Edge of Midnight. Leslie Tentler
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Название: Edge of Midnight

Автор: Leslie Tentler

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Приключения: прочее


isbn: 9781408969649


СКАЧАТЬ custody of her before losing her again. Because she refused to give up her rights, Mia had been ineligible for adoption. Not that many couples were looking for kids who weren’t babies or toddlers, especially ones who weren’t blond-haired and blue-eyed.

       Mia knew Luri was still alive, living somewhere near Brunswick, Georgia, an hour and a half up the coast. But she never saw her, hadn’t spoken to her in years. Even now, she felt a sense of anger and loss for the family she’d never had.

       Wandering into the kitchen, she noticed the blinking light on the phone console, indicating two new voice mails. The phone’s ringer was on low—had the calls come in while she’d been asleep? She pressed the button and waited for the first message. It was from Grayson, who was checking in on her. He’d heard about the ID on Pauline Berger’s body, he said, and wanted Mia to call him back. Concern threaded his voice.

       She would call him, soon. An image of the woman’s corpse filled her head and sent a shiver running through her all over again.

       Mia moved to the second message but was met with only silence—a good ten seconds of static-filled dead air before the voice mail system cut off the connection. She checked the caller ID screen, which read Unknown Caller. Zeroes were displayed where the number should have been. She received calls like that all the time, everyone did, and she hated that she was letting some telemarketing firm put her even more at unease. The draining therapy session, the strange nightmare—all of it had shaken her a bit. Mia realized it wasn’t Grayson but Eric she wanted to call. She shoved away the impulse, however, not wanting to seem anxiety-prone and needy.

       As she went to the fridge and rummaged through the Thai leftovers from the previous evening, her mind returned to the little red-haired girl. Even now, she could almost feel the child’s thin fingers grasping hers, could see her clear hazel eyes.

      It’ll get better. You’ll see.

       Mia only hoped the dream-child was telling her the truth.

       Eric had taken his beer out to the deck of Cameron and Lanie’s house. The couple lived in St. Augustine, south of the Jacksonville area in a weathered, Craftsman-style waterfront home that overlooked the Matanzas Bay. The home had been built in the 1920s and passed down through three generations of Vartrans. A short distance away, the lighthouse on Anastasia Island was visible, its still-operational beacon glowing like a bonfire in the dark night.

       “You know that thing’s haunted,” Lanie said, following his gaze as she came out onto the deck from the kitchen. She cupped the mound of her belly and eased down onto the step next to where he sat. Her blond hair lifted in the warm, brackish breeze. “As the story goes, the lighthouse keeper’s young daughter drowned in the bay and her ghost can be seen on the observation deck from time to time.”

       Eric raised his eyebrows. “Do you really believe that?”

       She smiled slightly, shrugging. “I’ve never seen her but it’s good for tourism.”

       “Where’s Cameron?”

       “Doing the dishes for his poor, knocked-up wife. I thought I’d come out here and check on you.”

       Eric had found out at dinner that Lanie was due in early August, and she was having a baby girl. He had known Lanie for nearly as long as he’d known Cameron. During the years in which they’d been partnered, it had often been the four of them on weekends—Cameron and Lanie, Rebecca and himself. Cameron had served as a groomsman at his and Rebecca’s wedding. Sitting on the deck with nothing but quiet and the water’s dark beauty stretching out in front of him, he could easily understand why his friends had made the choice to return home.

       “How are you, Eric?” Lanie nudged his shoulder with hers. “I mean, really. How are you?”

       “I’m okay.”

       When she continued to gaze at him, concern on her face, he added quietly, “It’s been almost three years, Lanie.”

       She pushed her hair from her eyes. “Time flies. We miss you. We miss Rebecca, too.”

       Eric took a sip of his beer.

       “Even after Cam and I moved back home, Rebecca and I still kept in touch by phone. We talked every few weeks or so.” Lanie didn’t look at him as she spoke. Instead, she stared out over the water. “I know you guys were having problems. But she still loved you, Eric.”

       He sighed. He suspected she knew anyway. “We were getting a separation. Rebecca wanted it—I didn’t.”

       His job had come between them. Bureau work was always demanding, but Eric’s move to the VCU had only intensified the long hours and travel, as well as the pressure. The daily violence had worn him down more than he’d expected. Rebecca had always needed his attention, his time, and he hadn’t been able to give it to her. At least not in the amounts she desired. Even if she really did love him, she had still wanted out.

       “I let her down,” he murmured, more to himself than Lanie.

       “It’s not your fault. Rebecca knew what she was getting into when she married a federal officer—”

       “She didn’t plan to die because of me.”

       Lanie fell silent. There really was no response she could give. Eric felt bad for the harsh edge to his words. Rebecca’s murder had screwed him up, but he didn’t need to take it out on someone else. After a few moments, he said, “Thanks for dinner, and for letting me stay at the bungalow. It beats the hell out of the Holiday Inn.”

       “Cam figured you get your share of hotel rooms without having to stay in one down here.” Lanie played with her wedding band, sliding it up and down on her finger as she spoke. “We’re lucky. His parents left him the rental property, and this house. The bungalow is a nice supplemental income, but it’s in an older area of Jax Beach and usually doesn’t rent out until the summer when everything else is full.”

       She hesitated. “I’m sorry we hadn’t mentioned the baby before now. Called or dropped you a postcard or something. It’s just that it’s taken a while and with the miscarriage two years ago, I’ve been a little superstitious about talking about it.”

       Eric nodded his understanding. “You guys have a good life down here. You’ll be good parents. Do you have a name picked out?”

       “Rosalie Marie.” She let out a small laugh. “It’s horribly old-fashioned, but it was Cameron’s mother’s name. He’s dead set on it.”

       “It’s beautiful.”

       Eric had braced his hand on the thigh of his jeans, and Lanie covered it with hers. She gazed at him, her china-blue eyes serious. Even in the shadows, he could see faint sun freckles on her cheekbones.

       “You deserve a good life, too, Eric,” she said softly. “But Cameron thinks you’re still not through punishing yourself.”

       He looked away and swallowed another sip of beer. Maybe when The Collector was dead or behind bars—and he admitted he’d prefer the former—he’d be able to let go of the past. But not until then.

       Both he and Lanie turned as the door to the kitchen opened. Cameron came outside. Eric got to his feet and helped Lanie to a standing position. Truth be told, she wasn’t all that big yet but she was small-framed and her rounded stomach did make her seem a little СКАЧАТЬ