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Автор: Walter Scott

Издательство: Bookwire

Жанр: Книги для детей: прочее


isbn: 9788027201907


СКАЧАТЬ Decided drives the flaky snow,

       And forth the hardy swain must go.

       Long, with dejected look and whine,

       To leave the hearth his dogs repine;

       Whistling and cheering them to aid,

       Around his back he wreathes the plaid:

       His flock he gathers, and he guides,

       To open downs, and mountainsides,

       Where, fiercest though the tempest blow,

       Least deeply lies the drift below.

       The blast that whistles o’er the fells,

       Stiffens his locks to icicles;

       Oft he looks back, while, streaming far,

       His cottage window seems a star -

       Loses its feeble gleam,—and then

       Turns patient to the blast again,

       And, facing to the tempest’s sweep,

       Drives through the gloom his lagging sheep.

       If fails his heart, if his limbs fail,

       Benumbing death is in the gale:

       His paths, his landmarks, all unknown,

       Close to the hut, no more his own,

       Close to the aid he sought in vain,

       The morn may find the stiffened swain:

       The widow sees, at dawning pale,

       His orphans raise their feeble wail:

       And, close beside him, in the snow,

       Poor Yarrow, partner of their woe,

       Couches upon his master’s breast,

       And licks his cheek to break his rest.

       Who envies now the shepherd’s lot,

       His healthy fare, his rural cot,

       His summer couch by greenwood tree,

       His rustic kirn’s loud revelry,

       His native hill-notes tuned on high,

       To Marion of the blithesome eye;

       His crook, his scrip, his oaten reed,

       And all Arcadia’s golden creed?

       Changes not so with us, my Skene,

       Of human life the varying scene?

       Our youthful summer oft we see

       Dance by on wings of game and glee,

       While the dark storm reserves its rage,

       Against the winter of our age:

       As he, the ancient Chief of Troy,

       His manhood spent in peace and joy;

       But Grecian fires, and loud alarms,

       Called ancient Priam forth to arms.

       Then happy those, since each must drain

       His share of pleasure, share of pain,

       Then happy those, beloved of Heaven,

       To whom the mingled cup is given;

       Whose lenient sorrows find relief,

       Whose joys are chastened by their grief.

       And such a lot, my Skene, was thine,

       When thou, of late, wert doomed to twine -

       Just when thy bridal hour was by -

       The cypress with the myrtle tie.

       Just on thy bride her sire had smiled,

       And blessed the union of his child,

       When Love must change its joyous cheer,

       And wipe Affection’s filial tear.

       Nor did the actions next his end,

       Speak more the father than the friend:

       Scarce had lamented Forbes paid

       The tribute to his minstrel’s shade;

       The tale of friendship scarce was told,

       Ere the narrator’s heart was cold -

       Far may we search before we find

       A heart so manly and so kind!

       But not around his honoured urn

       Shall friends alone and kindred mourn;

       The thousand eyes his care had dried,

       Pour at his name a bitter tide;

       And frequent falls the grateful dew,

       For benefits the world ne’er knew.

       If mortal charity dare claim

       The Almighty’s attributed name,

       Inscribe above his mouldering clay,

       “The widow’s shield, the orphan’s stay.”

       Nor, though it wake thy sorrow, deem

       My verse intrudes on this sad theme;

       For sacred was the pen that wrote,

       “Thy father’s friend forget thou not:”

       And grateful title may I plead,

       For many a kindly word and deed,

       To bring my tribute to his grave:-

       ‘Tis little—but ‘tis all I have.

       To thee, perchance, this rambling strain

       Recalls our summer walks again;

       When, doing naught—and, to speak true,

       Not anxious to find aught to do -

       The wild unbounded hills we ranged,

       While oft our talk its topic changed,

       And, desultory as our way,

       Ranged, unconfined, from grave to gay.

       Even when it flagged, as СКАЧАТЬ