LEATHERSTOCKING TALES – Complete Collection. Джеймс Фенимор Купер
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СКАЧАТЬ give it fair play.”

      The Delaware drew near, felt of the wood, examined its grain, endeavored to indent the surface with a nail, and passed his hand curiously over the steel bands, the heavy padlocks, and the other novel peculiarities of the massive box.

      “No — nothing like this grows in these regions,” resumed Deerslayer. “I’ve seen all the oaks, both the maples, the elms, the bass woods, all the walnuts, the butternuts, and every tree that has a substance and colour, wrought into some form or other, but never have I before seen such a wood as this! Judith, the chest itself would buy your father’s freedom, or Iroquois cur’osity isn’t as strong as red-skin cur’osity, in general; especially in the matter of woods.”

      “The purchase might be cheaper made, perhaps, Deerslayer. The chest is full, and it would be better to part with half than to part with the whole. Besides, father — I know not why — but father values that chest highly.”

      “He would seem to prize what it holds more than the chest, itself, judging by the manner in which he treats the outside, and secures the inside. Here are three locks, Judith; is there no key?”

      “I’ve never seen one, and yet key there must be, since Hetty told us she had often seen the chest opened.”

      “Keys no more lie in the air, or float on the water, than humans, gal; if there is a key, there must be a place in which it is kept.”

      “That is true, and it might not be difficult to find it, did we dare to search!”

      “This is for you, Judith; it is altogether for you. The chist is your’n, or your father’s; and Hutter is your father, not mine. Cur’osity is a woman’s, and not a man’s failing, and there you have got all the reasons before you. If the chist has articles for ransom, it seems to me they would be wisely used in redeeming their owner’s life, or even in saving his scalp; but that is a matter for your judgment, and not for ourn. When the lawful owner of a trap, or a buck, or a canoe, isn’t present, his next of kin becomes his riprisentyve by all the laws of the woods. We therefore leave you to say whether the chist shall, or shall not be opened.”

      “I hope you do not believe I can hesitate, when my father’s life’s in danger, Deerslayer!”

      “Why, it’s pretty much putting a scolding ag’in tears and mourning. It’s not onreasonable to foretell that old Tom may find fault with what you’ve done, when he sees himself once more in his hut, here, but there’s nothing unusual in men’s falling out with what has been done for their own good; I dare to say that even the moon would seem a different thing from what it now does, could we look at it from the other side.”

      “Deerslayer, if we can find the key, I will authorize you to open the chest, and to take such things from it as you may think will buy father’s ransom.”

      “First find the key, gal; we’ll talk of the rest a’terwards. Sarpent, you’ve eyes like a fly, and a judgment that’s seldom out. Can you help us in calculating where Floating Tom would be apt to keep the key of a chist that he holds to be as private as this?”

      The Delaware had taken no part in the discourse until he was thus directly appealed to, when he quitted the chest, which had continued to attract his attention, and cast about him for the place in which a key would be likely to be concealed under such circumstances. As Judith and Deerslayer were not idle the while, the whole three were soon engaged in an anxious and spirited search. As it was certain that the desired key was not to be found in any of the common drawers or closets, of which there were several in the building, none looked there, but all turned their inquiries to those places that struck them as ingenious hiding places, and more likely to be used for such a purpose. In this manner the outer room was thoroughly but fruitlessly examined, when they entered the sleeping apartment of Hutter. This part of the rude building was better furnished than the rest of the structure, containing several articles that had been especially devoted to the service of the deceased wife of its owner, but as Judith had all the rest of the keys, it was soon rummaged without bringing to light the particular key desired.

      They now entered the bed room of the daughters. Chingachgook was immediately struck with the contrast between the articles and the arrangement of that side of the room that might be called Judith’s, and that which more properly belonged to Hetty. A slight exclamation escaped him, and pointing in each direction he alluded to the fact in a low voice, speaking to his friend in the Delaware tongue.

      “’Tis as you think, Sarpent,” answered Deerslayer, whose remarks we always translate into English, preserving as much as possible of the peculiar phraseology and manner of the man, “’Tis just so, as any one may see, and ’tis all founded in natur’. One sister loves finery, some say overmuch; while t’other is as meek and lowly as God ever created goodness and truth. Yet, after all, I dare say that Judith has her vartues, and Hetty has her failin’s.”

      “And the ‘Feeble–Mind’ has seen the chist opened?” inquired Chingachgook, with curiosity in his glance.

      “Sartain; that much I’ve heard from her own lips; and, for that matter, so have you. It seems her father doesn’t misgive her discretion, though he does that of his eldest darter.”

      “Then the key is hid only from the Wild Rose?” for so Chingachgook had begun gallantly to term Judith, in his private discourse with his friend.

      “That’s it! That’s just it! One he trusts, and the other he doesn’t. There’s red and white in that, Sarpent, all tribes and nations agreeing in trusting some, and refusing to trust other some. It depends on character and judgment.”

      “Where could a key be put, so little likely to be found by the Wild Rose, as among coarse clothes?”

      Deerslayer started, and turning to his friend with admiration expressed in every lineament of his face, he fairly laughed, in his silent but hearty manner, at the ingenuity and readiness of the conjecture.

      “Your name’s well bestowed, Sarpent — yes, ’tis well bestowed! Sure enough, where would a lover of finery be so little likely to s’arch, as among garments as coarse and onseemly as these of poor Hetty’s. I dares to say, Judith’s delicate fingers haven’t touched a bit of cloth as rough and oncomely as that petticoat, now, since she first made acquaintance with the officers! Yet, who knows? The key may be as likely to be on the same peg, as in any other place. Take down the garment, Delaware, and let us see if you are ra’ally a prophet.” Chingachgook did as desired, but no key was found. A coarse pocket, apparently empty, hung on the adjoining peg, and this was next examined. By this time, the attention of Judith was called in that direction, and she spoke hurriedly and like one who wished to save unnecessary trouble.

      “Those are only the clothes of poor Hetty, dear simple girl!” she said, “Nothing we seek would be likely to be there.”

      The words were hardly out of the handsome mouth of the speaker, when Chingachgook drew the desired key from the pocket. Judith was too quick of apprehension not to understand the reason a hiding place so simple and exposed had been used. The blood rushed to her face, as much with resentment, perhaps, as with shame, and she bit her lip, though she continued silent. Deerslayer and his friend now discovered the delicacy of men of native refinement, neither smiling or even by a glance betraying how completely he understood the motives and ingenuity of this clever artifice. The former, who had taken the key from the Indian, led the way into the adjoining room, and applying it to a lock ascertained that the right instrument had actually been found. There were three padlocks, each of which however was easily opened by this single key. Deerslayer removed them all, loosened the hasps, raised the lid a little to make certain it was loose, and then he drew back from СКАЧАТЬ