Cases. Annie Haynes
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Название: Inspector Stoddart's Most Famous Cases

Автор: Annie Haynes

Издательство: Bookwire

Жанр: Книги для детей: прочее


isbn: 9788027219544


СКАЧАТЬ time before answering. For a minute he did not recognize the fashionably dressed young woman who had stopped him.

      "Good morning, Miss Houlton," he said at last. "Really, I hardly knew you!"

      "Rather gauche, isn't it, to tell me that?" the girl rejoined, but the bewildering smile she bestowed upon him undid the effect of her words. "I suppose you would like to say that 'fine feathers make fine birds,'" she went on.

      "I hope I'm not so gauche as that," laughed Wilton, though the words rather aptly expressed his thoughts.

      The contrast between the quiet little secretary and the elaborately got-up girl before him was even more marked than it had been at the inquest. For Miss Houlton had discarded her black garments.

      She wore to-day a frock of delphinium blue. Wilton reflected that very little stuff had obviously gone to the making of it. It was extremely short. Even standing, her knees in their mastic coloured stockings were plainly to be seen. There was a large expanse of neck visible, and her string of pearls looked quite as good as those Sir Felix had given to Hilary, to Wilton's inexperienced, masculine eyes. He had rather liked Iris Houlton when she was Dr. Bastow's secretary. As the doctor's assistant he had naturally seen a good deal of her work, which was admirable. And, though his love was given to Hilary, like most men he was not indifferent to a good-looking girl's partiality for himself.

      He had been genuinely pleased to hear of the good fortune that had befallen her, though when she had left Dr. Bastow's subsequent events had driven the recollection of her and her affairs from his mind. For Hilary and Fee had made the great plunge. They were staying with friends until Rose Cottage was quite ready for them, and Miss Lavinia had escorted such of their furniture and belongings as they had decided to keep down to Heathcote.

      Wilton himself was staying on for a short time with Dr. Bastow's successor, to introduce him to the practice, and then he meant to take a brief holiday before looking out for, another job.

      So much, apparently, Iris Houlton knew. After a pause she proceeded:

      "I heard the other day of something that might suit you. A friend of mine, the one who got me the engagement with Dr. Bastow, wrote to ask if I knew of any young doctor who would go as assistant to an old man in a suburb—assistant first, with a view to becoming partner. I thought it might suit you.''

      "It would suit me right enough," Wilton said moodily. "But, though I might go as assistant, I should never be able to become a partner, for that, I conclude, means putting money into the affair. And I have none, and no chance of any, except what I can get by the work of my two hands," spreading out the members in question.

      "But my friend didn't say anything about money," said Iris, wrinkling up her brows. "I don't believe any will be wanted."

      "The job will be a rather unique job, then, and your old man will be rather a unique old man," returned Wilton. "Where does he hang out, by the way?"

      "Oh, Hammersmith, I think, or was it Hendon? I am sure it began with an 'h.' You see I don't know him myself, only through my friend. I will let you know. But stay? was it Hounslow? I believe it was!"

      Wilton could not forbear a smile.

      "Rather vague, isn't it? Perhaps it may turn out to be Halifax!"

      "There! now you are making fun of me!" Iris pouted. "I can't help having a bad memory. I tell you what, Mr. Wilton, my flat is quite near Hawksview Mansions. Come in with me now and I will show you the letter with all the particulars, and give you some tea too."

      "You are very kind!"

      Wilton hesitated. Some instinct seemed to hold him back; but he brushed it aside. He had always got on with Iris Houlton. There was no reason why he should not accept her invitation now.

      "I shall be delighted," he ended at last. "But you don't know what you are letting yourself in for, Miss Houlton. I have been walking it seems to me for hours, and you behold a very hungry man. I shall devour your substance unconscionably, I'm afraid."

      "Good gracious! Please come at once!" Iris laughed. "My maid makes delicious sandwiches. And don't they say it is ill talking on an empty stomach?"

      "I believe I have heard something of the kind," Wilton said as he turned with her.

      Hawksview Mansions were close at hand. As they waited for the lift Wilton could not help marvelling at the extraordinary change that had come over his companion's circumstances. It was evident to the most casual observer that the flat must be a very expensive one. The locality, the lift, the porter, alike emphasized the fact, which was rendered more certain when the door of Iris Houlton's own apartment was opened by a smart, spic-and-span maid.

      "Tea, as soon as you can, Downes, please," Iris said as she turned into the drawing-room. "And plenty of sandwiches! Now, Mr. Wilton, I am terribly house-proud. What do you think of my abode?"

      "I think it perfectly charming," Wilton replied truthfully as he glanced round. He had rarely seen a more restful-looking room. The walls were of a pale grey, the lines unbroken, save that over the high, black mantelpiece there hung a watercolour seascape, a gem in its way, signed by a famous artist, and that between the two windows which were curtained with grey damask, exactly the colour of the walls, there was a long strip of tapestry in wonderful old colours, faded now. The middle of the floor was covered by an Aubusson rug, the predominant colour of which was a subdued rose. There was not much furniture. A couple of wide, deep arm-chairs stood one on each side of the fireplace, in which, springlike as was the weather, there burned a small clear fire.

      Further back there was a luxurious-looking Chesterfield, and against the wall there was a pair of spindle-legged, straight-backed chairs, quite evidently more for ornament than for use. A copper bowl on a small, solid-looking table held a wealth of roses, deepest damask, pink La France, glowing orange-golden William Alan Richardson. The rich damask of the chairs and cushions matched the curtains, and the only ornaments were of white china.

      There was one curious omission, there were neither books nor papers about. The only sign of any occupation in which Miss Houlton could possibly indulge was an untidy pile of needlework thrust almost entirely out of sight behind one of the cushions of the Chesterfield.

      Wilton's masculine eyes were not experienced enough to recognize a partly made jumper.

      Iris drew one of the inviting looking chairs forward.

      "You look fagged to death, Mr. Wilton. Now, just put yourself back in that and don't talk until the tea comes."

      Wilton felt no desire to be disobedient. He had not realized how tired he was until he laid his head back against the cool-looking damask.

      Iris sat down opposite, crossing her slim legs in their silk stockings. She threw aside her hat and Wilton could not help admiring the shape of her small head. Her hair was shingled, and waved round her temples in tiny, bewitching curls.

      They had not long to wait. The maid brought in a huge copper tray on a tripod and placed it beside Iris. It contained a dainty tea equippage, a plate of cakes, a large dish of sandwiches, another of fruit, and a jug of golden cream.

      When she had departed, Iris brought up a small table. Wilton noticed with satisfaction that it was not one of the gimcrack ones, usually associated with women's rooms, but stood firmly on straight wooden legs.

      "No, no! sit still! I know how tired you used to get in the old days at Dr. Bastow's," she said, giving him a little СКАЧАТЬ