Taxidermy and Zoological Collecting. W. J. Holland
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Название: Taxidermy and Zoological Collecting

Автор: W. J. Holland

Издательство: Bookwire

Жанр: Языкознание


isbn: 4057664562296


СКАЧАТЬ Animals to kill. Weapon to use. Charge of Weight of Best powder. bullet. distance. Elephant Smooth-bore, 6 drs. Spherical, 30 yds. No. 8. pure zinc. Tiger, bear, elk, deer, sheep, seals, large crocodiles Maynard, 45. 85 grs. 295 grs. 75 " Apes, monkeys, small ruminants, and small carnivora Maynard, 40. 60 " 200 " 50 "

      Recommendations in Regard to Hunting with the Shot-gun.

Animals to kill. Weapon to use. Charge of Charge of shot.
Deer No. 10. 6 drs. 20, No. 8 buckshot.
Fox " 10. 5 " 1–½ oz., No. 00.
Woodchuck " 10. 3 " 1–¼ " " 2.
Squirrel " 12. 3 " 1–½ " " 6.
Chipmunk " 16. 2 " 1 " " 10.
Eagle Duck
Eagle, crane, vulture " 10 or 12. 5 drs. 1–½ " Double 00.
Turkey buzzard " 10 or 12. 4 " 1–¼ " No. 4.
Crow " 12. 3 " 1–¼ " " 6.
Quail " 12. 3 " 1–½ " " 8.
Robin " 12. 2–½ drs. 1 " " 10.
Warbler " 16. 2–½ " 1 " " 12.
Humming-bird " 16, or 2 " 1 oz. dust shot.
Auxiliary, 22.[2]

      Of course it would be easy to recommend a large assortment of different weapons for different purposes, but when it comes to providing an outfit of firearms, I must say I never cared to take care of more than three or four weapons, and I doubt if the average amateur will feel disposed to maintain a small arsenal. In preparing the above tables I have limited the weapons to those I have actually used. For my use, the following constitutes a model collector's outfit of firearms for all purposes in all countries. It is cheap, but first class, not cumbersome, easily cared for in all climates, and equal to every occasion that can arise:

      1 No. 8 double breech-loading smooth-bore, and

      1 Auxiliary barrel, No. 22, for very small birds (price, $12).

      1 Calibre 45–85 Maynard rifle, 1 calibre 40–60 rifle-barrel, and 1 No. 16 shot-barrel, all to fit interchangeably on the same stock. A smaller rifle-barrel might also be added, but it is not really necessary.

      1 Calibre 45–75 7-shot Winchester.

      1 No. 12 breech-loading shot-gun.

      The Winchester is useful for rapid firing at short range, but the Maynard is the weapon to depend upon for perfect accuracy СКАЧАТЬ