CWT Ideology. Aleksey Muratov
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Название: CWT Ideology

Автор: Aleksey Muratov

Издательство: Издательские решения

Жанр: Публицистика: прочее


isbn: 9785449800626


СКАЧАТЬ so-called transaction between a nearly bankrupt government

      and a group of financiers. The bank was private and so the state

      gave it the official title and the right to issue money. The King

      of England was in great need of money for the war with France

      and willingly agreed to give the bankers this national title and

      get the loans he needed.

      In the 1690s the banking system of England included

      lending bankers, who provided loans out of borrowed funds,

      and jewelers receiving gold for deposits and extending loans

      as well. Bankers realized that the power over money might

      well result in unlimited opportunities. In a couple of centuries

      the British Empire became a leading world power due to the

      relentless colonization of other peoples and continents.

      In 1913 the next leader emerged surpassing the Bank of England

      in the scale and scope of using this fraudulent system. This was the

      Federal Reserve (FRS) of the United States. But the Federal Reserve

      was not a governmental organization. It was a private enterprise

      made up of bankers, a joint stock company established by 12 Federal

      Reserve banks, which in turn had been created by commercial banks.

      The FRS operates as a private bank. The US government issues bonds

      to procure the “national currency” and the FRS prints bank notes and

      lends them to the state through the sale of the bonds. The state buys the

      bonds and the money returns to the FRS with interest.

      Thus, the main objective of the FRS was its income through

      seignior age – the difference between the face value of the bank

      notes and the cost of their production. For example, if a hundreddollar

      banknote costs 10 cents to make, the seigniorage will be

      99 dollars 90 cents. Like the Bank of England, the FRS is not

      part of the state.

      The third US President Thomas Jefferson (1772—1782)

      said: “Banking institutions are more dangerous to our

      liberties then standing armies. If the American people ever

      allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first

      by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations

      that will develop around them will deprive the people of all

      property until their children wake up homeless in the country

      their fathers built”.

      Deception, fraud and racketeering are the modus operandi

      of the bankers. You’ve heard of names like Rothschild and

      Rockefeller. What do they have in common? They both became

      rich and powerful using these unfair and corrupt methods and

      the law never stopped them as they achieved their goals.

      During the great Anglo-French battle of Waterloo in 1815 the

      London Stock Exchange was thrown into disorder. If Napoleon

      won, the market would be ruined, but if he lost, the market would

      be enriched. Rothschild saw this battle as an opportunity to make a

      fortune for himself. Using messenger pigeons and signals from boats

      along the English Channel he was the first to learn that Napoleon

      lost. He quickly spread false information that Napoleon had won to

      the London Stock Exchange. He started selling his shares with others

      following him and the price of securities went spriraling downward.

      Rothschild and his partners, knowing that England had

      actually won, bought all the shares for a pittance. A day later,

      when the London Stock Exchange learnt about the victory of

      England, those shares skyrocketed and were worth a fortune.

      Nathan Rothschild earned 40 million pounds on this information

      flip. This fraud went down in history as one of many examples

      showing the impropriety bankers and their principles.

      Rothschild Rockefeller

      Rothschild was a great deceiver, however Rockefeller often

      used openly criminal methods for doing business ruining the

      businesses of his competitors. His criminal infamy reached such

      a level that mothers used his name to frighten their misbehaving


      The ability to print money without constraint is the dream

      of any financier allowing him or her to print as much he desires.

      This large supply of money was used to seize the treasures and

      resources of others from around the world. Millions were robbed

      of the opportunity to share the wealth of the world. The Federal

      Reserve engaged in the bribing of politicians, the take-over of

      competition and the buying of entire governments in order to

      strengthen its position. And in order to protect its position it

      financed the world’s strongest army, that of the United States of


      What does an ambitious entrepreneur do if he can obtain

      a surplus of money? He expands his business. And that is

      what the bankers did. In order to increase their earnings

      they СКАЧАТЬ