CWT Ideology. Aleksey Muratov
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Название: CWT Ideology

Автор: Aleksey Muratov

Издательство: Издательские решения

Жанр: Публицистика: прочее


isbn: 9785449800626


СКАЧАТЬ T Ideology

      Aleksey Muratov

      © Aleksey Muratov, 2019

      ISBN 978-5-4498-0062-6

      Created with Ridero smart publishing system


      This book presents a new vision in the form of an ideology

      that brings people of various countries, cultures, religions and

      beliefs together in one shared purpose – to become free from

      the domination of global financial corporations. From birth we

      are told what to do. “You must” is the mantra we are told we

      should live by, but in fact it’s just other people’s thoughts that

      force us to the life of their choosing. Taking their position of”I

      must” we choose a life for someone or something else, not for


      “My purpose” – that is what we are really after and what

      we believe we want when we are honest with ourselves. “My

      purpose” can only occur when we cease to follow someone

      else’s ideals and head toward our own. Only in this case we will

      discover our personal potential. This “My purpose” has become

      the global aim for the leader of the international movement

      ) – Aleksey Muratov. “My

      purpose” is to change the world, which is ruled by the elite of

      the world financial empire. They are always ready to start wars,

      organize revolutions and drive common people into “slavery”

      for the sake of their own greed and monopoly.

      However, Aleksey is well aware that improving or

      implementing anything new without knowledge or experience

      is a hit-and-miss gamble. Aleksey Muratov realized that he did

      not want to live like most people do. At a young age he worked

      as a leading engineer at the Kursk nuclear power station of

      and was a leader of the youth

      movement. By the age of 25 he had become the youngest deputy

      chairman of the City Duma to the Chairman of the permanent

      commission on economic policy. This was not unconnected;

      he had a dream to help the people of his city! Soon it came

      to him: one couldn’t change people’s lives in a city, region or

      country for the better unless the state had sovereignty, unless

      it had full independence in its internal affairs and foreign

      policy. Unfortunately, most countries of the world do not have

      that sovereignty. So the desire to rid society of the negative


      movement’s ideology.

      One cannot win if the rules are constantly being changed

      for the benefit of who making the changes. The rules must be the

      same for all participants. Aleksey Muratov tried to implement

      this idea by participating in Sergey Mavrodi’s infamous project

      .Aleksey was engaged in the creation of political parties

      outside Russia. It should be noted that this was his first experience

      with an association of people from different countries, different

      cultures and religions, who desired to change the rules imposed

      on them. However, when the Ukrainian legitimate government

      was overthrown in Ukraine with the help of the world’s financial

      elite and the pro-Western puppets, Aleksey considered it his

      duty to come to Donbass.

      He realized that the background of that conflict was not a

      national idea by the Ukrainian people, not a desire to enter the

      European Union but a threat from international corporations to

      start third world war. This would prevent Russia from further

      development and stop it from becoming a new superpower. That

      spring Aleksey Muratov became an official representative of the

      Donetsk People’s Republic, after its proclamation, in Russia. He

      became an active participant in the creation of a new ideology,

      which would unite the inhabitants of Donbass. As the head of the

      Executive Committee, he is engaged in the development of the

      – the most widespread one in

      the Donetsk People’s Republic. After that he started to working

      at the Central Office of the People’s Council (Parliament) of

      the DPR and Aleksey created its structure. He took the work

      to a new level and built relationships with his colleagues from

      the Russian Federation. Despite the successful nation-building

      work in the young Republic, Aleksey Muratov kept his dream to

      create a new international movement. The political experience

      he gained became a strong background for this movement and

      the formation of a new international association.

      Thus, the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation

      Change the World Together

      ) on August 17, 2016. Aleksey Muratov has become the



      The Earth and humankind are being held hostage to

      the СКАЧАТЬ