Автор: Даниэль Дефо
Издательство: Bookwire
Жанр: Документальная литература
isbn: 9788027230846
THAT the Petitioners have Leave by this Court of Admiralty, to interchange Indentures with the Captain General of the Gold Coast, for the Royal African Company, for seven Years Servitude, at any of the Royal African Company's Settlements in Africa, in such Manner as he the said Captain General shall think proper.
On Thursday the 26th Day of April, the Indentures being all drawn out, according to the Grant made to the Petitioners, by the Court held on Friday the 20th of this Instant; each Prisoner was sent for up, signed, sealed and exchanged them in the Presence of
Captain Mungo Herdman, President,
James Phipps, Esq;
Mr. Edward Hyde,
Mr. Charles Fanshaw,
And Mr. John Atkins, Register.
A Copy of the Indenture.
The Indenture of a Person condemned to serve abroad for Pyracy, which, upon the humble Petition of the Pyrates therein mentioned, was most mercifully granted by his Imperial Majesty's Commissioners and Judges appointed to hold a Court of Admiralty, for the Tryal of Pyrates at Cape Corso-Castle, in Africa, upon Condition of serving seven Years, and other Conditions, are as follows, viz.
THIS Indenture made the twenty sixth Day of April, Anno Regni Regis Georgii magnæ Britanniæ, &c. Septimo, Domini, Millessimo, Sepcentessimo viginti duo, between Roger Scot, late of the City of Bristol Mariner, of the one Part, and the Royal African Company of England, their Captain General and Commander in Chief, for the Time being, on the other Part, Witnesseth, that the said Roger Scot, doth hereby covenant, and agree to, and with, the said Royal African Company, their Captain General, and Commander in chief for the Time being, to serve him, or his lawful Successors, in any of the Royal African Company's Settlements on the Coast of Africa, from the Day of the Date of these Presents, to the full Term of seven Years, from hence next ensuing, fully to be complete and ended; there to serve in such Employment, as the said Captain General, or his Successors shall employ him; according to the Custom of the Country in like Kind.
In Consideration whereof, the said Captain General, and Commander in chief doth covenant and agree, to, and with, the said Roger Scot, to find and allow him Meat, Drink, Apparel and Lodging, according to the Custom of the Country.
In witness whereof, the Parties aforesaid, to these Presents, have interchangably put their Hands and Seals, the Day and Year first above written.
Signed, sealed and delivered, in the Presence of us, at Cape Corso-Castle, in Africa, where no stamp'd Paper was to be had.
Mungo Heardman, President, Witnesses.
John Atkins, Register, Witnesses.
In like Manner was drawn out and exchanged the Indentures of
THomas How of Barnstable, in the County of Devon.
Samuel Fletcher of East-Smithfield, London.
John Lane of Lombard-Street, London.
David Littlejohn of Bristol.
John King of Shadwell Parish, London.
Henry Dennis of Bidiford.
Hugh Harris of Corf-Castle, Devonshire.
William Taylor of Bristol.
Thomas Owen of Bristol.
John Mitchel of Shadwell Parish, London.
Joshua Lee of Leverpool.
William Shuren of Wapping Parish, London.
Robert Hartley of Leverpool.
John Griffin of Blackwall, Middlesex.
James Cromby of London, Wapping.
James Greenham of Marshfield, Gloucestershire.
John Horn of St. James's Parish, London.
John Jessop of Wisbich, Cambridgshire.
David Rice of Bristol.
None of which, I hear, are now living, two others, viz. George Wilson and Thomas Oughterlaney, were respited from Execution, till his Majesty's Pleasure should be known; the former dy'd abroad, and the latter came Home, and received his Majesty's Pardon; the Account of the whole stands thus,
Acquitted, | 74 |
Executed, | 52 |
Respited, | 2 |
To Servitude, | 20 |
To the Marshalsea, | 17 |
Kill'd in the Ranger, | 10 |
Kill'd in the Fortune, | 3 |
Dy'd in the Passage to Cape Corso, | 15 |
Dy'd afterwards in the Castle, | 4 |
Negroes in both Ships, | 70 |
Total, | 276 |
I am not ignorant how acceptable the Behaviour and dying Words of Malefactors are to the generallity of our Countrymen, and therefore shall deliver what occurr'd, worthy of Notice, in the Behahaviour of these Criminals.
The first fix that were called to Execution, were Magnes, Moody, Sympson, Sutton, Ashplant, and Hardy; all of them old Standers and notorious Offenders: When they were brought out of the Hold, on the Parade, in order to break off their Fetters, and fit the Halters; none of them, it was observed, appeared the least dejected, unless Sutton, who spoke faint, but it was rather imputed to a Flux that had seiz'd him two or three Days before, than Fear. A Gentleman, who was Surgeon of the Ship, was so charitable at this Time, to offer himself in the room of an Ordinary, and represented to them, as well as he was able, the Heinousness of their Sin, and Necessity which lay on them of Repentance; one particular Part of which ought to be, acknowledging the Justice they had met with. They seem'd heedless for the present, some calling for Water to drink, and others applying to the Soldiers for Caps, but when this Gentleman press'd them for an Answer, they all exclaim'd against the Severity of the Court, and were so harden'd, as to curse, and wish the same Justice might overtake all the Members of it, as had been dealt to them. They were poor Rogues, they said, and so hang'd, while others, no less guilty in another Way, escaped.
When he endeavoured to compose their Minds, exhorting them to dye in Charity СКАЧАТЬ