Prophecies by Nostradamus. Светлана Денисова
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СКАЧАТЬ for the improvement of their lives, and concessions were made for them, because capitalists were afraid of revolution. The improvement of working conditions and life increased working interest in the results of job. The labour productivity increased. Liberation of labour in the capitalist countries has led to unprecedented scientific and technological progress.

      For during 70 years there is no global wars, catastrophes, epidemics, famine. High technology has facilitated the work. Many are living with the conveniences that have never existed before. Many have cars. At any time of the year you can eats tropical fruits, relax on the tropical coast. People learned to fly in Space and swim under water. Social pension, medical insurance, unemployment benefits and other social. programs support people in old age and in difficult situations. These elements of socialism are in many countries of the world. Maybe the better period will be in future, but in the past better than now was not. What is not a Golden age!

      It is necessary to tell about the negative consequences of the "Golden age" – it is overpopulation. In 1930 year the population of the world was estimated at roughly 2 billion people, by the beginning of the 21 century it has grown 3 times. Such a significant increase in population in less than 100 years, is a consequence improve their lives, increase fertility and life expectancy. However, such a rapid population growth is a disaster for the planet. Rapidly developing civilization like a cancer that sucks out of the land of all that is possible. War, epidemics, all kinds of natural disasters are kind of immunity of the planet from overpopulation.

      In the 4th line of the quatrain, after the "Golden age", followed by the word "death". Apparently, it is about Stalin. "The new king" after him was Khrushchev. "Big scandal" may mean censure and condemnation Stalin's personality cult. The number of the quatrain 9.17 explicitly specify the year of Revolution, 1917, through which came the Golden age.

      Quatrain 3.94 Admiration by the century

      De cinq cens ans plus compte l'on tiendra,

      Celuy qu'estoit l'ornement de son temps:

      Puis à vn coup grande clarté donrra,

      Que par ce siecle les rendra trescontens.

      In 500 years during which more will take into account,

      The one who was the ornament of his era:

      Then with a shock great clarity he will give,

      Which by this century will bring them great contentment.

      In this prophecy Nostradamus calls the Russian revolution a coup. The reference in 500 years, apparently, is specified approximately. Many do not feel that living in a Golden age because each person is in life their problems and troubles. But as they say, you will not know happiness until you lose it. All will end overnight and the chaos of world war 3. It predicted in quatrains: 9.31, 1.55, 4.67.

      Quatrain 10.89 Mellifluous times

      De brique en marbre serôt les murs reduicts,

      Sept & cinquante années pacifique,

      Ioye aux humains, renoüé l'aqueduict,

      Santé, grands fruits, joye & temps melifique.

      The walls will be converted from brick to marble,

      Seven and fifty pacific years:

      Joy to people, the aqueduct renewed,

      Health, abundance of fruits, joy and mellifluous times.

      Our time is predicted in this quatrain. Apparently, the first line, must be understood in a figurative sense, as the well-being and prosperity of peoples. "Aqueduct renewed" – millions of people in the world now have housing with all amenities. The prophet writes about the health of our time. Indeed, medicine has reached such a level of development that able to treat many diseases. Fifty seven peaceful years (conversely 75), perhaps, it should count off from the end of the Second World War: 1945+75 = 2020?!

      Quatrain 5.41 Renewing the Golden age

      Nay sous les vmbres & iournee nocturne

      Sera en regne & bonte souueraine,

      Fera renaistre son sang de l'antique verne,

      Renouuellant siecle d'or pour l'airain.

      Born in the shadows and during a dark day,

      He will be sovereign in realm and goodness:

      He will cause his blood to rise again in the ancient urn,

      Renewing the age of gold for that of brass.

      Presumably this is a prophecy about the period after 2000.

      Renewing the age of gold. We can understand this as the renewal of the Golden Age for Russia. Throughout the world this century was interrupted by the Second World War. Moreover, in USSR the Stalin period is difficult to attribute to the golden age: on the one hand, the power and scope of the country has increased, on the other – repression and famine have led to the death of millions of people. Also Yeltsin's rule cannot be called golden, when there was a sharp decline in production and the impoverishment of the people. Putin’s coming to power can be considered a renewal of the golden age for Russians. The people, for the most part, got out of poverty: they began to buy cars, apartments, go abroad.

      Linkage with other quatrains: 10.72.

      Quatrain 5.32 End of the Golden age

      Ou tout bon est tout bien Soleil & Lune,

      Est abondant sa ruyne s'approche,

      Du ciel s'aduance vaner ta fortune,

      En mesme que la septiesme roche.

      Where all is good, the Sun all beneficial and the Moon

      Is abundant, its ruin approaches:

      From the sky it advances to change your fortune.

      In the same state as the seventh rock.

      There are problems and troubles in the life of every person, so many do not feel the sweetness of this century. As they say, you will not know happiness until you lose – when disasters begin, then people will understand and will remember this time as the Golden Age. It will end overnight, and Apocalypse will begin. Seven global disasters will follow one after another during several decades. There will be also good intervals between catastrophes. Everything will begin with the third world war, which will be nuclear. Then the new Great Flood will happen, the fiery Comet will complete the extermination. All this shall be considered as retribution for our sins. Out of the seven billion people now living, there are only several hundreds of thousands people which are worthy to inherit the Earth.

      Some interpreters refer the Golden Age, predicted by Nostradamus to a distant future. At the beginning of the next civilization there will be Golden time which will last not only one century, but about а thousand years. This is also predicted. But these quatrains, no doubt, speak of our time.

      The predictions about England and USA

      England was the most powerful colonial empire for almost 300 years. Having the best СКАЧАТЬ