Single Mama's Got More Drama. Kayla Perrin
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Название: Single Mama's Got More Drama

Автор: Kayla Perrin

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Зарубежные любовные романы

Серия: Mills & Boon M&B

isbn: 9781408955543


СКАЧАТЬ pass on that, thank you.”

      “Damn,” Lewis muttered. “You’re being tough on a brother. But I get it, so I’m not complaining.”

      “Thank you for understanding.”

      “Any word from Tassie Johnson’s lawyer?” he suddenly asked.

      “As a matter of fact, yes,” I said. “I got off the phone with him a few minutes ago.”


      “And he’s proposing a meeting. Next week.”


      I drew in a shuddery breath. “Yeah, I guess it is.”

      “You’ve got to do this sooner or later, babe.”

      “I know.”

      “Did you tell the lawyer that you definitely have the cash and offer to buy out Tassie’s share again?”

      Lewis had advised me to do that, but I hadn’t. “I didn’t bother to call him back, because it’s clear Tassie is playing games. I kinda hoped they’d just go away.”

      “Now you know he’s not going away, so the meeting’s a good thing. I’ll go with you, we’ll bring a check. Tassie’s gonna be there?”


      “I’ll make it a cashier’s check. When Tassie sees it, I bet she’ll happily accept it and disappear.”

      I found myself smiling. Lewis was definitely being super-supportive, and I was extremely grateful for that. The idea of him being with me at the meeting set my mind at ease. Perhaps with Lewis by my side and a fat check in his hands, Tassie would give up on her latest plan. After all, I knew she was a greedy little witch, using her lawyer to push me around. The bitch was probably laughing her head off in her Atlanta mansion right now.

      But she’d see who would have the last laugh.

      “Not that you should buy her out,” Lewis went on. “Now that we’re engaged, we’re gonna find our own place to live.”

      “You know why this is important to me.”

      “On principle, yes, I get it. It’s just kind of a shame, since you’re going to sell the place anyway.”

      “Not really, since we’re going to have a long engagement,” I pointed out. “As we discussed.”

      “I know. But that doesn’t mean we can’t live together.”

      “Yes, it does, because living together will compromise the no-sex rule,” I said sweetly.

      “Baby, I hear you. And I get it.” Lewis paused. “When I was with you, I messed up. Big-time. That’s why I’m willing to do anything I have to to prove to you that you’re the only woman for me. I know you love me. But you can’t trust me. And I’m going to change that.”

      Lewis was saying all the right things. I had loved him. Loved that he made me feel sexy and desirable with just one look. Loved that he made me laugh. I could have married Lewis and lived happily ever after if he hadn’t been such a player.

      But lately, my outlook on love had changed. I wanted the fantasy…but it had eluded me. Maybe I was far better off marrying someone I liked a lot and got along with as a friend—and that was definitely Lewis. Even after he’d cheated on me, we’d remained friends. Maybe that was a sign that we’d be able to have a successful marriage.

      “Mostly, I’m thinking about Rayna,” I said, which wasn’t a lie. “Her little heart’s been broken over Eli, and now Chaz is suddenly gone…She’s the reason I want to make sure I keep our home, so there’s some sense of stability for her.”

      “I think it’ll help if she starts seeing me again. We should do some fun things together—”

      “No,” I said, cutting Lewis off. “I’m not ready for that.”

      I’d trusted Eli, and he’d hurt me. Now Rayna was without the father she’d known. She hadn’t known Chaz long, but she’d taken to him immediately. Until I was certain that I’d be marrying Lewis, I didn’t want my daughter forming an attachment to him, because the last thing I wanted to do was put her little heart at risk again.

      “It’ll happen,” I quickly said, not wanting to offend Lewis. “Just…give it some time.”

      “What about dinner tonight?” Lewis suggested. “We can go over strategy regarding your meeting with Tassie and her lawyer.”

      I was about to say no, but stopped myself. Lewis was going to give me the cash I needed to take care of my Tassie problem. And I was engaged to him—officially, if not wholeheartedly. I couldn’t avoid him.

      “Actually, that’s a good idea.” I could take Rayna to feed the ducks after dinner with Lewis. “Why don’t I call my babysitter, and if it’s okay with her, you can meet me on Ocean Drive and we can have an early dinner? That way I won’t be out too late, and I can spend some quality time with Rayna before she goes to bed.”

      “Sounds like a plan.”

      “I’ll call you back to confirm.”

      “All right, sweetheart.”


      I swallowed at the term of endearment as I hung up the phone. If only when Lewis said that, I felt warm and fuzzy inside.

      But I didn’t, and I wasn’t sure I ever would again.


      Lewis and I made plans to meet at The Clevelander, a spot that had a lot of history for us. Sexual history. I could have protested when I called Lewis back and he suggested the spot, but I didn’t. I knew that Lewis was hoping I’d cave to the emotional history the place represented for us. And for that reason, I knew I needed to go there as a test of my own feelings for him as well as a test of my own resolve to keep our relationship platonic.

      As I waited for Lewis at a table on the patio, I gazed at the palm trees that lined the South Beach strip. The scent of the ocean filled the air, and I could hear the sounds of calypso, reggae and hip-hop coming from the surrounding clubs. At night, the strip lit up in an array of neon colors, highlighting the beauty of the art deco buildings. On South Beach you had the beach, the swanky clubs, architectural history and natural beauty. As far as I was concerned, South Beach was one of the most beautiful places in the world, and very likely the hippest.

      I loved living here. It offered fun for the kids, excitement for the adults. Being on South Beach was like living in paradise. As I took in everything I loved about the place, I was more convinced than ever that I wouldn’t lose my home.

      At least not to a greedy, conniving, self-serving bitch.

      “Hey, gorgeous.”

      At the sound of Lewis’s voice, I looked over my shoulder. He looked sexy as hell in a tailored, pin-striped navy suit. Honestly, Lewis Carter looked like a top-paid model, СКАЧАТЬ