The Greatest Works of Earl Derr Biggers (Illustrated Edition). Earl Derr Biggers
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СКАЧАТЬ sought to keep concern from his face, and succeeded. But what next, he wondered. "I am eagerly at attention," he said. "You are my host."

      "I've just invited Miss Morrow to dinner to-night and I need another man. Will you come?"

      "Your requests are high honors, which only an ungrate would refuse. But I am now already in your debt. More is going to embarrass me."

      "Never mind that. I'll expect you at seven thirty—my bungalow on the Kirk Building."

      "Splendid," said Sir Frederic. "We'll have another talk then, Sergeant. My requests are not precisely honors, but I may yet persuade you."

      "The Chinese are funny people," remarked Chan. "They say no, no is what they mean. They say yes, and they are glued to same. With regard to dinner, I say yes, greatly pleased."

      "Good," said Barry Kirk.

      "Where's that reporter?" Sir Frederic asked.

      "He hurried away," Kirk explained. "Anxious to get to his story, I imagine."

      "What story?" asked the Englishman blankly.

      "Why—the story of our luncheon. Your meeting with Sergeant Chan."

      A startled expression crossed the detective's face. "Good lord—you don't mean he's going to put that into print?"

      "Why naturally. I supposed you knew—"

      "I'm afraid I'm woefully ignorant of American customs. I thought that was merely a social function. I didn't dream—"

      "You mean you don't want him to print it?" asked Barry Kirk, surprised.

      Sir Frederic turned quickly to Charlie. "Good-by, Sergeant. This has been a real pleasure. I shall see you tonight—"

      He hastily shook hands with Chan, and dragged the dazed Barry Kirk to the street. There he motioned for a taxi. "What paper was that young scoundrel representing?" he inquired.

      "The Globe," Kirk told him.

      "The Globe office—and quickly, please," Sir Frederic ordered.

      The two got in, and for a moment rode in silence.

      "You are curious, perhaps," said Sir Frederic at last.

      "I hope you won't think it's unnatural of me," smiled Kirk.

      "I know I can rely on your discretion, my boy. I told only a small part of the story of Eve Durand at luncheon, but even that must not reach print just yet. Not here—not now—"

      "Great Scott. Do you mean—"

      "I mean I am near the end of a long trail. Eve Durand was not murdered in India. She ran away. I know why she ran away. I even suspect the peculiar method of her going. More than that—"

      "Yes?" cried Kirk eagerly.

      "More than that I can not tell you at present." The journey was continued in silence, and presently they drew up before the office of the Globe.

      In the city editor's cubby-hole, Bill Rankin was talking exultantly to his chief. "It's going to be a corking good feature," he was saying, when he felt a grip of steel on his arm. Turning, he looked into the face of Sir Frederic Bruce. "Why—why—hello," he stammered.

      "There has been a slight mistake," said the detective.

      "Let me explain," suggested Barry Kirk. He shook hands with the editor and introduced Sir Frederic, who merely nodded, not relaxing his grip on the reporter's paralyzed arm. "Rankin, this is unfortunate," Kirk continued, "but it can't be helped. Sir Frederic is unfamiliar with the ways of the American press, and he did not understand that you were gathering a story at lunch. He thought it a purely social affair. So we have come to ask that you print nothing of the conversation you heard this noon."

      Rankin's face fell. "Not print it? Oh—I say—"

      "We appeal to you both," added Kirk to the editor.

      "My answer must depend on your reason for making the request," said that gentleman.

      "My reason would be respected in England," Sir Frederic told him. "Here, I don't know your custom. But I may tell you that if you print any of that conversation, you will seriously impede the course of justice."

      The editor bowed. "Very well. We shall print nothing without your permission, Sir Frederic," he said.

      "Thank you," replied the detective, releasing Rankin's arm. "That concludes our business here, I fancy." And wheeling, he went out. Having added his own thanks, Kirk followed.

      "Well, of all the rotten luck," cried Rankin, sinking into a chair.

      Sir Frederic strode on across the city room. A cat may look at a king, and Egbert stood staring with interest at the former head of the C.I.D. Just in front of the door, the Englishman paused. It was either that or a collision with Egbert, moving slowly like a dark shadow across his path.

      Chapter III. The Bungalow in the Sky

       Table of Contents

      BARRY KIRK stepped from his living-room through French windows leading into the tiny garden that graced his bungalow in the sky—"my front yard," he called it. He moved over to the rail and stood looking out on a view such as few front yards have ever offered. Twenty stories below lay the alternate glare and gloom of the city; far in the distance the lights of the ferry-boats plodded across the harbor like weary fireflies.

      The stars were bright and clear and amazingly close above his head, but he heard the tolling of the fog bell over by Belvedere, and he knew that the sea mist was drifting in through the Gate. By midnight it would whirl and eddy about his lofty home, shutting him off from the world like a veil of filmy tulle. He loved the fog. Heavy with the scent of distant gardens, salt with the breath of the Pacific, it was the trade-mark of his town.

      He went back inside, closing the window carefully behind him. For a moment he stood looking about his living-room, which wealth and good taste had combined to furnish charmingly. A huge, deep sofa, many comfortable chairs, a half-dozen floor lamps shedding their warm yellow glow, a brisk fire crackling on a wide hearth—no matter how loudly the wind rattled at the casements, here were comfort and good cheer.

      Kirk went on into his dining-room. Paradise was lighting the candles on the big table. The flowers, the snowy linen, the old silver, made a perfect picture, forecasting a perfect dinner. Kirk inspected the ten place cards. He smiled.

      "Everything seems to be O.K.," he said. "It's got to be to-night. Grandmother's coming, and you know what she thinks about a man who lives alone. To hear her tell it, every home needs a woman's touch."

      "We shall disillusion her once again, sir," Paradise remarked.

      "Such is my aim. Not that it will do any good. When she's made up her mind, that's that."

      The door-bell rang, and Paradise moved off with slow, majestic step to answer it. Entering the living-room, Barry Kirk СКАЧАТЬ