The Doctor's Wife (Romance Classic). Mary Elizabeth Braddon
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Название: The Doctor's Wife (Romance Classic)

Автор: Mary Elizabeth Braddon

Издательство: Bookwire

Жанр: Языкознание


isbn: 4057664560070


СКАЧАТЬ man as had got a little bit o’ land and cottage, and everything comfortable, and it wasn’t the young creetur herself that was in favour o’ marryin’ him; but it was her friends that worried and bothered her till she said yes. She was a poor foolish young thing, that didn’t seem to have the strength to say no. And I was at Joe Tillet’s weddin’,—his name was Joe Tillet,—and I see the pretty young creetur standin’, like as I saw Miss Sleaford to-night, close alongside her husband while he was talkin’, and lookin’ prettier nor ever in her straw bonnet and white ribands; but her eyes seemed to fix themselves on somethin’ far away like; and when her husband turned of a sudden and spoke to her, she started, like as if she was waked out of a dream. I never forgot that look o’ hearn, Master Jarge; and I saw the same kind o’ look to-night.”

      “What nonsense you’re talking, Jeff!” George answered, with considerable impatience. “I dare say your friend and his wife were very happy?”

      “No, Master Jarge, they wasn’t. And that’s just the very thing that makes me remember the pretty young creetur’s look that summer’s day, as she stood, dresssed out in her wedding-clothes, by her loving husband’s side. He was very fond of her, and for a good two year or so he seemed very happy, and was allus tellin’ his friends he’d got the best wife in the three Ridin’s, and the quietest and most industrious; but she seemed to pine like; and by-and-by there was a young soldier came home that had been to the Indies, and that was her first cousin, and had lived neighbours with her family when she was a bit of a girl. I won’t tell you the story, Master Jarge; for it isn’t the pleasantest kind o’ thing to tell, nor yet to hear; but the end of it was, my poor mate Joe was found one summer’s morning—just such a day as that when he was married—hanging dead behind the door of one of his barns; and as for the poor wretched young creetur as had caused his death, nobody ever knew what came of her. And yet,” concluded Mr. Jeffson, in a meditative tone, “I’ve heard that poor chap Joe tell me so confident that his wife would get to love him dearly by-and-by, because he loved her so true and dear.”

      George Gilbert, made no answer to all this. He rode on slowly, with his head drooping. The Yorkshireman kept an anxious watch upon his master; he could not see the expression of the young man’s face, but he could see by his attitude that the story of Joseph Tillet’s misadventure had not been without a depressing influence upon him.

      “Si’thee noo. Master Jarge,” said William Jeffson, laying his hand upon the surgeon’s wrist, and speaking in a voice that was almost solemn, “marryin’ a pretty girl seems no more than gatherin’ a wild rose out of the hedge to some men, they do it so light and careless-like,—just because the flower looks pretty where it’s growin’. I’d known my Tilly six year before I asked her to be my wife, Master Jarge; and it was only because she’d been true and faithful to me all that time, and because I’d never, look at her when I might, seen anything but love in her face, that I ventured at last to say to mysen, ‘William Jeffson, there’s a lass that’ll make thee a true wife.’ Doan’t be in a hurry, Master Jarge; doan’t! Take the advice of a poor ignorant chap as has one great advantage over all your learnin’, for he’s lived double your time in the world. Doan’t be in a hurry. If Miss Sleaford loves ye true to-night, she’ll love ye ten times truer this night twelvemonths, and truer still this time ten years. If she doan’t love you, Master Jarge, keep clear of her as you would of a venomous serpent; for she’ll bring you worse harm than ever that could do, if it stung you to the heart, and made an end of you at once. I see Joe Tillet lyin’ dead after the inquest that was held upon him, Master Jarge; and the thought that the poor desperate creeter had killed hisself warn’t so bad to me as the sight of the suffering on his poor dead face,—the suffering that he’d borne nigh upon two year, Master Jarge, and had held his tongue about.”

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