Time is…. Yevdokiya Luchezarnova
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Название: Time is…

Автор: Yevdokiya Luchezarnova

Издательство: Издательские решения

Жанр: Философия


isbn: 9785005025968


СКАЧАТЬ ime is…

      Yevdokiya Luchezarnova

      © Yevdokiya Luchezarnova, 2019

      ISBN 978-5-0050-2596-8

      Created with Ridero smart publishing system

      Yevdokiya Luchezarnova

      Time is…


      There is time everywhere in rocks and plants, in the movements and timbre of our voice, in food and nature, in the family, and in the way we interact with each other. The question is how to get time out of all this and, most importantly, how to preserve it.

      What is time and how it is released, where does it go, and what happens when we get or lose time? Yevdokiya Dmitrievna Luchezarnova, the author of Rhythmomethod 7R0 and the founder of knowledge about time and rhythmotime, answer these and many other questions.

      Learn how to hold and preserve time and walk through life lightly and joyfully!

      A word From the Author

      I would really like to show you where time lives, how it is released, where it goes away, and what happens when we get or lose time.

      Probably, the greatest thing about time is that it’s everywhere. Nevertheless, people are not able to hold and register time. If you tell them how to, they’ll be able to do it because everyone needs time.

      Time Is In the Movement

      Time means change. And time appears in a state of the moment. Let’s say when emerald is pulled out of a rock, time is released for just 8 seconds, and that’s it. Then, you can wear these emeralds or not, do anything you want with them, but there’s no time in them. Time goes to whoever pulled that emerald out of the rock.

      The simplest state of feeling of time is the position of your own body. When I, for example, am sitting still, there is no movement, time is not released and is not absorbed. I get up, and, at the very moment when my posture changes, time is released. When I’m standing in a stationary position, there’s no time again.

      Not one single person in a stationary position has time, but that’s how they strive for permanence. If I sit down again, then at the very moment when my position changes, at this brief moment, time will be released again.

      Time is only released between the three positions of the human body: standing, sitting, and lying down. I’m going horizontal, and as long as I’m horizontal, nothing happens, there’s no time. Time is released only at the very moment when I change my position from sitting to lying or from lying to sitting, from sitting to standing, and from standing to sitting.

      Let’s say people are dancing only vertically, i.e. in one plane. In this case, time is not released, and this dance can only bring you aesthetic pleasure, while the brain will not take anything from this dance after touching it. But when positions are changed during the dance, and the dancers make sudden changes from vertical to horizontal position or from standing to sitting, time is released. However, it’s always a brief moment, it’s always in between.

      Time is In Food and Plants

      Time always lives in between. That’s why it’s important when I take some snow and it starts to melt in the palm of my hand. Time is released at the very moment of melting. When I get a drop in my palm, there’s no more time, it’s just a drop. For example, if you drink melted water, it’s just water but if you put a melting ice cube in your mouth, you can get time.

      The same goes for the very moment when a liquid turns into a solid, time is only released at the moment when it hardens.

      People get time only in their heads or rather brains. In order to send time through the entire body, you need a special technique. I gave it to you, it is called RhythmoMethod 7R0. With it, you can send time from your brain to any part of your body, to any cell, as well as to bring time to the world around you.

      But first of all, you need to learn that time is released at the moment of transition from one state to another.

      Let’s say I like currants very much. So, when I take some currants right from the bush, put them into my mouth, and start eating them, time is released at the moment when I pick currants from the bush. Then, when the berries are in my mouth, there’s no time in them. There was no time in them either when they were hanging on the bush. But the very moment when I pick them, the moment of interaction with them, is when time is released.

      Or, let’s say, there’s a plant. It releases oxygen by taking in carbon dioxide. I breathe in oxygen and breathe out carbon dioxide. If I walk up to this plant and interact with it at some point, we will change each other; it is at this moment that time is released. Furthermore, if I turn away from a tree and breathe in the oxygen that’s this tree releases, there’s no time. If I’m in a room breathing out carbon dioxide, and then there is a tree that will absorb it, there will be no time in there either. However, at the very moment of our exchange, when my carbon dioxide passes into the oxygen of the tree, and the oxygen from the tree passes into me, this is when time is released.

      That’s why the people who tend to live in time gradually stop eating animal source foods, without even realizing it because animals are just like humans. They breathe in oxygen and breathe out carbon dioxide, and no time is released when you interact with them. Those people live fast and have a good life full of joy.

      Time is In Nature

      When two homogeneous things interact, time is not released. There has to be two opposites, two opposing life forms. These lives should be formed and stored in a stationary position. And the moment of transition between the two stationary positions is when time is released.

      I mean, let’s say I flew to Antarctica. There are huge blocks of ice there, but it’s not time, it’s just ice. When I start melting this ice, it’s when time is released, but it is a very short moment when the heat from my hand causes the ice to melt and this is exactly when time is released. Then, when the ice turned into water, there’s no time in it again. Time is only released during a very brief moment.

      And when I thought about how to explain to the planet and the people, who inhabit it, what time was, this is when the glaciers started to melt. And the very moment of glacier melting is the moment when time is released.

      One day, when we were sailing along the Antarctic coast there was a huge iceberg floating in our direction. It was completely blue because the ice absorbs both red and green colors.

      We broke a piece of ice off the iceberg, and the very moment when you take the ice, which is billions of years old, put it in your mouth, and the ice starts melting in your mouth, is time. Time is released at that very moment. When time enters into me, it won’t be time anymore, the most important thing has already happened.

      However, keep in mind that no other part of your body, except for your head, is involved in getting time. Therefore, it is very important to melt the ice or snow with the warmth of your breath or tongue. For example, there are people who lick icicles or try to eat some snow.

      It is at the very moment when the snow starts melting inside the human body, when time is released. Then, when the snow melted, there’s no more time, it’ll go down your body as a liquid. You have to melt the snow only in your mouth. There are no other techniques to get time inside the human СКАЧАТЬ