Any Man Of Mine: A Waiting Game / A Loving Arrangement. Diana Palmer
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Название: Any Man Of Mine: A Waiting Game / A Loving Arrangement

Автор: Diana Palmer

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Вестерны


isbn: 9781474095440


СКАЧАТЬ water glass. “Of Coleman Textiles,” she added.

      Both his eyebrows arched toward the ceiling. “Exalted company,” he murmured.

      “Isn’t it?” she replied with a smile. Nicholas’s vast holdings were hardly fair comparison for James’s small company, which he ran along with his modest law practice. In fact, Nicholas could have bought it all out of what he’d term petty cash, and James knew it.

      “Is he your lover?” James persisted with an interest that seemed casual, but that Keena knew wasn’t. His fingers were idly rearranging his silverware, his blue eyes glancing at hers restlessly.

      She only smiled. “How have things been with you?” she replied, ignoring the question.

      He shrugged, acknowledging the slight with that tiny gesture. “With the factory? Well, it could be worse. With me?” he added with a soft laugh. “Life can be lonely.”

      “Can it?” she asked absently. “I don’t have time for loneliness. I’m much too busy.”

      “Are you staying for good, Keena?” he asked suddenly.

      She met his eyes. Along with the cruelty, memories came back of the few good times, of James laughing, teasing her, of the first time he’d kissed her, of long walks in the woods. And then inevitably she recalled that last evening, her initiation into womanhood at his careless hands...

      “Goodness, Keena, I’ve missed you,” he said gently, reaching for her hand. Smiling, he caressed it slowly.

      Don’t fall for it, she told herself firmly. Don’t listen. But the pull of the past was strong, and James was handsome, and she was falling ever so gently under his spell. More by the minute.

      “I’ve...missed you, too,” she replied hesitantly.

      The waiter, standing patiently with his tray, finally caught James’s eye and began to serve the oysters Rockefeller that James had ordered along with a magnificent salad, filet of sole and dainty little croissants with butter.

      James cleared his throat, his long face betraying his obvious interest in Keena to an outsider. Keena looked up from her salad, her eyes wary as they searched his intent face. He was looking at her in a new and exciting way. She smiled at him. The evening was suddenly full of promise.

      “After we leave here,” James murmured sensuously, “how would you like to drive over to the lake?”

      That had been one of their favorite haunts years ago when he took her out. Her eyes involuntarily sought his mouth. He had nice lips. Almost too soft to be a man’s, and she remembered the faintly chaste feel of them. She wondered if he’d learned to be more patient with women. Involuntarily, her mind went back to the way Nicholas had kissed her in the Rolls, and she flushed suddenly.

      James, thinking the blush was due to the question he’d asked her about the moonlight drive along the lake, smiled confidently.

      “How about it?” he murmured over his wineglass.

      “Uh—” she began.

      “Excuse me, sir,” the waiter interrupted delicately, “there’s a call for you.”

      James muttered under his breath as he got to his feet. “Excuse me, darling?” he asked possessively.

      Darling! “Of course,” she murmured breathlessly.

      Her eyes followed him to the phone at the desk. She studied his long, elegant back while he spoke into the receiver, made a sharp gesture and hung up. His face was troubled when he came back to the table.

      “We’ll have to leave, I’m afraid,” he muttered, pausing long enough to take one last sip of wine before he helped Keena out of her chair. “I can’t tell you how sorry I am. I’ll drop you off on my way to the plant.”

      “What’s wrong?” she asked.

      “There’s been some problem at the plant,” he sighed. “Strange, I don’t remember my night watchman having a cold, but I suppose the line could have been bad.”

      She thought about that on the way out. “Did he have an unusually deep voice, you mean?” she asked with dawning curiosity.

      “Deeper than normal,” he replied absently. He paused to pay the check. “That company has been nothing but a headache to me since the day my father died. There are times when I wish...” He shrugged. “Never mind. Maybe it’s fate. An albatross around my neck to curse me.” He smiled down at her. “And maybe a beautiful fairy can break the spell.”

      She smiled back as she followed him out to his car. All the way home she thought about that strange phone call. She didn’t mention her suspicions to James, but she had a sneaking hunch that he wasn’t going to find any trouble at his plant at all.

      James pulled up at the steps behind the elegant Rolls-Royce.

      “How about tomorrow night? Oh, damn, no, I’ve got a business meeting with a client in Atlanta. Thursday, for dinner?” he asked with flattering eagerness.

      “I’d like that,” she agreed.

      “Sorry about this,” he murmured, leaning toward her. But a second before he could kiss her, the front porch light blazed on and James drew back abruptly.

      He cleared his throat. “Well, good night,” he said reluctantly.

      “Good night,” Keena replied, forcing herself not to explode with the rage she was feeling. When she got inside that house, she was going to shoot Nicholas Coleman!

      “Is he staying more than a day?” James added, nodding toward the Rolls with a distasteful look.

      “No,” she said firmly. She got out of the car and waved him off. When she turned toward the house, there was fury in every slender line of her body.

      She took the steps two at a time and blazed through the front door, her dark hair curling softly around her face like a halo, her green eyes glittering with anger.

      Mandy turned from the door into her own quarters at the foot of the staircase, her eyebrows risen. “Home so early?” she asked.

      Keena glared at her. “Did Nicholas make any phone calls tonight?”

      “He always makes a lot of phone calls,” Mandy replied smoothly, “I’m sorry about the porch light,” she added sheepishly. “I thought I heard a car, and it didn’t occur to me that it would be you so soon...”

      Keena waved the apology off. “Where’s Nicholas?”

      “Upstairs, I guess. I heard water running a minute or so ago.”

      “Getting ready for bed, no doubt,” Keena growled, tossing her coat and purse onto a chair in the hall before she stalked up the staircase. “He is not getting away with this. I will not have my life controlled by that...that tyrant!”

      Mandy only grinned as she went into her room.

      Keena marched up the steps to the room Nicholas had commandeered and, without thinking, threw open the door СКАЧАТЬ