COMING OF AGE COLLECTION - Martha Finley Edition (Timeless Children Classics For Young Girls). Finley Martha
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СКАЧАТЬ always be in my children's hearts when trouble comes, or they are tempted to any sin. The dear Saviour loves to have you cry to Him for help, and He will give it."

      "Now Vi's tex', mamma," lisped the little one on her knee. "'Jesus wept.'"

      "Why did Jesus weep, little daughter?"

      "'Cause He so tired? so sick? naughty mans so cross to Him?"

      "No, dear; it was not for any sorrow or trouble of His own that Jesus shed those tears. Can you tell us why it was, Elsie?"

      "Yes, mamma; He was so sorry for poor Martha and Mary, 'cause their brother Lazarus was dead."

      "Yes, and for all the dreadful sufferings and sorrows that sin has brought into the world. We are not told that Jesus wept for His own trials and pains; but He wept for others. We must try to be like Him; to bear our own troubles patiently, and to feel for the grief and pain of other people.

      "We must try to keep these thoughts in our hearts all the day long: that God is love; that Jesus is our help in every trouble and temptation, that He feels for us, and we must feel for others, and do what we can to make them happy. Now we will kneel down and ask the dear Saviour to help us to do this."

      The prayer was very short and simple; so that even Baby Vi could understand every word.

      There was a moment's quiet after they had risen from their knees; then the children went to the window to look out upon the grounds, which they had hardly seen last night.

      "Mamma!" said Elsie. "I see a brook away over yonder; and there are big trees there, and nice green grass. Mamma, is that where you and Aunt Sophie and Uncle Harold used to play when you were a little girl?"

      "Yes, daughter."

      "Oh, mamma, please tell us again about the time when you waded in the brook, and thought you'd lost your rings; and dear grandpa was so kind and didn't scold or punish you at all."

      "Yes, mamma, do tell it."

      "Please mamma, do," joined in the other little voices; and mamma kindly complied.

      That story finished, it was, "Now, mamma, please tell another; please tell about the time when you wanted to go with the school children to pick strawberries, and grandpa said 'No.'"

      "Ah, I was rather a naughty little girl that time, and cried because I couldn't have my own way," answered the mother musingly, with a dreamy look in her eyes and a tender smile playing about her lips as she almost seemed to hear again the loved tones of her father's voice, and to feel the clasp of his arm as he drew her to his knee and laid her head against his breast, asking, "Which was my little daughter doubting, this afternoon—papa's wisdom, or his love?"

      But her own little Elsie's arm had stolen about her neck, the cherry lips were pressed again and again to her cheek, and the sweet child voice repelled the charge with indignation.

      "Mamma, you couldn't help the tears coming when you were so disappointed; and that was all. You didn't say one naughty word. And grandpa says you were the best little girl he ever saw."

      "And papa says just the same," added a pleasant, manly voice from the door, as Mr. Travilla came in, closing it after him.

      Then the three young voices joined in a glad chorus, "Papa! papa! good-morning, dear papa."

      "Good-morning, papa's dear pets," he said, putting his arms round all three at once, as they clustered about him, and returning with interest their affectionate caresses.

      "And so you have already been teasing poor mamma for stories?"

      "Did we tease and trouble you, mamma?" asked Elsie, a little remorsefully, going back to her mother's side.

      "No, darling; it always gives me pleasure to gratify my dear children. And, papa, they have been very good."

      "I am glad to hear it."

      "Mamma and papa, may we go down and play by that brook after breakfast?" asked Elsie.

      "And wade in the water like mamma did when she was a little girl?" added Eddie.

      "Yes, with Uncle Joe and Aunt Chloe to take care of you; if mamma is willing," answered their father.

      Mamma said yes, too, and made the little hearts quite happy.

      They returned to the window, and presently sent up a joyous shout. "Grandpa, our dear grandpa, is coming!"

      "Shall I go down and bring him up here, mamma?" asked Elsie.

      "No, dear, we will go down to grandpa, and not trouble him to come up. Besides, Aunt Adelaide wants to see him as well as we."

      "Yes, mamma's plan is the best," said Mr. Travilla, giving Elsie one hand and Eddie the other, while his wife led the way with little Violet.

      They found Mr. Dinsmore in the lower hall, with Adelaide weeping almost hysterically in his arms.

      "You are the only brother I have left," she sobbed. "Poor, poor dear Walter and Arthur! Oh, that dreadful, dreadful war!"

      He caressed and soothed her with tender words. "Dear sister, I will do all I can to make up their loss to you. And our father is left us; your husband spared, too. And let us not forget that almighty Friend, that Elder Brother on the throne, who will never leave or forsake the feeblest one who trusts in Him."

      "Oh, yes, I know, I know! He has been very good to me; but I must weep for the dear ones gone——"

      "And He will not chide you—He who wept with Martha and Mary over their dead brother."

      The children were awed into silence and stillness by the scene; but as Adelaide withdrew herself from her brother's arms, while he and her husband grasped each other by the hand in a cordial greeting, little Elsie drew near her, and taking gently hold of her hand, dropped upon it a kiss and a sympathizing tear.

      "Darling!" said Adelaide, stooping to fold the child in her arms; then looking up at her niece, "What a wonderful likeness, Elsie! I can hardly believe it is not yourself, restored to us as you were at her age."

      The morning greetings were soon exchanged, and Adelaide led the way to her pleasant sitting-room.

      "What is the latest news from home, Adelaide?" asked Mr. Dinsmore, with evident anxiety. "I have not heard a word for months past."

      "I had a long letter from Lora yesterday;" she answered; "the first since the close of the war. Her eldest son, Ned, and Enna's second husband, were killed in the battle of Bentonville, last March. Lora's husband has lost an arm, one of his brothers a leg; the others are all killed, and the family utterly ruined.

      "The Carringtons—father and sons—have all fallen, Sophie is here, with her orphan children; her mother-in-law, with her own daughter, Lucy Ross. Philip has escaped unhurt. They will all be here next week to attend May's wedding.

      "Papa, Louise—you know that she too has lost her husband—and Enna are all at the Oaks; for Roselands is a ruin, Ion not very much better, Lora says."

      "And the Oaks has escaped?"

      "Yes, almost entirely; not being visible СКАЧАТЬ