The Animal Parasites of Man. Max Braun
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Название: The Animal Parasites of Man

Автор: Max Braun

Издательство: Bookwire

Жанр: Медицина


isbn: 4057664648037


СКАЧАТЬ Session of the Imp. Acad. of Science. Wien, xxxii, 1858); with addendum (ibid., xxxv, 1859); Revision der Cephalocotyleen (ibid., xlix, 1864, and xlviii, 1864); Revision der Nematoden (ibid., xlii, 1861); Supplements (ibid., xliii, 1862).

      Beneden, P. J. VAN. Mémoire sur les Vers intestinaux. Paris, 1858. 4to, with 12 plates.

      Küchenmeister, F. Die in und an dem Körper des lebenden Menschen vorkommenden Parasiten. Leipzig, 1855. 8vo, with 14 plates.

      Leuckart, R. Die menschlichen Parasiten und die von ihnen herrührenden Krankheiten. I, Leipzig, 1863; II, Leipzig, 1876. 8vo.

      Cobbold, T. Sp. Entozoa; an Introduction to the Study of Helminthology. London, 1864. 8vo. Supplement, London, 1869.

      Davaine, C. Traité des entozoaires et des maladies vermineuses de l’homme et des animaux domestiques. 2nd edit. Paris, 1877. 8vo.

      Linstow, O. V. Compendium der Helminthologie, ein Verzeichniss der bekannten Helminthen, die frei oder in thierischen Körpern leben, geordnet nach ihren Wohnthieren, unter Angabe der Organe, in denen sie gefunden sind, und mit Beifügung der Litteraturquellen. Hanov., 1878. 8vo. Supplement, including the years 1878–1888, Hanov., 1888.

      Cobbold, T. Sp. Parasites; a Treatise on the Entozoa of Man and Animals, including some Account of the Entozoa. London, 1879. 8vo.

      Leuckart, R. Die Parasiten des Menschen und die von ihnen herrührenden Krankheiten. 2nd edit. Leipzig, 1879–1886. The Protozoa, Cestodes, Trematodes and Hirudinea have hitherto appeared (continued by Brandes).

      BÜtschli, O. Protozoa in Bronn’s Klass. u. Ordn. d. Thierreichs. Vol. i, Leipzig, 1880–1889. 8vo, with 79 plates.

      Braun, M. Trematodes in Bronn’s Klass. u. Ordn. d. Thierreichs. Vol. iv, 1, Leipzig, 1879–1893. 8vo, with 33 tables. (The first thirteen sheets, comprising the history of the worms up to 1830, were compiled by H. Pagenstecher.)

      Zürn, F. A. Die thierischen Parasiten auf und in dem Körper unserer Haussäugethiere, sowie die durch erstere veranlassten Krankheiten, deren Behandlung und Verhütung. 2nd edit. Weimar, 1882. 8vo, with 4 plates.

      Cobbold, T. Sp. Human Parasites; a Manual of Reference to all the Known Species of Entozoa and Ectozoa. London, 1882. 8vo.

      Küchenmeister, F., and F. A. Zürn. Die Parasiten des Menschen. 2nd edit. Leipzig, 1888., 8vo, with 15 plates.

      Blanchard, R. Traité de zoologie médicale. I, Paris, 1889; II, 1890. 8vo.

      Neumann, L. G. Traité des maladies parasitaires non microbiennes des animaux domestiques. 2nd edit. Paris, 1892. 8vo. English edit., translated by G. Fleming. 2nd edit., revised by J. Macqueen. 1905. London: Baillière, Tindall and Cox.

      Looss, A. Schmarotzerthum in der Thierwelt. Leipzig, 1892. 8vo.

      Railliet, A. Traité de zoologie médicale et agricole. 2nd edit. I, Paris, 1895. 8vo.

      Parona, C. L’elmintologia italiana da’ suoi primi tempi all’ anno 1890. Genova, 1894. 8vo.

      Braun, M. Cestoda in Bronn’s Klass. u. Ordn. d. Thierreichs. Vol. iv, 2, Leipzig, 1894–1900. 8vo, with 24 plates.

      Mosler, F., and E. Peiper. Thier Parasit. (Spec. Path. u. Ther. v. H. Nothnagel. Vol. vi.) Wien, 1894. 8vo, with 124 illustrations.

      Laveran, A., et R. Blanchard. Les hématozoaires de l’homme et des anim. Paris, 1895. 12mo, with 30 figs.

      Sluiter, C. R. De dierl. paras. v. d. mensch en van onze huisdier. Haag, 1895. 8vo.

      Blanchard, R. Malad. parasit., paras. animaux, paras. végét. à l’exclus. des bacter. (Traité de pathol. gén. de Ch. Bouchard, vol. ii.) Paris, 1895. 8vo, with 70 figs.

      Huber, J. Ch. Bibliographie der klin. Helminthol. München, 1895. 8vo. With Supplement, 1898, and continued as Bibl. d. klin. Entomol. München, 1899–1900.

      Moniez, R. Traité de parasitol. anim. et veget. appl. à la médecine. Paris, 1896. 8vo, with 116 figs.

      Weichselbaum. Parasitologie (Weil’s Handb. d. Hyg.). Jena, 1898. 8vo, with 78 illustrations.

      Kraemer, A. Die thierischen Schmarotzer des Auges (Gräfe and Sämische’s Handb. d. ges Augenheilk.). Leipzig, 1899. 8vo, with 16 illustrations.

      Cholodkowsky, N. A. Icones helm. hominis. St. Petersburg, 1898–99. Fol. (atlas with 15 plates).

      Perroncito, E. I parassiti dell’ uomo e degli animali utili e le più comuni malattie da essi prodotti. II_{a} ed. Milano 1902. 8o. con 276 fig. e 25 tav.

      Stiles, Ch. W. and A. Hassall. Index Catalogue of Medicine and Veterinary Zoology. Washington, 1902 (U.S. Dept. of Agric., Bur. of Anim. Ind., Bull. No. 39).

      Neveu-Lemaire, M. Précis de parasitologie humaine, parasites végétaux et animaux. 4e édit. Paris, 1911.

      Hofer, B. Handbuch der Fischkrankheiten. München, 1904. 8o. 18 Taf. 222 Abb.

      Guiart, J., and L. Grimbert. Précis de Diagnostic chimique, microscopique et parasitologique. Paris, 1906. With 500 figs.

      Ostertag, R. Handbuch der Fleischbeschau. V. Aufl. mit 265 Abb. Stuttgart, 1904.

      Stiles, Ch. W. The International Code of Zoological Nomenclature as applied to Medicine (Hygienic Lab., Bull. No. 24, Washington, 1905).

      Stiles, C. W., and Hassall, A. Trematoda and Trematode Diseases. (Index Catalogue of Med. and Vet. Zoology.) Hygienic Lab., Bull. No. 37, Washington, 1908.

      Stiles, C. W., and Hassall, A. Cestoda and Cestodaria. Hygienic Lab., Bull. No. 85, Washington, 1912.

      Laloy, L. Parasitisme et mutualisme dans la nature. Paris, 1906. 8vo, 284 pp., 82 figs.

      Theobald, F. V. A Monograph of the Culicidæ of the World. 5 vols. and plates. 1901–1910. London: Brit. Museum, Nat. Hist.

      James, S. P., and Liston, W. G. The Anopheline Mosquitoes of India. 2nd edit. 1911. Calcutta: Thacker, Spink and Co.

      Howard, L. O., Dyar, H. G., and Knab, F. The Mosquitoes of North and Central America and the West Indies. 2 vols. 1912. Washington: Carnegie Institution.

      Austen, E. E. African Blood-sucking Flies. 1909. London: Brit. Museum, Nat. History.

      Austen, E. E. A Handbook of Tsetse-flies. 1911. London: Brit. Museum, Nat. History.

      Castellani, A., and Chalmers, A. J. Manual of Tropical Medicine. 2nd edit. 1,747 pp. 1913. London: Baillière, Tindall and Cox.

      Kolle and Wassermann. Handbuch der pathogenen mikroorganismen. Jena: Gustav Fischer.

      Minchin, E. A. An Introduction to the Study of the Protozoa. 1912. London: Arnold.

      Laveran, A., et Mesnil, F. Trypanosomes et Trypanosomiases. 2nd edit. 1912. Paris: Masson and Co.

      Doflein, F. Lehrbuch der Protozoenkunde. 3rd edit. 1911. Jena: Gustav Fischer.

      Nuttall, G. H. F., Warburton, C., Cooper, W. F., and Robinson, СКАЧАТЬ