Colton 911: Family Under Fire. Jane Godman
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Название: Colton 911: Family Under Fire

Автор: Jane Godman

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современная зарубежная литература


isbn: 9781474094641


СКАЧАТЬ of Child Safety.” Raymond indicated the child. “Kennedy is Sean and Delilah’s six-month-old daughter, and she has been left in your joint custody.”

      Everett’s brain was spinning like a top. As he was trying to get his thoughts under control, the baby woke up and started to cry.

      Alyssa was out of her seat in a heartbeat. Children had always drawn her in like a magnet. “Hey, honey. What’s wrong? Are you hungry?”

      Patty Griffiths handed Kennedy over to her with a look of relief. “She probably is. When she came to us, she’d recently started on solid food, but she still has at least one bottle of formula a day.”

      “Have you been caring for her?” Everett watched as Kennedy hitched in a sob and gazed up at Alyssa through tear-filled eyes. He’d had no time to come to terms with the bombshell Ray had delivered, yet he was getting the impression that events were already spiraling out of his control.

      “She’s been staying in one of our facilities since her parents died.” Patty reached into the bag and withdrew a baby bottle in an insulated carrier. When she handed it to Alyssa, Kennedy made a cooing noise and reached out chubby hands for it. “There are some basics here in this bag, and her car seat is in the front office. Once I have your address, I can arrange to have her other belongings delivered within a few hours.”

      “Wait.” The spell that had been holding him silent snapped and Everett finally found his voice. “We’re not together, and neither of us even lives here in town. This is all moving way too fast. We can’t be expected to put our lives on hold and go along with a plan we knew nothing about.”

      He was conscious of Alyssa watching him as she resumed her seat, Kennedy tucked into the crook of her arm. The baby grasped the bottle, making contented noises as she suckled greedily.

      “If you could leave us alone while we continue this discussion?” Ray waved a hand in the direction of the door and Patty went out. He tapped a pen on the top of his desk and shuffled his papers before continuing. “This is exactly what I said would happen when Sean and Delilah came to me with this plan. They had named you as guardians while you were still friends and had never gotten around to making the necessary changes. When Delilah found out she was pregnant, they wanted to know if they could leave things as they were. I told them that, if they left the custody details in the will without consulting you, there was every chance you would just walk away without agreeing to it.”

      “If it was against your advice, why did they go ahead with it?” Everett asked.

      “Sean’s reasoning was that although you had drifted apart, he couldn’t imagine anyone who would be better parents to his daughter.”

      “The guy always was a piece of work.” Everett shook his head, his emotions ranging between exasperation and a reluctant, lingering fondness for the man who had once been a good friend. “But we can say no to this, right?”

      “Let’s be clear.” It was Alyssa’s don’t-mess-with-me voice. The one she used with her students. “We aren’t saying no. We’re not saying anything. Not yet. We’re gathering information. You said Kennedy had been left in our joint custody. If one of us is unwilling to be involved, can the other take sole responsibility for her?”

      Raymond shook his head. “The will clearly states that she is to be cared for by both of you.”

      Alyssa’s indrawn breath touched a point at the center of Everett’s heart. “What will happen to Kennedy if we don’t do this?”

      “If you choose not to accept custody, Kennedy will be placed back into the care of the Department of Child Safety, where she will enter the foster system,” Raymond said.

      Everett knew what those words would do to Alyssa. When he turned his head to look at her, he could see her own past in the depths of her eyes. There was also a plea for help there. And it was aimed at him.

      She was an only child, traumatized when and her father was killed by a drunk in a random knife attack when she was ten. After that, her mom had wasted away, and her death, when Alyssa was eighteen, brought an end to years of misery. The scars of growing up without any real parental presence in her life ran deep. He knew there was no way she would walk away from this child who, like her, was the innocent victim of abandonment.

      But was she seriously asking him to do this? Did she believe that, after everything that had happened between them, they would somehow put the past behind them and together raise a child? And did he have to make a decision right now?

      Four years ago, he’d have done anything for this woman. She knew that because he’d told her. But it hadn’t been enough. Alyssa had needed assurances he couldn’t give. At the same time, Everett had his own reasons for shying away from responsibility. It was hardly a match made in heaven.

      Nothing in either of their lives had changed since, apparently. Being close to her again would mean handing her his well-being, his dreams and his life in a way that meant she could break his heart all over again. It had hurt enough the first time. Was he willing to go through all that pain again? And this time they would be adding a baby into the mix.

      “We’ll do it.” It was only when Alyssa’s eyes widened that he knew for sure he had said the words out loud.

      Alyssa gazed down at the baby in her arms. She had just become a mom. Most people, even those who hadn’t planned it, had nine months to prepare for this moment. She’d barely had nine minutes. Her life had changed forever, and she was totally unprepared for how to deal with it.

      The only thing she knew for sure was that Kennedy needed her and she wouldn’t let the little girl down. Oh, and she would be doing this with Everett. The man who was now striding across the parking lot ahead of her with a pink-elephant bag slung over one broad shoulder and a car seat in his other hand.

      “Wait,” she called out. “Where are we going?”

      “My car is over here.” He jerked a thumb, indicating the dark-colored sedan parked nearby.

      “And mine is in the opposite direction.” Her footsteps faltered. “But that’s not what I meant.”

      He retraced his steps, halting at her side. “I’ve been working on a case here in Cactus Creek and I’m staying in a rented apartment on Main Street. I’ll drive us there and we can talk some more. I’ll get someone to pick up your vehicle later.”

      The suggestion made sense. Although the sun was shining, a few clouds scuttled across the sky and the December air was cool. Kennedy wore only a lightweight sweater, leggings and socks, and the breeze ruffled her fluffy blond curls. Although she clung tightly to the front of Alyssa’s blouse, she showed no signs of distress at being with two strangers.

      “Let’s do that, sweetie, head back to Everett’s place, where we can be cozy.” She bounced the little girl on her hip while they waited for Everett to fit the car seat.

      “I may have misled you if you got the impression the apartment I rented is cozy. Think bland and basic.” Once the seat was in place, he held out his hands for Kennedy. “And small.”

      “It will be cozy for her once her own stuff is delivered,” СКАЧАТЬ