The President's Daughter. Annette Broadrick
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Название: The President's Daughter

Автор: Annette Broadrick

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Зарубежные любовные романы

Серия: Mills & Boon M&B

isbn: 9781472052506


СКАЧАТЬ man certainly didn’t miss much.

      “I’m pleased to be here, Mr. President,” Nick said, surprising himself that he actually meant it. Other than Ashley’s obvious negative reaction to him, Nick had found working the White House detail pleasant enough. He’d quickly adjusted to the new surroundings and considered himself fortunate to be working with Ron.

      He glanced at Ron, who now stood behind the president, and was startled to see his partner flash him an almost imperceptible wink.

      What is going on here?

      President Sullivan continued to speak. “I understand your plans were to head out West for a couple of weeks of skiing in the Colorado Rockies.”

      Since his vacation plans hadn’t been a state secret, Nick wasn’t as surprised that the president knew about them as he was surprised that Sullivan mentioned them.

      “Plans have a way of changing in this business, sir,” Nick replied.

      “Why don’t you and Stevenson have a seat and let’s talk about the possibility of getting some skiing into your schedule, after all.”

      Sullivan returned to his desk while Nick and Ron sat down in the chairs arranged in front of it.

      With a rueful smile Ron said, “I’ve already explained to President Sullivan that I’ve never seen a pair of snow skis in my life, much less been on any. I grew up in Florida.”

      Nick didn’t know of any agency requirement that called for an ability to ski. Since he’d spent his early years in Wyoming, learning to ski had been a natural part of growing up for him. He waited for more information.

      Sullivan sighed and shook his head. “You know, gentlemen, children can be the greatest joy and the biggest headache a person can experience.”

      Uh-oh. Now he was leading up to the subject of his daughter.

      “So I understand, sir.”

      “Ashley has made it quite clear that she does not wish to participate in the family’s idea of a winter vacation this year. Ray Clarke has invited our family to spend a few days with him on his yacht doing some deep-sea fishing in the Gulf of Mexico.”

      Nick knew that Raymond Clarke and James Sullivan had been college roommates who had remained close friends in the intervening years. Clarke had made a name for himself in New York real estate. Nick wasn’t surprised to hear that the Sullivans had been invited to spend their vacation time with him.

      The president continued, “Jamie and Matt are counting the days until time to leave. Ashley, on the other hand, swears she becomes nauseated watching the waves rush the beach. All she’s been able to talk about since she returned home from college is going skiing with a group of her friends.”

      Nick gave Ron a quick glance, but Ron’s full attention was on the president.

      Sullivan shook his head ruefully and said, “I’m not certain how she did it, but somehow Ashley managed to get me to agree to her going to Colorado over the holidays. Not only that, she also got me to agree not to have a round-the-clock surveillance team accompany her.”

      He put up his hand as though to silence any remark that either man might make. “I know all the arguments against such an idea, believe me. I know and I fully understand. However, I also understand the limits that can be safely set for a young woman her age. I’ve already discovered that there are times when there is no reasoning with Ashley…and I’m afraid this particular instance was one of those times. My dilemma is attempting to find some sort of balance between her need for privacy and the need for her to receive adequate protection.”

      Sullivan swiveled his chair and looked out the window in a contemplative pause, allowing his chair to sway absently from side to side. Finally he turned back to face the two men.

      “I managed, eventually, to get her to agree to a compromise—to be accompanied on this trip by two agents who would blend in with the group by taking part in their activities in order to maintain their anonymity.”

      Nick leaned forward in his chair. “She agreed to that?” he asked, struggling to hide the surprise he felt.

      Sullivan smiled. “Let’s just say that she conceded that much, since she knew better than to expect I would let her go without some kind of protection.”

      “I take it you want Ron and me to accompany her.”

      Sullivan nodded. “After discussing the matter with the detail leader and going over the present roster with him, your name came to the front, Logan. Not only have you spent time in that area, your recreational skills are more than adequate. Ron can spell you once they’re through skiing for the day so that you won’t have to spend twenty-four hours on duty.”

      “Who will cover the night shift?”

      “That was another concession Ashley agreed to make. Both of you will be staying in the chalet the group rented. There will be six of them, plus the two of you. Since there are three bedrooms, as well as sleeping sofas in the den area, you shouldn’t be too crowded.”

      “Does Ashley know that you’ve asked Ron and me to go?”

      Sullivan shook his head. “Not yet, but I’m certain it won’t matter to her at this point who’s going as long as she gets to go.” He grinned and added, “I’ve got to tell you that I had no idea my daughter was growing up to be as tough a negotiator as she’s turned out to be. We’ve had several sessions that lasted past midnight thrashing out all of this. This is the plan we finally agreed upon.”

      Nick gave a brief thought to mentioning Ashley’s obvious antipathy toward him to her father, then thought better of it. Whatever was eating her would have to be worked out between them. In the meantime he was going to accept this unexpected gift as a belated Christmas present.

      He was going skiing, after all. For that, he could put up with any amount of cold politeness or being ignored.

      “When do we leave?” he asked, unable to hide his pleasure at the prospect.

      “I understand transportation arrangements have been made by the detail leader. The official word, of course, is that Ashley is with us. She’ll be disguised as usual while traveling in public. The reservations are for an early-morning commercial flight tomorrow. The group will be traveling together, which should help her to blend in with the other students.”

      President Sullivan stood and offered his hand to each man. “I hope you both enjoy the visit to my home state. I rather miss the skiing myself.”

      The men shook hands and silently left the room. They were in the hallway before Ron glanced around them, then in a low voice said, “You think she’s going to be friendlier to you on this trip?”

      Nick grinned. “Let’s put it this way. Anything would be an improvement.”

      Ron chuckled before they went in search of their charge.

      “No! Absolutely not, Dad. You have to find someone else!” Ashley faced her father across the expanse of her bedroom late that night. She had been packing when he dropped by her room to mention the arrangements he’d made for her trip.

      Her father shrugged. СКАЧАТЬ