His Convenient New York Bride. Andrea Bolter
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Название: His Convenient New York Bride

Автор: Andrea Bolter

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современная зарубежная литература


isbn: 9780008903176



       About the Publisher


      “WOULD YOU HAVE expected any less from a bully like him?” Jin asked as he stirred milk into the mug of coffee in front of him. “I could have guessed he’d find a way to try to hurt my mom and I from his grave.”

      “Tell me again what the will stipulates,” his friend Aaron asked, following suit by splashing milk into his own cup before the two friends left the kitchen to sit down on the sofa in the living room. As they had a thousand times before, they both put their long legs up on the coffee table and crossed them at the ankle. The only real difference was that their seventeen-year-old selves would have held game consoles instead of java.

      “Wei Zhang bequeaths to his only child, Jin Zhang, full ownership of the LilyZ fashion corporation and all of its interests with the following condition,” Jin said, quoting the document his father’s attorney had read to him an hour earlier. He had a printed copy in his briefcase and one on his phone but this section was already committed to memory. “Jin Zhang must be entered into a legal and lawful marriage before ownership is transferred.”

      Jin tried to mentally control the irritating vein that was throbbing at his temple. Death hadn’t stopped his father from continuing to create chaos.

      “That’s just bizarre. Did your father really care if you remarried or not?”

      “Oh, he cares…cared, plenty. After I left Helene, he knew I would never marry again, no matter what.”

      “Understandable after what she did to you.”

      “That’s why he had the stipulation written into his will. Because he knew it was something I would never do.”

      “What happens if you don’t follow the condition?”

      “The business gets dissolved.”

      “You either get married or lose the fashion label? Who does something like that to his son?” Aaron shook his head in disgust.

      “Wei, of course.” Jin’s temple continued to pulse as he tried to process the information he’d learned that afternoon. “Destroying the company was what he wanted to do. He mismanaged just about everything he could while he was alive. And then thought of a way to ensure LilyZ’s demise even after his death.”

      After Jin had met with Wei’s attorney he’d come straight over to his best friend Aaron Stewart’s apartment, as he’d been doing for years. Not far from the Chinatown building that housed LilyZ’s studio and Jin’s living quarters, Aaron’s place was a sanctuary for him.

      The two men sipped their coffee in silence, their brains turning over the information as dusk became night.

      “Your father was so vindictive he wanted to take down the business his own father worked so hard to build into a respected name in fashion?”

      “He hated me. And my mother.”

      To Aaron, and to Aaron’s younger sister Mimi, Jin could say anything. The three had been hanging out together for more than thirteen years, had seen each other through a lot of life changes already. Aaron and Mimi’s mother dying. Their father dying a year later. Jin’s parents’ divorce. Jin’s divorce from Helene. Now his father, Wei, dying with this, his last act.

      “Maybe you never saw it,” Jin continued.

      “I don’t think I ever really knew him,” Aaron said. “I do remember the way his nose would wrinkle in a grimace though whenever your mother was mentioned after they split up.”

      “Because she dared divorce an alcoholic, cheating, mean-spirited spouse.”

      “He never wanted the business in the first place, did he?”

      “No. He resented inheriting LilyZ from my grandfather Shun from the beginning. My grandfather worked eighteen hours a day for decades to create and sustain a legacy brand that would continue past his death but my father felt it interfered with his drinking and womanizing.”

      “Then he should have been happy to leave it to you. You’ve been mostly running things, anyway.”

      “I’m telling you, he despised me and wished for me to fail because of my relationship with my grandfather. Shun and I were the same. We loved LilyZ and took pride in it. My father was always the odd man out, because he never cared about anything but himself.”

      “And it was clear you took your mother’s side in the divorce.”

      “So for his final act, he did what he could to leave us penniless and humiliated.”

      Jin could hardly compute all of this. For the past few years, he had taken unofficial control of LilyZ, their high-end, ready-to-wear fashion label. He’d had to. Wei hadn’t even shown up to the studio every day. And when he did stumble through, he was often rude to the staff or disruptive of operations. His only son had been forced to take charge.

      In addition to the will, the attorney had also shown Jin his father’s many financial misrepresentations.

      “On top of it, I’ve only just found out that our books are in shambles. My father withheld information and made one bad decision after the next. If the company were to be broken up, at this point every penny would go to creditors.”

      “The will says you have to get married.” Aaron pondered the situation. “Are there any other specifications?”

      Jin exhaled with a whoosh of exasperation. “I don’t take possession or have any power over the financials until I prove that I’m legally married. I must remain married for a one-year probationary period during which I’m officially CEO but not yet the company’s owner.”

      “Wait, that means that you only have to be married for one year?”

      “Theoretically. But he knew I would never get married again so he did this to set me up to fail.”

      “What are our options?” Aaron wondered aloud.

      Jin’s best friend was always thoughtful and contemplative. With his deep-set eyes and curly hair, Aaron looked like a philosopher whose likeness might be rendered in marble outside of a great library.

      Aaron and Jin always worked through things together, considering each other’s problems their own. Even though two heads were better than one, Jin had his doubts that they were going to be able to solve the problem this time. Because not only was Jin never going to marry again, he wasn’t even going to enter into a serious relationship. Never ever. Not after what he had gotten in return for his devotion to Helene. Jin had been married to her for three years, and she had cheated on him the entire time. A selfish liar, she was. Just like his father. It was he and his mother who were left to pick up the pieces after their spouses took a wrecking ball to everything they’d held true.

      Jin flexed his hands. After six months, those hands finally looked normal to him without the СКАЧАТЬ