Only a Girl's Love. Garvice Charles
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Название: Only a Girl's Love

Автор: Garvice Charles

Издательство: Bookwire

Жанр: Языкознание


isbn: 4057664136749


СКАЧАТЬ woman looked at him with amazement, that increased as glancing round the room she failed to see any poor child, Stella being hidden behind the antique high-backed chair.

      "Poor child, what poor child! You've been dreaming, Mr. Etheridge!"

      "No, no!" he said, meekly; "it's all true, Mrs. Penfold. She has come all the way from Florence without a morsel to eat."

      Stella rose from her ambush.

      "Not all the way from Florence, uncle," she said.

      Mrs. Penfold started and stared at the visitor.

      "Good gracious me!" she exclaimed; "who is it?"

      Mr. Etheridge rubbed his brow.

      "Did I not tell you? It is my niece—my niece Stella. She has come from Italy, and—I wish you'd bring some food. Bring a bottle of the old wine. Sit down and rest, Stella. This is Mrs. Penfold—she is my housekeeper, and a good woman, but,"—he added, without lowering his tone in the slightest, though he was evidently under the idea that he was inaudible—"but rather slow in comprehension."

      Mrs. Penfold came forward, still flushed and excited, and with a smile.

      "Your niece, sir! Not Mr. Harold's daughter that you so often have spoken of! Why, how did you come in, miss?"

      "I found the door open," said Stella.

      "Good gracious me! And dropped from the clouds! And that must have been an hour ago! And you, sir," looking at the bewildered artist reproachfully, "you let the dear young thing sit here with her hat and jacket on all that time, after coming all that way, without sending for me."

      "We didn't want you," said the old man, calmly.

      "Want me! No! But the dear child wanted something to eat, and to rest, and to take her things off. Oh, come with me, miss! All the way from Florence, and Mr. Harold's daughter!"

      "Go with her, Stella," said the old man, "and—and," he added, gently, "don't let her keep you long."

      The infinite tenderness of the last words caused Stella to stop on her way to the door; she came back, and, putting her arms around his neck, kissed him.

      Then she followed Mrs. Penfold up-stairs to her room, the good woman talking the whole while in exclamatory sentences of astonishment.

      "And you are Mr. Harold's daughter. Did you see his portrait over the mantel-shelf, miss? I should have known you by that, now I come to look at you," and she looked with affectionate interest into the beautiful face, as she helped Stella to take off her hat. "Yes, I should have known you, miss, in a moment? And you have come all the way from Italy? Dear me, it is wonderful. And I'm very glad you have, it won't be so lonely for Mr. Etheridge. And is there anything else you want, miss? You must excuse me for bringing you into my own room; I'll have a room ready for you to-night, your own room, and the luggage, miss——"

      Stella smiled and blushed faintly.

      "I have none, Mrs. Penfold. I ran—I left quite suddenly."

      "Dearie me!" murmured Mrs. Penfold, puzzled and sympathetic. "Well, now, it doesn't matter so long as you are here, safe, and sound. And now I'll go and get you something to eat! You can find your way down?"

      "Yes," Stella said. She could find her way down. She stood for a moment looking through the window, her long hair falling in a silky stream down her white shoulders, and the soft, dreamy look came into her eyes.

      "Is it true?" she murmured. "Am I really here at home with someone to love me—someone whom I can love? Or is it only a dream, and shall I wake in the cold bare room and find that I have still to endure the old life? No! It is no dream, it is true!"

      She wound up the long hair and went down to find that Mrs. Penfold had already prepared the table, her uncle standing beside and waiting with gentle impatience for her appearance.

      He started as she entered, with a distinct feeling of renewed surprise; the relief from uncertainty as to her welcome, the kindness of her reception had already refreshed her, and her beauty shone out unclouded by doubt or nervousness.

      The old man's eyes wandered with artistic approval over the graceful form and lovely face, and he was almost in the land of dreams again when Mrs. Penfold roused him by setting a chair at the table, and handing him a cobwebbed bottle and a corkscrew.

      "Miss Stella must be starving, sir!" she said, suggestively.

      "Yes, yes," he assented, and both of them set to work exhorting and encouraging her to eat, as if they feared she might drop under the table with exhaustion unless she could be persuaded to eat of everything on the table.

      Mr. Etheridge seemed to place great faith in the old port as a restorative, and had some difficulty in concealing his disappointment when Stella, after sipping the first glass, declined any more on the score that it was strong.

      At last, but with visible reluctance, he accepted her assertion that she was rescued from any chance of starvation, and Mrs. Penfold cleared the table and left them alone.

      A lamp stood on the table, but the moonbeams poured in through the window, and instinctively Stella drew near the window.

      "What a lovely place it is, uncle!" she said.

      He did not answer, he was watching her musingly, as she leant against the edge of the wall.

      "You must be very happy here."

      "Yes," he murmured, dreamily. "Yes, and you think you will be, Stella."

      "Ah, yes," she answered, in a low voice, and with a low sigh. "Happier than I can say."

      "You will not feel it lonely, shut up with an old man, a dreamer, who has parted with the world and almost forgotten it?"

      "No, no! a thousand times no!" was the reply.

      He wandered to the fireplace and took up his pipe, but with a sudden glance at her laid it down again. Slight as was the action she saw it, and with the graceful, lithe movement which he had noticed, she glided across the room and took up the pipe.

      "You were going to smoke, uncle."

      "No, no," he said, eagerly. "No, a mere habit——"

      She interrupted him with a smile, and filled the pipe for him with her taper little fingers, and gave it to him.

      "You do not want me to wish that I had not come to you uncle?"

      "Heaven forbid!" he said, simply.

      "Then you must not alter anything in your life; you must go on as if I had never dropped from the clouds to be a burden upon you."

      "My child!" he murmured, reproachfully.

      "Or to make you uncomfortable. I could not bear that, uncle."

      "No, no!" he said, "I will alter nothing, Stella; we will be happy, you and I."

      "Very happy," she murmured, softly.

      He СКАЧАТЬ