Night. Part 1. Anna Fox
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Название: Night. Part 1

Автор: Anna Fox

Издательство: Издательские решения

Жанр: Ужасы и Мистика


isbn: 9785005055002


СКАЧАТЬ now, but she clearly understood that then she would fall under suspicion. The creature inside her body behaved extremely intelligently. If she tries to take away any of their company and kill, then there is a chance that Kevin or Bunny will recognize her later, when the police find out about the loss. Besides, they live next door to her. No, it’s risky. Why should she attract too much attention to herself? So, it would be better to find a stranger, and in a place where almost no one remembers anyone because of the amount of alcohol consumed. And if they remember, their testimony is unlikely to be taken seriously. So, it’s better to use this couple and their friends as guides to the night world.

      Francesca followed them very slowly. Her body was weakened by hunger. But companions were in no hurry. All night ahead, where to rush?

      The club, to which they reached, was a kind of provincial-looking, but without payment and security at the entrance. A concrete wall with peeling paint and a massive iron door, from which came the bass of music banging on the ears. Above the door hung a glowing sign with the name of the club “Fallen Angel”. It’s very poetic. Only a few light bulbs burned out. Near the entrance, people in bright clothes crowded and cars parked. Bunny’s company rushed there. Francesca trailed behind them.

      When the door opened and she stepped inside, her ears were pierced by unnaturally loud music. The girl involuntarily frowned from discontent. She was only a couple of times in discos and it seemed like it was quieter there. But suddenly the sounds began to range from unbearably loud to barely audible. Are they so bad with the equipment? Or is it DJ’s fault? But no one around this weren’t noticing. It seems that all the changes happening in her ears.

      All had fun, were ecstasy. The youth partied. Most likely, most of them are under the influence of drugs. Francesca was even able to put a finger on who exactly. She defined it not by dilated pupils or something like that. No. The light around was very little, in such circumstances, people’s eyes are difficult to see. She just felt them somehow. She didn’t know how. And yet she knew for sure that more than half of them were high. Which means, a blood is dirty.

      There was no point in looking around. And in the eyes everything floated with the general movement. She was terribly hungry. It is time to decide on a suitable victim. Francesca moved forward, guided by the smell of purer blood. The girl on the left is drunk, the guy on the right is a regular drug addict, and the couple at the bar stand are HIV-infected.

      The music in the ears has changed to a quieter tone, and the situation in front of her has cleared noticeably. She felt “pure” people, which means that there is hope. The best goal would be, of course, the guy. And attract easier and lead. This will be a clear win. So, she defined the task. “Where are you?” – sounded in her head. Francesca knew, she had to be drawn to the victim like a magnet.

      “Think… think…”

      She increasingly immersed herself in a homogeneous mass of people in order to understand who is who. Understand who suits her. As time went on. It wasn’t enough. And it worked against her.

      “Breathe in, breathe out… Heart… Heartbeat… Pulse…” she whispered to herself. “Not this one, not this one… No, no, no…” she moved slowly deeper into the dancing crowd. “Not this… No, not this. No…”

      Francesca turned her head to the right and suddenly caught the right smell. Eyes wide open:

      “This one!”

      She moved through the crowd to the chosen victim, not even seeing his face. The source of the smell was getting closer and closer. And so, near the back door, she noticed a tall young guy. Yes, he is the one she was looking for.

      Without a doubt, Francesca, staggering, was walking toward him. Coming close, she stopped and looked straight at him. Her body was curved like a spine of a snake. In anticipation, she brought her hand to her mouth and bit the nail of her index finger. The guy looked at her and reacted quite predictably what was into the hands for her.

      “Hi, baby! Do you want to dance?” he smiled broadly, clearly feeling the influx of excitation.

      The guy was disgustingly cute, but quite healthy looking. He, rather, belonged to the category, so to speak, ladies ' man. This is a very good find for the first time. Francesca did not answer, but studied him carefully, most of all paying attention to the pulse drumming under the skin.

      “Well, what do you say, cutie?” he winked.

      When the inspection of the “food” was over, she took the guy’s hand without talking and led him to the back door.

      “Wow! That fast?” he exclaimed in pretense surprise. “All right!”

      He obediently followed her. Probably also thought that the evening was a success. Stepping outside and going down the concrete steps, Francesca led him along the gloomy alleys farther away from the witnesses. Making sure that they were far away from the club and in the depths of the city, where there isn’t a single soul, she let him go and wearily leaned back against the wall.

      Somewhere in the subconscious, the image of the Stranger emerged, pressing her by the throat against the brick wall. His cold silence, smooth movements, his strength. His tooth. Bite… Now for her it was like an instruction. She should remember everything in detail and try to reproduce his actions.

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