The Odyssey. Homer
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Название: The Odyssey

Автор: Homer

Издательство: Bookwire

Жанр: Языкознание


isbn: 4057664151704


СКАЧАТЬ material employed by the Asiatic Greeks for that purpose, that this poem was another offspring of Attic ingenuity; and generally that the familiar mention of the cock (v. 191) is a strong argument against so ancient a date for its composition."

      Having thus given a brief account of the poems comprised in Pope's design, I will now proceed to make a few remarks on his translation, and on my own purpose in the present edition.

      Pope was not a Grecian. His whole education had been irregular, and his earliest acquaintance with the poet was through the version of Ogilby. It is not too much to say that his whole work bears the impress of a disposition to be satisfied with the general sense, rather than to dive deeply into the minute and delicate features of language. Hence his whole work is to be looked upon rather as an elegant paraphrase than a translation. There are, to be sure, certain conventional anecdotes, which prove that Pope consulted various friends, whose classical attainments were sounder than his own, during the undertaking; but it is probable that these examinations were the result rather of the contradictory versions already existing, than of a desire to make a perfect transcript of the original. And in those days, what is called literal translation was less cultivated than at present. If something like the general sense could be decorated with the easy gracefulness of a practised poet; if the charms of metrical cadence and a pleasing fluency could be made consistent with a fair interpretation of the poet's meaning, his words were less jealously sought for, and those who could read so good a poem as Pope's Iliad had fair reason to be satisfied.

      It would be absurd, therefore, to test Pope's translation by our own advancing knowledge of the original text. We must be content to look at it as a most delightful work in itself—a work which is as much a part of English literature as Homer himself is of Greek. We must not be torn from our kindly associations with the old Iliad, that once was our most cherished companion, or our most looked-for prize, merely because Buttmann, Loewe, and Liddell have made us so much more accurate as to /amphikipellon/ being an adjective, and not a substantive. Far be it from us to defend the faults of Pope, especially when we think of Chapman's fine, bold, rough old English;—far be it from us to hold up his translation as what a translation of Homer might be. But we can still dismiss Pope's Iliad to the hands of our readers, with the consciousness that they must have read a very great number of books before they have read its fellow.

       Table of Contents

      Christ Church.

       Table of Contents

       Table of Contents

      The poem opens within forty eight days of the arrival of Ulysses in his dominions. He had now remained seven years in the Island of Calypso, when the gods assembled in council, proposed the method of his departure from thence and his return to his native country. For this purpose it is concluded to send Mercury to Calypso, and Pallas immediately descends to Ithaca. She holds a conference with Telemachus, in the shape of Mantes, king of Taphians; in which she advises him to take a journey in quest of his father Ulysses, to Pylos and Sparta, where Nestor and Menelaus yet reigned; then, after having visibly displayed her divinity, disappears. The suitors of Penelope make great entertainments, and riot in her palace till night. Phemius sings to them the return of the Grecians, till Penelope puts a stop to the song. Some words arise between the suitors and Telemachus, who summons the council to meet the day following.

      The man for wisdom's various arts renown'd,

       Long exercised in woes, O Muse! resound;

       Who, when his arms had wrought the destined fall

       Of sacred Troy, and razed her heaven-built wall,

       Wandering from clime to clime, observant stray'd,

       Their manners noted, and their states survey'd,

       On stormy seas unnumber'd toils he bore,

       Safe with his friends to gain his natal shore:

       Vain toils! their impious folly dared to prey

       On herds devoted to the god of day;

       The god vindictive doom'd them never more

       (Ah, men unbless'd!) to touch that natal shore.

       Oh, snatch some portion of these acts from fate,

       Celestial Muse! and to our world relate.

       Now at their native realms the Greeks arrived;

       All who the wars of ten long years survived;

       And 'scaped the perils of the gulfy main.

       Ulysses, sole of all the victor train,

       An exile from his dear paternal coast,

       Deplored his absent queen and empire lost.

       Calypso in her caves constrain'd his stay,

       With sweet, reluctant, amorous delay;

       In vain-for now the circling years disclose

       The day predestined to reward his woes.

       At length his Ithaca is given by fate,

       Where yet new labours his arrival wait;

       At length their rage the hostile powers restrain,

       All but the ruthless monarch of the main.

       But now the god, remote, a heavenly guest,

       In AEthiopia graced the genial feast

       (A race divided, whom with sloping rays

       The rising and descending sun surveys);

       There on the world's extremest verge revered

       With hecatombs and prayer in pomp preferr'd,

       Distant he lay: while in the bright abodes

       Of high Olympus, Jove convened the gods:

       The assembly thus the sire supreme address'd,

       AEgysthus' fate revolving in his breast,

       Whom young Orestes to the dreary coast

       Of Pluto sent, a blood-polluted ghost.

       "Perverse mankind! whose wills, created free,

       Charge all their woes on absolute degree;

       All to the dooming gods their guilt translate,

       And follies are miscall'd the crimes of fate.
