Men No Dzhen, aka Ahimura Hideo, aka Michael Zosimovich Dzhen. Victor Gryaznov
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СКАЧАТЬ and now it is necessary to begin already preparation»!

      Has put before me the collection of thousand hieroglyphs «Chen Za Moon».

      Employment at us passed every evening. I automatically repeated a pronunciation for the father. Fulfilled phonetics.

      Mother did not know hieroglyphs. At that time women were not authorised to study hieroglyphs. She knew the Korean writing and spoke on Japaneze a little.

      With Mother

      In April, 1934 the father has left service and has bought the house in the district city of Enben as in it educational institutions have concentrated. The big brother No Hyp has arrived in a grammar school, and me the next year in school. We have lodged to the address: a province of Phen An Bukdo, district Enben gun, the city of Enben of Si, a site With Bu Dong N 165. The house stood on a carriageway, therefore in it was noisy.

      The father has left public service, has concentrated on a country economy, began to expand it. Affairs at it went well. He was engaged in maintenance with seeds, stock, fertilizers, production sale as solved problems of the workers.

      In the autumn, after harvesting, it suited a holiday on which all congratulated. Seventy percent of grain were received by the peasants, thirty percent were taken away by the landowner.

      At children’s age I did not reflect yet on a social inequality, but saw that country families live modestly. And when peasants invited me to have dinner together with them, I always hesitated.

      As I spoke, in the house in which we have lodged, was noisy, and the father has made decision to construct the house on more, and far away from a highway.

      In seven months we have celebrated house warming, and on first of April at me new life has begun. I have gone to the first class. My pleasure was not a limit. I exulted. The desire to study was huge. And here, on the end I at school. In a class was fifty pupils, from them twelve girls. From the sixth class us have divided. Under laws of that time till twenty years it was forbidden to meet girls, to take alcohol, it was forbidden to smoke. Only work and study. The first period has finished well, only is «not satisfactory» on arithmetics. Has brought the sheet on progress for the signature to the father. He has looked an amazed look and has told: «That it for marks, best our boy? So you can remain in the first class for the second year. A shame»!

      It is necessary to tell that it never beat me and did not abuse.

      During this first period of study nobody supervised me, and full independence has been given me. After conversation with the father I have reflected and have laid down the aim till the end of an academic year to learn arifmetics and to receive a mark not below eight-ten five points on hundred ball scale.

      Teachers at school all were Japanese, and all of us have quickly learnt to write and talk on Japaneze. To pupils was not neither what pity, nor what indulgence. That has deserved, receive. «Make always that is necessary, instead of that would be desirable»! We then only sang military and mid-flight songs-kunka. Any fashionable, modern popular songs.

      Running forward, I want to tell that already at mature age, communicating with Koreans, we have unanimously come to a conclusion that for thirty five years that Japan operated Korea, have not passed for nothing for Koreans. Japanese have imparted to our people discipline, accuracy, punctuality and other business qualities.

      I have finished the first class without three. Has been awarded for good behaviour, for absence of admissions of employment, and delay on lessons.

      With parents and relatives

      In the second class I began to study is better. Has occurred especial nothing, and I have passed in the third class.

      From the beginning of academic year with us the class teacher in that the Sensei began to be engaged. To it was about forty five years. Very strict. For disobedience, for bad study, yes if who that came to a class not washed or with a dirty under collar on jacket all were waited by punishment.

      From-for one sloven punished all. We laid down the left hand a palm up. It passed on numbers and beat плеткой once. Happened very painfully. We did not love it for cruelty.

      On seventh of June has begun Japanese-Chinese war. Japanese have planned it for a long time. In 1900 Japan has acquired the right to hold in Beijing for protection of embassy a contingent of armies in number of seven thousand persons. On the night of June, seventh Japanese have begun maneuvers and declared that the Japanese soldier has disappeared. Ostensibly he was killed by China.

      This war Japanese named the Chinese event of Si On Zi Hen as the emperor war did not declare.

      The Minister for Foreign Affairs Tsu Oka in iridescent tones has explained to the world the reason of events.

      «China and Japan two brothers who have inherited the big house under the name East Asia. The malicious destiny has thrown them in a poverty chasm. The big brother has appeared the idler and a fool, and younger lean, but with firm character and ambitious. Indefatigably dreaming what to return glory to the old house. It traded in newspapers in the street, worked much what to contain the house. The senior wasted savings younger and betrayed to its general enemy. Younger has blazed with anger and has given a dressing-down to the senior. Trying to hammer into it sense of shame and to clear pride of noble traditions of the Great house. After many skirmishes the younger brother at last was going to enter solving fight and here this fight now and occurs in Northern China and on the Shanghai front».

      At school as have explained that this war not aggressive, and is conducted not to admit West intervention on purpose. And in the further establishment of world peace. In the head of the government there was a prime minister-minister Konoe This With, the governor in Korea Min Miso Doku. Those years it often broadcast.

      In the middle of July already young Japanese have started to leave on front. We saw off them, waving small tags of Hi But Maru Hada. Sang military songs kunka.

      Slogans, posters said that Japan, Korea, Manchzhuriya-the uniform country, the uniform nation, uniform spirit, a uniform body. The Korean conversation it is possible to hear only houses. Birth certificates and other documents only on the Japanese. A surname, a name at Koreans from three letters, at Japanese from four. Thus, I became Ahimura Hideo. I any more Men No Dzhen.

      After Russian-Japanese war Korea was under protectorate of Japan. In 1907 has been dismissed Korean to armies, in 1910 Japan annexed Korea. For thirty five years of a Japanese yoke attempts to expel Japanese were some times undertaken. But struggle for independence came to an end with defeat.

      August, eighth, 1937 in Beijing grandiose parade of Japanese armies has taken place. And on thirteenth of December Nanking, Shanghai, Kantan have fallen. At falling of big cities solemn torch processions till midnight in which we children took part with the great pleasure were by all means spent.

      When grammar-school boys, schoolboys in the form, in a system, it is impossible to distinguish, who you the Korean or the Japanese.

      From the third class I began to study on excellent. My drawing hung at the school stand, and compositions were printed in the collection of school messages.

      Japanese teachers СКАЧАТЬ