The Greatest Murder Mysteries of Mary Elizabeth Braddon. Mary Elizabeth Braddon
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Название: The Greatest Murder Mysteries of Mary Elizabeth Braddon

Автор: Mary Elizabeth Braddon

Издательство: Bookwire

Жанр: Языкознание


isbn: 4057664560124


СКАЧАТЬ been well treated; that — that you had, in short, reason to complain; and that an apology was due to you.”

      “I do not wish for any apology, Lady Audley.”

      “But you are entitled to one,” answered my lady, quietly. “Why, my dear Robert, should we be so ceremonious toward each other? You were very comfortable at Audley; we were very glad to have you there; but, my dear, silly husband must needs take it into his foolish head that it is dangerous for his poor little wife’s peace of mind to have a nephew of eight or nine and twenty smoking his cigars in her boudoir, and, behold! our pleasant little family circle is broken up.”

      Lucy Audley spoke with that peculiar childish vivacity which seemed so natural to her, Robert looking down almost sadly at her bright, animated face.

      “Lady Audley,” he said, “Heaven forbid that either you or I should ever bring grief or dishonor upon my uncle’s generous heart! Better, perhaps, that I should be out of the house — better, perhaps, that I had never entered it!”

      My lady had been looking at the fire while her nephew spoke, but at his last words she lifted her head suddenly, and looked him full in the face with a wondering expression — an earnest, questioning gaze, whose full meaning the young barrister understood.

      “Oh, pray do not be alarmed, Lady Audley,” he said, gravely. “You have no sentimental nonsense, no silly infatuation, borrowed from Balzac or Dumas fils, to fear from me. The benchers of the Inner Temple will tell you that Robert Audley is troubled with none of the epidemics whose outward signs are turn-down collars and Byronic neckties. I say that I wish I had never entered my uncle’s house during the last year; but I say it with a far more solemn meaning than any sentimental one.”

      My lady shrugged her shoulders.

      “If you insist on talking in enigmas, Mr. Audley,” she said, “you must forgive a poor little woman if she declines to answer them.”

      Robert made no reply to this speech.

      “But tell me,” said my lady, with an entire change of tone, “what could have induced you to come up to this dismal place?”



      “Yes; I felt an interest in that bull-necked man, with the dark-red hair and wicked gray eyes. A dangerous man, my lady — a man in whose power I should not like to be.”

      A sudden change came over Lady Audley’s face; the pretty, roseate flush faded out from her cheeks, and left them waxen white, and angry flashes lightened in her blue eyes.

      “What have I done to you, Robert Audley,” she cried, passionately —“what have I done to you that you should hate me so?”

      He answered her very gravely:

      “I had a friend, Lady Audley, whom I loved very dearly, and since I have lost him I fear that my feelings toward other people are strangely embittered.”

      “You mean the Mr. Talboys who went to Australia?”

      “Yes, I mean the Mr. Talboys who I was told set out for Liverpool with the idea of going to Australia.”

      “And you do not believe in his having sailed for Australia?”

      “I do not.”

      “But why not?”

      “Forgive me, Lady Audley, if I decline to answer that question.”

      “As you please,” she said, carelessly.

      “A week after my friend disappeared,” continued Robert, “I posted an advertisement to the Sydney and Melbourne papers, calling upon him if he was in either city when the advertisement appeared, to write and tell me of his whereabouts, and also calling on any one who had met him, either in the colonies or on the voyage out, to give me any information respecting him. George Talboys left Essex, or disappeared from Essex, on the 6th of September last. I ought to receive some answer to this advertisement by the end of this month. To-day is the 27th; the time draws very near.”

      “And if you receive no answer?” asked Lady Audley.

      “If I receive no answer I shall think that my fears have been not unfounded, and I shall do my best to act.”

      “What do you mean by that?”

      “Ah, Lady Audley, you remind me how very powerless I am in this matter. My friend might have been made away with in this very inn, and I might stay here for a twelvemonth, and go away at the last as ignorant of his fate as if I had never crossed the threshold. What do we know of the mysteries that may hang about the houses we enter? If I were to go to-morrow into that commonplace, plebeian, eight-roomed house in which Maria Manning and her husband murdered their guest, I should have no awful prescience of that bygone horror. Foul deeds have been done under the most hospitable roofs; terrible crimes have been committed amid the fairest scenes, and have left no trace upon the spot where they were done. I do not believe in mandrake, or in bloodstains that no time can efface. I believe rather that we may walk unconsciously in an atmosphere of crime, and breathe none the less freely. I believe that we may look into the smiling face of a murderer, and admire its tranquil beauty.”

      My lady laughed at Robert’s earnestness.

      “You seem to have quite a taste for discussing these horrible subjects,” she said, rather scornfully; “you ought to have been a detective police officer.”

      “I sometimes think I should have been a good one.”


      “Because I am patient.”

      “But to return to Mr. George Talboys, whom we lost sight of in your eloquent discussion. What if you receive no answer to your advertisements?”

      “I shall then consider myself justified in concluding my friend is dead.”

      “Yes, and then —?”

      “I shall examine the effects he left at my chambers.”

      “Indeed! and what are they? Coats, waistcoats, varnished boots, and meerschaum pipes, I suppose,” said Lady Audley, laughing.

      “No; letters — letters from his friends, his old schoolfellows, his father, his brother officers.”


      “Letters, too, from his wife.”

      My lady was silent for some few moments, looking thoughtfully at the fire.

      “Have you ever seen any of the letters written by the late Mrs. Talboys?” she asked presently.

      “Never. Poor soul! her letters are not likely to throw much light upon my friend’s fate. I dare say she wrote the usual womanly scrawl. There are very few who write so charming and uncommon a hand as yours, Lady Audley.”

      “Ah, you know my hand, of course.”

      “Yes, I know it very well indeed.”

      My СКАЧАТЬ