HALLOWEEN Boxed Set: 200+ Horror Classics & Supernatural Mysteries. Джек Лондон
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СКАЧАТЬ 'the illustrious lady placed in my hands security to a third greater amount than she required.'

      'Certainly, certainly, a very proper arrangement, your grace; may I ask the nature of the proffered security?'


      'Highly satisfactory and unexceptionable security; they go into a small space, and do not deteriorate in value.'

      'And if they do,' said the barber, 'deteriorate in value, it would make no difference to you, for the illustrious person's honour will be committed to their redemption.'

      'I don't doubt that, your grace, in the least; I merely made the remark incidentally, quite incidentally.'

      'Of course, of course; and I trust, before going further, that you are quite in a position to enter into this subject.'

      'Certainly I am, and, I am proud to say, to any amount. Show me the money's worth, your grace, and I will show you the money -that's my way of doing business; and no one can say that John Mundel ever shrunk from a matter that was brought fairly before him, and that he considered worth his going into.'

      'It was by hearing such a character of you that I was induced to come to you. What do you think of that?'

      Sweeney Todd took from his pocket, with a careless air, the string of pearls, and cast them down before the eyes of the money-lender, who took them up and ran them rapidly through his fingers for a few seconds before he said, 'I thought there was but one string like this in the kingdom, and that those belonged to the Queen.'

      'Well!' said Sweeney Todd.

      'I humbly beg your grace's pardon. How much money does your grace require on these pearls?'

      'Twelve thousand pounds is their current value, if a sale of them was enforced; eight thousand are required of you on their security.'

      'Eight thousand is a large sum. As a general thing I lend but half the value upon anything; but in this case, to oblige your grace and the illustrious personage, I do not of course hesitate for one moment, but shall for one month lend the required amount.'

      'That will do,' said Sweeney Todd, scarcely concealing the exultation he felt at getting so much more from John Mundel than he expected, and which he certainly would not have got if the money-lender had not been most fully and completely impressed with the idea that the pearls belonged to the Queen, and that he had actually at length majesty itself for a customer.

      He did not suppose for one moment that it was the Queen who wanted the money; but his view of the case was, that she had lent the pearls to this nobleman to meet some exigency of his own, and that of course they would be redeemed very shortly.

      Altogether a more pleasant transaction for John Mundel could not have been imagined. It was just the sort of thing he would have looked out for, and had the greatest satisfaction in bringing to a conclusion, and he considered it was opening the door to the highest class of business in his way that he was capable of doing.

      'In what name, your grace,' he said, 'shall I draw a cheque upon my banker?'

      'In the name of Colonel George.'

      'Certainly, certainly; and if your grace will give me an acknowledgement for £8,000, and please to understand that at the end of a month from this time the transaction will be renewed if necessary, I will give you a cheque for £7,500.'

      'Why £7,500 only, when you mentioned £8,000?'

      'The £500 is my little commission upon the transaction. Your grace will perceive that I appreciate highly the honour of your grace's custom, and consequently charge the lowest possible price. I can assure your grace I could get more for my money by a great deal, but the pleasure of being able to meet your grace's views is so great, that I am willing to make a sacrifice, and therefore it is that I say five hundred, when really I ought to say £1,000, taking into consideration the great scarcity of money at the present juncture; and I can assure your grace that -'

      'Peace, peace,' said Sweeney Todd; 'give me the money, and if it be not convenient to redeem the jewels at the end of a month from this time, you will hear from me most assuredly.'

      'I am quite satisfied of that,' said John Mundel, and he accordingly drew a cheque for £7,500, which he handed to Sweeney Todd, who put it in his pocket, not a little delighted that at last he had got rid of his pearls, even at a price so far beneath their real value.

      'I need scarcely urge upon you, Mr Mundel,' he said, 'the propriety of keeping this affair profoundly secret.'

      'Indeed, you need not, your grace, for it is part of my business to be discreet and cautious. I should very soon have nothing to do in my line, your grace may depend, if I were to talk about it. No, this transaction will for ever remain locked up in my own breast, and no living soul but your grace and I need know what has occurred.'

      With this, John Mundel showed Sweeney Todd to his carriage, with abundance of respect, and in two minutes more he was travelling along towards town with what might be considered a small fortune in his pocket.

      We should have noticed earlier that Sweeney Todd had, upon the occasion of his going to sell the pearls to the lapidary, in the city, made some great alterations in his appearance, so that it was not likely he should be recognised again to a positive certainty. For example, having no whiskers whatever of his own, he had put on a large black pair of false ones, as well as moustachios, and he had given some colour to his cheeks likewise, which had so completely altered his appearance, that those who were most intimate with him would not have known him except by his voice, and that he took great care to alter in his intercourse with John Mundel, so that it should not become a future means of detection.

      'I thought that this would succeed,' he muttered to himself, as he went towards town, 'and I have not been deceived. For three months longer, and only three, I will carry on the business in Fleet Street, so that any sudden alteration in my fortunes may not give rise to suspicion.'

      He was then silent for some minutes, during which he appeared to be revolving some very knotty question in his brain, and then he said, suddenly,-

      'Well, well, as regards Tobias, I think it will be safer, unquestionably, to put him out of the way by taking his life than to try to dispose of him in a madhouse, and I think there are one or two more persons whom it will be highly necessary to prevent being mischievous, at all events at present. I must think - I must think.'

      When such a man as Sweeney Todd set about thinking, there could be no possible doubt but that some serious mischief was meditated, and anyone who could have watched his face during that ride home from the money-lender's would have seen by its expression that the thoughts which agitated him were of a dark and a desperate character, and such as anybody but himself would have shrunk from, aghast.

      But he was not a man to shrink from anything, and, on the contrary, the more a set of circumstances presented themselves in a gloomy and a terrific aspect, the better they seemed to suit him, and the peculiar constitution of his mind.

      There can be no doubt but that the love of money was the predominant feeling in Sweeney Todd's intellectual organisation and that, by the amount it would bring him, or the amount it would deprive him of, he measured everything.

      With such a man, then, no question of morality or ordinary feeling could arise, and there can be no doubt but that he would quite willingly have sacrificed the whole human race, if, by doing so, he could have achieved any of the objects of his ambition.

      And СКАЧАТЬ