Colton's Secret Bodyguard. Jane Godman
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Название: Colton's Secret Bodyguard

Автор: Jane Godman

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современная зарубежная литература


isbn: 9781474093835


СКАЧАТЬ jerked upright. “David? Is he okay?”

      “Fine. He had a fright, but he wasn’t seriously injured. He’s already back at work.” Her brother leaned forward with his hands clasped on the desk. “What bothers me is that Swanson thought the intruder was intending to climb the steps to your apartment.”

      A cold trickle of fear tracked its way down Bree’s spine. She pushed it aside, frowning over the vagueness of Trey’s statement. “David thought that was his intention? A minor injury and the suspicion that a man may have been planning to climb the stairs to my apartment? Was that really the most pressing item on your schedule this morning, Trey?”

      He had the grace to look sheepish. “I wanted to check and make sure you were okay. The guy who called this in—”

      She held up a hand. “I thought David Swanson called you?”

      “No.” He consulted his notes. “The 911 dispatcher spoke to a Rylan Bennet.”

      Bree rubbed the bridge of her nose. It was early. She was caffeine deprived and Trey’s presence had taken her by surprise. That must be why nothing was making sense. Because why would Rylan be here before the gallery opened?

      “You know him?” Trey was watching her closely. Nothing escaped her brother.

      “He manages a group of artists who are taking part in my next show. Mom introduced him to me.”

      The Audrey Colton seal of approval acted like a charm, and Trey relaxed back into his chair. “Since I’m here, help me out. It’s only been a week since someone threw a brick through the gallery window. You’ve been getting threatening emails. So far, I don’t have any leads on who is responsible. Has anything happened since to make you feel uncomfortable?”

      Thoughts of her recorder and coffee being moved flashed through her mind, but she suppressed them. If Trey found out she was being harassed, she would be transported back to her childhood. He would be the big, strong brother and she would be in his shadow once again. She loved him, but she didn’t want to hand control of her life over to him. Not unless she was forced to.

      A tiny voice at the back of her mind asked the question, Shouldn’t Trey be the one to decide? If the strange incidents were linked to the broken window, and now this attack on David, wasn’t it time to confide in the sheriff? A second voice spoke up, drowning out the first. What if they aren’t linked?

      “Bree?” Trey’s prompt brought her back down to earth. “Is there something you want to tell me?”

      “No.” She looked him up and down. “But there is something I need to ask you.”

      He raised his brows. “Ask away.”

      “Why am I on the wrong side of my desk?”

      Laughing, Trey got to his feet. When he held out his arms, Bree rose and was enveloped in a hug that lifted her off her feet.

      When he released her, Trey gave her a long look. “You’d tell me if there was a problem?”

      “I’d tell you if there was something you could help me with.”

      He frowned. “That’s not the same thing.”

      She patted his cheek. “It’s all you’re getting. Now scoot. I have work to do.”

      “Unfortunately, so do I.” He turned reluctantly toward the door. “How about lunch next week?”

      “As long as you’re buying, it’s a date.” Bree waited for him to close the door before she sank into her chair. Almost immediately, the dance music ringtone on her cell phone signaled an incoming call. A glance at the display showed her Rylan’s name.

      She didn’t bother with a greeting. “I need to speak to you.”

      “Do you like dogs?”

      The question threw her off balance. “What do you mean?”

      “Dogs, wise gal. You know. Four legs. Tails that wag. Make a noise called barking. Do you like them?”

      “Yes, but...”

      “Good. Come out to the parking lot.”

      She started to protest, but he’d already ended the call. What was going on? Feeling as if she’d entered a parallel universe, Bree left her office and walked the length of the gallery.

       All this, and I still haven’t had my first cup of coffee.

      When she stepped outside, two things hit her. One was the chill breeze. The other was Rylan’s magnetism. Dressed in jeans, boots and a worn leather jacket, he was leaning against the hood of his car. The smile that lit his eyes when he saw her did something wicked to her insides.

      Bree didn’t return the smile. She wasn’t here to be charmed. Since the last time she’d seen him, he’d somehow gotten involved in the incident with David, and he’d just given her an order. She wasn’t sure she liked either of those circumstances.

      A slight frown creased her brow as she crossed the distance between them. “What do you want, Rylan? I have a lot to do today.”

      The blue of his eyes darkened, like clouds crossing a summer sky. “Hey. What is this?”

      “My brother told me you called in the attack on David.” Although she let him take her hands, she didn’t return his grip. “Why were you here before the gallery opened this morning?”

      He hesitated for a few seconds. “I slept in my car last night. I told David it was because I had engine trouble. That wasn’t the real reason.”

      Bree felt as though her world was spinning further off course with every passing second. “What was the real reason?”

      “I wanted to make sure you were safe.”

      When her family became overprotective, Bree bristled and fought back. It was a reaction to her childhood, when her parents had tried too hard to shield her from the effects of her dyslexia. However, in this instance, instead of Rylan’s admission provoking a similar response in her, it made her feel warm and comforted. Swaying toward him, she rested her forehead on his chest.

      After a moment or two, he ducked his head to get a look at her face. “Are we okay?”

      She nodded. “But you didn’t have to do that.”

      The look he gave her was charged with so much electricity it almost threw her backward. Any doubts she may have had about his sincerity were gone. “Believe me, I did.”

      How could she begin to explain it to him? No, Rylan, you didn’t. Because you had a place to stay. In my apartment. In my bed...

      Changing the subject was probably a good idea. “Why were you in such a hurry to get me out here?”

      “I wanted you to meet someone.”

      Bree’s emotions went on a new roller coaster ride as he strode toward the passenger side of his car. Someone? After a СКАЧАТЬ