The Barefoot Child. Cathy Sharp
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Название: The Barefoot Child

Автор: Cathy Sharp

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современная зарубежная литература


isbn: 9780008286699


СКАЧАТЬ say so they said I was a vagrant and sent me here.’

      ‘Well, I shan’t be ’ere forever,’ Lil said and gave her shoulders a squeeze. ‘If I can find your sister I’ll tell ’er you’re in ’ere.’

      Kitty smiled and thanked her. She had been eating her small piece of pie and did not immediately notice the young lad as he walked up to them. He was carrying a brush and had been sweeping the yard.

      ‘What yer doin’ then, Lil?’ he asked. ‘Who’s this?’

      ‘It’s Kitty – only the mistress calls her Cath,’ Lil said and smiled. ‘I’m sorry we’ve eaten the pie, Jem.’

      ‘I’ve got a bit left,’ Kitty said and offered it to him. Jem took it and swallowed it hastily as Sadie came out into the yard.

      ‘You two get in ’ere,’ Sadie said. ‘I’ve got work to do and you’ve had yer break – and you can clear orf, boy. Get on wiv yer work or I’ll be reportin’ yer to the master.’

      Jem winked at Kitty and bent his head to whisper in her ear as she followed Lil back to the kitchen. ‘She’s an old misery,’ he said. ‘Keep out of her way as much as yer can – I’ll fix ’er afore I leaves.’

      ‘Are you goin’ away?’

      ‘When I get the chance to scarper,’ Jem said. ‘I’d rather be on the street wiv me mates than in this hole.’

      ‘Can I come too?’ She looked at him eagerly.

      ‘Nah, yer too young. Yer would be in the way.’ Jem winked and set off at a run, leaving Kitty staring after him.

      If Jem could find a way out of here, then perhaps she could. Kitty didn’t know where she lived, but she remembered the name of the school she’d been to and perhaps if she could find her way back there the Reverend Joseph would help her get home.

       CHAPTER 6

      ‘Good morning, sir.’ The magistrate looked up as the door of his office was opened and Arthur Stoneham walked in. ‘I understand you wish to see me on an urgent matter?’

      ‘Mr Justice Ronson?’ Arthur asked, cane and hat in hand as he approached the desk. The magistrate had risen to his feet and had a faintly alarmed look in his eyes as if he’d caught Arthur’s mood and feared he might find himself on the wrong side of that cane. ‘I’ve come about a young girl – a relative of mine who was mistakenly brought to you as a vagrant. I understand she has been sent to a workhouse?’ Arthur’s tone was pleasant but the hint of steel underneath made the other man nervous and he started to sweat.

      ‘Had I known the girl was your relative …’ Justice Ronson said and cleared his throat. ‘We take so many girls from the streets for their own good … Can you describe her?’

      ‘She is eight years old, and she has dark-blonde hair and blue eyes – and I understand she was wearing red shoes. Kitty was living with my nephew and niece in lodgings—’

      ‘In lodgings?’ Ronson interrupted, puzzled. ‘But—’

      ‘Their mother died and instead of coming to me for help the foolish youngsters tried to look after themselves and were doing very well – until an interfering neighbour reported them. She was snatched on her way home from school while I was out of town.’

      ‘Ah … yes, I do remember my clerk telling me something,’ Ronson said and swallowed nervously. ‘I understood they were falling into bad ways.’

      ‘A malicious tale, for they were and are under my protection,’ Arthur lied without hesitation.

      ‘Had I known …’ The magistrate swallowed hard.

      ‘You will oblige me by telling me where Kitty is so that I may go and fetch her.’ It was a command not a question and the magistrate quailed, as many had before that hard gaze.

      He hesitated, and then decided that his own fate mattered more than others who might feel this man’s wrath. ‘I am not certainexactly which workhouse she was sent to,’ the magistrate said. ‘There were several girls of that age brought in this past week – what did you say her name was?’

      ‘Kitty Soames.’ Arthur was impatient. He held his temper but inside he was seething.

      The magistrate drew a large book towards him and began to run a finger down the pages. ‘In the last week you said? No, there is no one of that name.’ He looked up in relief but the hope that he had escaped unscathed left him as he saw his questioner’s face and he looked once more. ‘If she did not give her name … there are four girls unnamed during that period.’

      ‘Is it not your duty to record names?’

      ‘Sometimes children do not know their names, sir.’ The magistrate scribbled down a list of workhouses. ‘She may be at any of these – I cannot be sure …’

      Arthur took the paper from him, scanning the list. Three were in London – one the workhouse that he took a particular interest in – and one outside London. It was outrageous that a young child could be sent off like this with no real record of what had happened to her and Arthur could hardly restrain himself as he left. He thought that the system was corrupt and men like the one he’d just spoken to should be horsewhipped, but there was little he could do. His efforts to reform the workhouse in Whitechapel had resulted in small, gradual changes and all he could hope was that he found his cousin’s child quickly.

      Arthur knew it to be his duty to help the children of Matthew Soames, a cousin several times removed, not just in this matter but in their education and future lives. Yet he would have done it anyway once Hetty came to him with her tale of a child snatched from the street.

      ‘I know they are too young to be fending for themselves,’ Hetty told him. ‘But they were managing until the neighbour interfered. I’ve spoken to Lucy and she says the woman wants her room and her furniture.’

      ‘I’ll see what I can do to help them,’ Arthur promised. He had not told her that the children might be distantly related to him, for that was unimportant. What mattered was that they should be safe. ‘Have you told them that they can live at the refuge under your protection and go out to their work until they are older and able to fend for themselves?’

      ‘Lucy insists they were managing well enough, but she does not like her lodgings. I said that I would try to find something better for her – because if they lodged with a good woman who would keep an eye on them, it might suit their pride and independence better than to be inmates at the refuge.’

      ‘I think that an excellent idea – if we can find such a woman.’

      ‘Well, Lucy said her brother would not consent to live in the refuge, so if I am to help them I must find more suitable lodgings.’

      ‘Perhaps I can help,’ Arthur said. If they were his relatives he would purchase a suitable property and install a housekeeper, but he ought to be sure of his facts before taking over their lives. ‘I shall find Kitty and restore her to her sister and brother and then perhaps they will trust us.’

      As he walked away from the magistrate’s office that СКАЧАТЬ