A Diva in Manhattan: HarperImpulse Contemporary Romance. Aubrie Dionne
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СКАЧАТЬ rash. “Can’t you go by yourself?”

      She shook her head, and her diamond earrings dangled like pendulums. “No. He was on the auctioning block.”

      “Auctioning block?” This did not sound good. Brett glanced back to the construction site. No one seemed to miss him yet.

      “A one night dinner date with for two: him and the lucky lady whose purse is big enough to win the bid.”

      “You mean you want me to pose as your son, dress up, put myself on the auction block, and take the winner out to dinner?”

      She crossed her arms and narrowed her eyes as if she’d underestimated him. “That’s right. And I’ll pay for every cent.”

      “I don’t know.” The whole idea seemed too outlandish for someone who liked his world kept simple.

      “Please, I won’t be able to find anyone else on such short notice, and it is for charity.”

      A charity he believed in. Brett sighed as he considered what it would feel like to put on a tux and schmooze with all the hoity toities of New York. “My shift doesn’t end until seven.”

      She clapped her hands together. “Perfect. That’s when the cocktails start.”

      He ran his hands through his hair as apprehension tightened in his chest. “I’m not good at small talk. I’ve lived most of my life up in a log cabin in the middle of nowhere.”

      She pointed a finger at him. “You’re smarter than you let on. Besides, it’s not like anyone your age has the money to win the bid. You’ll probably be taking out some old spinster like me for coffee. Believe me, you’ll be fine.”

      Brett knew he was in too far over his head. But, he couldn’t ignore an organization like Project Wish. And it wasn’t like he was looking forward to a night alone with his thoughts to keep him company. This woman was pushy, but he found her sass endearing. She reminded him of a cross between his own grandmother and Rose from the Golden Girls. Not that he watched the reruns. Well, maybe sometimes he did.

      “Okay.” He nodded slowly, convincing himself in the process. “Count me in.”



      Alaina straightened her red, Valentino lace dress and walked into the lobby of the Met. The board had decorated the dual spiral staircases with roses, and the who’s who of New York mingled holding glasses of champagne.

      She wanted her own glass of bubbly while soaking naked in lilac scented water. But no, here she was in this snoozefest raising money for…what was Project Wish anyway?

      “Alaina, so nice of you to come.” Altez Vior took her hand and kissed the back.

      Alaina smiled despite the irritation rising within her. I’m only here because you held a knife to my throat. “Anything to ensure the opera goes well.”

      The conductor glanced around the room. “There are a few people I’d like to you meet, namely the founders of Project Wish, along with the other members of the board.”

      She swallowed a yawn. “I can’t wait.”

      Worry crossed his face as he scanned the crowd. “We’re missing Grace DeBarr, the largest donor for both Project Wish and the opera. I wonder if something held her up.”

      Opportunity rang in Alaina’s ears. This was her excuse to make herself scarce. “Maybe you should call her, just in case.”

      “Of course.” He checked his watch. “Excuse me.”

      “Absolutely.” She ushered him toward the coatroom. As he dug in his coat for his cell phone, she slipped back into the crowd.

      Now where were those appetizers?

      The front door opened, and an older woman in black velvet walked in with the hottest date Alaina had ever seen. Dressed in a sleek, black Armani suit, this man towered a head above most with wide shoulders, a square jaw, and perfectly rugged features that oozed masculinity. Long, luscious waves of dark brown hair were slicked back from his face, curling around his ears. Dark brown eyes simmered as he scanned the room. He settled on her and interest sparked in his gaze.

      Too bad he was a gold digger preying on an older woman who should know better.

      Alaina elbowed a man in his fifties picking an egg roll off a waiter’s tray. “Who’s that lovely couple?”

      He popped the egg roll in his mouth and stepped toward her. His eyes rolled over the spots on her dress where the bare skin showed through the lace. “That’s Grace DeBarr, the richest woman in New York and one of the project’s biggest donors.”

      She didn’t care if he gawked, as long as he provided information. “And who’s the arm candy?”

      The man frowned as if shocked by her bluntness. Or was he jealous of her interest in the other man? “I’m not sure. Her son is scheduled for the auction block at eight. I suppose that’s him.”

      “Her son?” Alaina searched the older woman’s face for even a fraction of that hotness but found no resemblance. What did it matter as long as he wasn’t her date?

      Mr. Egg Roll provided his hand. “Alan Hardy, vice president of the board. And you are?”

      She took his hand and dropped it after one shake. “Alaina Amaldi. I’m sorry. There’s something I have to be getting to…” She turned and cut through the crowd.

      Mrs. DeBarr had found the conductor, and the two of them were chatting up a storm. Alaina turned around and hid behind a waiter. She couldn’t get caught up in that conversation right now. Not when there was a hot guy walking around without a date. Her evening just got a whole hell of a lot more interesting.

      Mr. Hottie stood alone and aloof by the punch table.

      Alaina had a sudden craving for punch. She leaned over and reached for the serving spoon, making sure her breasts were on full display as her diamond pendant dangled over the pink liquid.

      She had to use her attributes to her advantage. Long ago, she gave up trying to be pencil thin and went down the curvy route. Those models could nibble on lettuce, but a lyric soprano needed a hearty meal to belt out those high A’s.

      She dipped the large serving spoon in and trickled the liquid in her glass. She glanced over in his direction and -sure enough- caught him staring.

      Alaina raised an eyebrow as she sipped her drink, leaving red lipstick on the rim. She wished she could leave some on his cleanly shaven cheek. “Enjoying your evening?”

      He shrugged uncomfortably. For someone with a billion- dollar inheritance, he seemed like a country bumpkin out of his element. “I just got here.”

      Alaina stepped forward, claiming the space beside him. “Yes, I saw you come in with СКАЧАТЬ