Pages & Co: Tilly and the Bookwanderers. Anna James
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Название: Pages & Co: Tilly and the Bookwanderers

Автор: Anna James

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Книги для детей: прочее


isbn: 9780008229887


СКАЧАТЬ 29. Book Magic is the Only Sort We Have

       30. Fairy Tales

       31. Curiosity Creates the Very Best Adventures

       32. You Can Walk off the End of Any Story

       33. A Whole Extra Character

       34. The Wrong Place at the Right Time

       35. A Bookshop is Like a Map of the World

       36. Be Brave and be Kind

       37. Readers are so Messy

       38. Some Books are Loved and Some are Forgotten

       39. How the Story had to End



       Tilly’s Bookshelf

       About the Publisher

       Image Missing

      Image Missingatilda Pages pushed open the door of Pages & Co. and breathed in deeply, taking in the familiar scent of just-blown-out candles, dark chocolate and, of course, books. For a second she forgot that she was splattered with muddy water and simply relished the week’s holiday that stretched out in front of her like the view from the gate of a fairground. But the bubble of calm popped as the damp seeped through her tights, making her shiver, and she marched through the door connecting the bookshop to the narrow house she lived in with her grandparents. She let the door crash behind her, tossed her school bag on the table – accidentally sending a pile of potatoes flying – and flopped dramatically into a chair.

      ‘Happy half-term, Tilly,’ Grandma said, looking around in confusion. ‘What on earth is the matter? And why are you taking it out on the potatoes?’

      Tilly blushed and sheepishly started picking them up.

      ‘And you’re soaking – it’s not still raining, is it?’ Grandma said, peering out of the kitchen window. She gave her granddaughter’s head an affectionate rub as Tilly kneeled to rescue a stray potato that had rolled into the cat basket. Tilly sighed and leaned against Grandma’s legs.

      ‘Grace went through a puddle on her bike and it splashed all over me.’

      ‘Surely she didn’t do it on purpose?’ Grandma asked gently.

      Tilly harrumphed in disagreement.

      ‘Aren’t you two as thick as thieves?’ Grandma said.

      ‘That was before, when we were just little. She has new friends now,’ Tilly said. ‘She got on to the netball team, and only wants to be with those girls now. She sits with Ammara and Poppy every day.’

      ‘Have I met Ammara and Poppy?’ Grandma asked.

      ‘No, they went to St Enid’s, and they stick together all the time.’

      ‘Well, why don’t you invite some of them round during the holiday?’ Grandma suggested. ‘Get to know each other?’

      ‘I don’t think they’d come,’ Tilly said uncertainly. ‘They’re always whispering and giggling about something when I try to talk to them.’

      ‘They might surprise you. You don’t know if you don’t ask,’ Grandma said. ‘Be brave, Matilda. Be brave, be—’

      ‘Be brave, be curious, be kind,’ Tilly interrupted. ‘I know.’

      ‘It’s what we always used to tell your mum growing up,’ Grandma said.

      ‘I just think being brave comes more naturally to some people than others,’ Tilly said.

      ‘Often it’s the things that don’t come naturally to us that are the most important,’ Grandma said. ‘Now, why don’t you take off that wet uniform and have a shower? I’ll make you a hot chocolate to celebrate the start of the holidays.’

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      Twenty minutes later Tilly was clean and dry, wearing her own clothes, and carrying two mugs of hot chocolate covered in whipped cream, one for her and one for her grandad. She pushed the kitchen door open with her back and reversed into the bookshop. Pages & Co. was Tilly’s favourite place in the world. From outside, on the busy north London high street, it looked like an entirely normal bookshop, but once inside it didn’t quite make sense how everything fitted inside its ordinary walls.

      The shop was made up of five floors of corners and cubbyholes, sofas and squashy armchairs, and a labyrinth of bookshelves heading off in different directions. A spiral staircase danced up one wall, and painted wooden ladders stretched up into difficult-to-reach corners. Tall arched windows made it feel a little like a church when the light spilled in and dust motes danced in the air. When it was good weather the sun pooled on the floor and the bookshop cat – named Alice for her curious nature – could often be found dozing in the warmest spots. During the summer the big fireplace behind the till was filled to bursting with fresh flowers, but as it was October a fire was roaring there.

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      Tilly had never been very far outside London, but she felt like a seasoned traveller within the pages of books: she had raced across the rooftops of Paris, learned to ride a broomstick and seen the Northern Lights from the deck of a ship. She had explored wonderlands and secret gardens with girls curious and contrary. She found books that led to long debates with Grandad over crumpets dripping with butter, and discovered stories that she read again and again until they shone far more brightly than the endless tests at school. She found friendships that seemed free of the complicated social rules at school. Tilly sometimes felt like there had been a lesson where friendship had been explained, but she’d been off poorly and had never quite been able to catch up.

      Grandad was behind the till, sorting through books that customers had ordered, matching receipts to titles and stacking them neatly, ready for collection. Tilly deposited СКАЧАТЬ