The Doctor's Wife (Romance Classic). Mary Elizabeth Braddon
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Название: The Doctor's Wife (Romance Classic)

Автор: Mary Elizabeth Braddon

Издательство: Bookwire

Жанр: Языкознание


isbn: 4057664560070



       Mary Elizabeth Braddon

      The Doctor's Wife

      (Romance Classic)

      Published by


      - Advanced Digital Solutions & High-Quality eBook Formatting -

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      2019 OK Publishing

      EAN 4057664560070

      Table of Contents

       Chapter 1. A Young Man from the Country.

       Chapter 2. A Sensation Author.

       Chapter 3. Isabel.

       Chapter 4. The End of George Gilbert’s Holiday.

       Chapter 5. George at Home.

       Chapter 6. Too Much Alone.

       Chapter 7. On the Bridge.

       Chapter 8. About Poor Joe Tillet’s Young Wife.

       Chapter 9. Miss Sleaford’s Engagement.

       Chapter 10. A Bad Beginning.

       Chapter 11. “She Only Said, ‘My Life is Weary!’”

       Chapter 12. Something like A Birthday.

       Chapter 13. “Oh, My Cousin, Shallow-hearted!”

       Chapter 14. Under Lord Thurston’s Oak.

       Chapter 15. Roland Says, “Amen.”

       Chapter 16. Mr. Lansdell Relates an Adventure.

       Chapter 17. The First Warning.

       Chapter 18. The Second Warning.

       Chapter 19. What Might have Been!

       Chapter 20. “Oceans Should Divide Us.”

       Chapter 21. “Once More the Gate behind me Falls.”

       Chapter 22. “My Love’s A Noble Madness.”

       Chapter 23. A Little Cloud.

       Chapter 24. Lady Gwendoline Does her Duty.

       Chapter 25. “For Love Himself Took Part against Himself.”

       Chapter 26. A Popular Preacher.

       Chapter 27. “And Now I Live, and Now My Life is Done!”

       Chapter 28. Trying to Be Good.

       Chapter 29. The First Whisper of the Storm.

       Chapter 30. The Beginning of A Great Change.

       Chapter 31. Fifty Pounds.

       Chapter 32. “I’ll Not Believe but Desdemona’s Honest.”

       Chapter 33. Keeping A Promise.

       Chapter 34. Retrospective.

       Chapter 35. “’Twere Best at Once to Sink to Peace.”

       Chapter 36. Between Two Worlds.

       Chapter The Last. “If Any Calm, A Calm Despair.”

      Chapter 1.

       A Young Man from the Country.

       Table of Contents

      There were two surgeons in the little town of Graybridge-on-the-Wayverne, in pretty pastoral Midlandshire,—Mr. Pawlkatt, who lived in a big, new, brazen-faced house in the middle of the queer old High Street; and John Gilbert, the parish doctor, who lived in his own house on the outskirts of Graybridge, and worked very hard for a smaller income than that which the stylish Mr. Pawlkatt derived СКАЧАТЬ