HALLOWEEN Boxed Set: 200+ Horror Classics & Supernatural Mysteries. Джек Лондон
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СКАЧАТЬ it had lost much of its novelty, and was by no means a dangerous weapon.

      They rushed on, despite the heavy blows showered by Sweeney, and he was compelled to give way stair after stair.

      The head of the mop came off, and then there remained but the handle, which formed an efficient weapon, and which made fearful havoc of the heads of the assailants; and despite all that their slouched hats could do in the way of protecting them, yet the staff came with a crushing effect.

      The best fight in the world cannot last for ever; and Sweeney again found numbers were not to be resisted for long; indeed, he could not have physical energy enough to sustain his own efforts, supposing he had received no blows in return.

      He turned and fled as he was forced back to the landing, and then came to the next stair-head, and again he made a desperate stand.

      This went on for stair after stair, and continued for more than two or three hours.

      There were moments of cessation when they all stood still and looked at each other.

      'Fire upon him!' said one.

      'No, no; we shall have the authorities down upon us, and then all will go wrong.'

      'I think we had much better have let it alone in the first place, as he was in, for you may be sure this won't make him keep a secret; we shall all be split upon as sure as fate.'

      'Well, then, rush upon him and down with him. Never let him out! On to him! Hurrah!'

      Away they went, but they were resolutely met by the staff of Sweeney Todd, who had gained new strength by the short rest he had had.

      'Down with the spy!'

      This was shouted out by the men, but as each of them approached, they were struck down, and at length finding himself on the second floor landing, and being fearful that someone was descending from above, he rushed into one of the inner rooms.

      In an instant he had locked the doors, which were strong and powerful.

      'Now,' he muttered, 'for means to escape.'

      He waited a moment to wipe the sweat from his brow, and then he crossed the floor to the windows, which were open.

      They were the old-fashion bag-windows, with the heavy ornamental work which some houses possessed, and overhung the low doorways, and protected them from the weather.

      'This will do,' he said, as he looked down to the pavement - 'this will do. I will try this descent, if I fall.'

      The people on the other side of the door were exerting all their force to break it open, and it had already given one or two ominous creaks, and a few minutes more would probably let them into the room.

      The streets were clear - no human being was moving about, and there were faint signs of the approach of morning. He paused a moment to inhale the fresh air, and then he got outside of the window.

      By means of the sound oaken ornaments, he contrived to get down to the drawing-room balcony, and then he soon got down into the street.

      As he walked away, he could hear the crash of the door, and a slight cheer, as they entered the room; and he could imagine to himself the appearance of the faces of those who entered, when they found the bird had flown, and the room was empty.

      Sweeney Todd had not far to go; he soon turned into Fleet Street, and made for his own house. He looked about him, but there was none near him; he was tired and exhausted, and right glad was he when he found himself at his own door.

      Then stealthily he put the key into the door, and slowly entered his house.

      IX. Johanna At Home, and the Resolution

       Table of Contents

      Johanna Oakley would not allow Colonel Jeffery to accompany her all the way home, and he, appreciating the scruples of the young girl, did not press his attention on her, but left her at the corner of Fore-street, after getting a half promise that she would meet him again on that day week, at the same hour, in the Temple-gardens.

      'I ask this of you, Johanna Oakley,' he said, 'because I have resolved to make all the exertion in my power to discover what has become of Mr Thornhill, in whose fate I am sure I have succeeded in interesting you, although you care so little for the string of pearls, which he has in trust for you.'

      'I do, indeed, care little for them,' said Johanna, 'so little, that it might be said to amount to nothing.'

      'But still they are yours, and you ought to have the option of disposing of them as you please. It is not well to despise such gifts of fortune; for if you can yourself do nothing with them, there are surely some others whom you may know, upon whom they would bestow great happiness.'

      'A string of pearls, great happiness?' said Johanna, enquiringly.

      'Your mind is so occupied by your grief that you quite forget such strings are of great value. I have seen those pearls, Johanna, and can assure you that they are in themselves a fortune.'

      'I suppose,' she said sadly, 'it is too much for human nature to expect two blessings at once. I had the fond, warm heart that loved me without the fortune, that would have enabled us to live in comfort and affluence; and now, when that is perchance within my grasp, the heart that was by far the most costly possession, and the richest jewel of them all, lies beneath the wave, with its bright influences, and its glorious and romantic aspirations, quenched for ever.'

      'You will meet me, then, as I request of you, to hear if I have any news for you?'

      'I will endeavour to do so. I have all the will; but Heaven knows if I may have the power.'

      'What mean you, Johanna?'

      'I cannot tell what a week's anxiety may do; I know not but that a sick bed may be my resting-place, until I exchange it for the tomb. I feel even now my strength fail me, and I am scarcely able to totter to my home. Farewell, sir! I owe you my best thanks, as well for the trouble you have taken, as for the kindly manner in which you have detailed to me what has passed.'

      'Remember!' said Colonel Jeffery, 'that I bid you adieu, with the hope of meeting you again.'

      It was thus they parted, and Johanna proceeded to her father's house. Who now that had met her and chanced not to see that sweet face, which could never be forgotten, would have supposed her to be the once gay and sprightly Johanna Oakley? Her steps were sad and solemn, and all the juvenile elasticity of her frame seemed to be gone. She seemed like one prepared for death; and she hoped that she would be able to glide, silently and unobserved, to her own little bedchamber - that chamber where she had slept since she was a little child, and on the little couch, on which she had so often laid down to sleep, that holy and calm slumber, which such hearts as hers can only know. But she was doomed to be disappointed, for the Rev Mr Lupin was still there, and as Mrs Oakley had placed before that pious individual a great assortment of creature comforts, and among the rest some mulled wine, which seemed particularly to agree with him, he showed no disposition to depart. It unfortunately happened that this wine of which the reverend gentleman partook with such a holy relish, was kept in a cellar, and Mrs Oakley had had occasion twice to go down to procure a fresh supply, СКАЧАТЬ