MARTHA FINLEY Ultimate Collection – 35+ Novels in One Volume (Including The Complete Elsie Dinsmore Series & Mildred Keith Collection). Finley Martha
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СКАЧАТЬ Walter" might come in.

      "Walter?" cried Elsie, starting up. "Yes, indeed!"

      She had scarcely spoken the words before he was there beside her, shaking hands, and kissing her, saying with a gay boyish laugh, "I suppose your uncle has a right?"

      "Yes, certainly; though I don't know when, he ever claimed it before. But oh, how glad I am to gee you! and how you've grown and improved. Sit down, do. There's an easy-chair.

      "Excuse my not getting up; papa bade me lie and rest for an hour."

      "Thanks, yes; and I know you always obey orders. And so you're on the sick list? what's the matter?"

      An expression of pain crossed her features and the color faded from her cheek. "I have been ailing a little," she said, "but am better now. How is Arthur?"

      "H'm! well enough physically, but—in horrible disgrace with papa. You've no idea, Elsie, to what an extent that Tom Jackson has fleeced him. He's over head and ears in debt, and my father's furious. He has put the whole matter into Horace's hands for settlement. Did he tell you about it?"

      "No, he only said he expected to go to Princeton to-morrow to attend to some business. He would have gone sooner, but didn't like to leave me."

      "Careful of you as ever! that's right. I say, Elsie, I think Horace has very sensible ideas about matters and things."

      "Do you? I own I think so myself," she answered with a quiet smile.

      "Yes; you see Arthur is in debt some thousands, a good share of it what they call debts of honor. Papa had some doubt as to whether they ought to be paid, and asked Horace what was his opinion. Adelaide wrote me the whole story, you see. Here, I'll give it to you in his exact words, as she reports them," he added, taking a letter from his pocket and reading aloud, "'Father, don't think of such a thing! Why, surely it would be encouraging gambling, which is a ruinous vice; and paying a man for robbing and cheating. I would, if necessary, part with the last cent to pay an honest debt; but a so-called debt of honor (of dishonor would be more correct) I would not pay if I had more money than I could find other uses for.' And I think he was right. Don't you?" concluded Walter.

      "I think papa is always right."

      "Yes? Well, I was afraid you didn't think he was in regard to that—fellow you met out in Lansdale; I've been wanting to see you to tell you what I know of the scoundrelism of Tom Jackson, and the proof that they are one and the same."

      "Yes, I know, I—I believe it now, Walter, and—But don't let us speak of it again," she faltered, turning deathly pale and almost gasping for breath.

      "I won't; I didn't know you'd mind; I—I'm very sorry," he stammered, looking anxious, and vexed with himself.

      "Never mind; I shall soon learn not to care. Now tell me about Arthur. Will he stay and finish his course?"

      "No; papa says his patience is worn out, and his purse can stand no more such drains as Arthur has put upon it two or three times already. So he is to leave and go home as soon as Horace has settled up his affairs."

      "And you?"

      "I hope to go on and to graduate in another year."

      "Oh, Wal, I'm so glad! so thankful you have'nt followed in poor Arthur's footsteps."

      "He wouldn't let me, Elsie; he actually wouldn't. I know I'm lacking in self-reliance and firmness, and if Art had chosen to lead me wrong, I'm afraid he'd have succeeded. But he says, poor fellow! that it's enough for one to be a disgrace to the family, and has tried to keep me out of temptation. And you can't think how much my correspondence with you has helped to keep me straight. Your letters always did me so much good."

      "Oh, thank you for telling me that!" she cried, with bright, glad tears glistening in her eyes.

      "No, 'tis I that owe thanks to you," he said, looking down meditatively at the carpet and twirling his watch-key between his finger and thumb.

      "Poor Art! this ought to have been his last year, and doubtless would if he had only kept out of bad company."

      "Ah, Wal, I hope that you will never forget that 'evil communications corrupt good manners.'"

      "I hope not, Elsie. I wish you could stay and attend our commencement. What do you say? Can't you? It comes off in about a fortnight."

      "No, Wal. I'm longing to get away, and papa has engaged our passage in the next steamer. But perhaps we may return in time to see you graduate next year."

      "What, in such haste to leave America! I'm afraid you're losing your patriotism," he said playfully.

      "Ah, it is no want of love for my dear native land that makes me impatient to be gone!" she answered half sadly.

      "And are you really to be gone a year?"

      "So papa intends, but of course everything in this world is uncertain."

      "I shall look anxiously for my European letters, and expect them to be very interesting."

      "I'll do my best, Wal," she said languidly, "but I don't feel, just now, as if I could ever write anything worth reading."

      "I think I never saw you so blue," he said in a lively, jesting tone. "I must tell you of the fun we fellows have, and if it doesn't make you wish yourself one of us—Well," and he launched out into an animated description of various practical jokes played off by the students upon their professors or on each other.

      He succeeded at length in coaxing some of the old brightness into the sweet face, and Mr. and Mrs. Dinsmore, mounting the stairs on their return from their walk, exchanged glances of delighted surprise at the sound of a silvery laugh which had not greeted their ears for days.

      Walter received a hearty welcome from both. His visit, though necessarily short, was of real service to Elsie, doing much to rouse her out of herself and her grief; thus beginning the cure which time and change of scene—dulling the keen edge of sorrow and disappointment, and giving pleasant occupation to her thoughts—would at length carry on to completion.

      Chapter XXIII

       Table of Contents

      "The shaken tree grows firmer at the roots;

       So love grows firmer for some blasts of doubt."

      It was two years or more since the Oaks had suffered the temporary loss of its master and mistress, yet they had not returned; they still lingered on foreign shores, and Mrs. Murray, who had been left at the head of household affairs, looked in vain for news of their home-coming.

      She now and then received a short business letter from Mr. Dinsmore or of directions from Rose; or a longer one from the latter or Elsie, giving entertaining bits of travel, etc.; and occasionally Adelaide would ride over from Roselands and delight the old housekeeper's heart by reading aloud a lively gossipy epistle one or the other had addressed to her.

      How charmed and interested were both reader and listener; especially when they came upon one of Rose's graphic accounts of their presentation at court—in СКАЧАТЬ