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Читать онлайн книгу 20 MINUTES TO MASTER … MEDITATION - Christina Feldman страница 8


Автор: Christina Feldman

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Эзотерика


isbn: 9780007513253


СКАЧАТЬ of the sound. There are schools of meditation that encourage the continued repetition of the sound throughout all of our daily life activities and others that encourage its cultivation only in times of formal meditation.

      The objective is the same in both schools of emphasis – the attention is turned inward and focused wholeheartedly upon the sound. The intention is to cultivate a direct connection and eventually an absorption into the sound. Once more the repetition and resultant concentration serve as a foundation for further devotional or contemplative practices where there is equally an absorption into the spiritual qualities represented by the sound, phrase or prayer.

      In choosing a sound to serve as a central anchor for your concentration the principles of simplicity and familiarity again hold some significance. Whether we choose the sound of OM or a simple prayer or inspirational quote, the practice begins with the slow and consistent repetition of it. Some people choose simple statements such as ‘May I be filled with compassion’ or ‘May all beings live in peace’ as a focus that is both evocative and symbolic. A single word such as ‘peace’ or ‘calm’ will serve. Through our sustained focus it becomes more prominent to us than any of the other mental or physical events that are occurring. It is important that the repetition doesn’t become mechanical or habitual but through giving each utterance of the sound our wholehearted attentiveness, it is an expression of sensitivity and meaning. Through repeating the sound we become increasingly attuned and close to it. Again many times our attention will depart to become entangled elsewhere, the cultivation of concentration occurs through the same gentle returning of attention to our primary object of focus. As we continue with the practice, our attunement with the sound deepens and it becomes an integral part of our consciousness, easily accessible to us. In the deepening of the practice the level of attunement with the sound becomes so profound that it saturates our being and we are absorbed in it. The characteristics of absorption are always joy and oneness. Even on more surface levels of connection with our chosen sound it offers us a refuge of calm and focus that we are then able to bring to the variety of circumstances in our lives where there is turmoil or confusion. The chosen sound, mantra or phrase provides a tangible place to anchor our attention in times of stress or even in the midst of activities that require little attention.


      The practice of focusing upon our own breathing process as a means of cultivating one-pointedness and concentration is found within a variety of schools of meditation practice. This widely cultivated practice is adopted for a number of reasons: it is a style of practice that is unencumbered by religious connotations and therefore has a universal appeal, the focusing upon our breathing process does not demand that we concentrate on anything culturally unknown or unfamiliar to us, the breath is immediately accessible to us. No matter what else is happening in our lives, no matter what circumstances we find ourselves in – we are always breathing. Our breath is always available to us as an anchor of attentiveness.

      It is a practice blessed with great simplicity. As in any other form of concentration practice the objective is to cultivate a clearly focused, undistracted attentiveness, to calm and clear the mind, to establish us in the present moment and to bring serenity and joy. Like any other form of concentration practice, the practice of attending to our breath can be developed into deep states of absorption with experiences of sublime joy and equanimity, or developed just sufficiently enough to serve as a foundation for exploring other dimensions of meditation and the development of understanding. There are a number of schools of meditation that suggest developing the principle of clearly established attentiveness utilizing the breath, prior to expanding the focus of meditation to develop insight.

      There are a variety of ways of cultivating concentration through attending to our breathing process. No one of them is intrinsically superior or more effective than another – again different temperaments will find a greater sense of harmony in slightly different variations upon what is essentially a single path of establishing and developing attentiveness.


      After settling your body in your chosen meditation posture, turn your attention inward to be aware of your breathing process. Don’t attempt to alter or control your breathing – it will not accelerate your capacity to concentrate – but simply attend to the natural rhythm of your breath. The purpose of counting is to aid us in focusing our attention upon our breath and bring us closer to each breath as it occurs.

      As you breathe in, silently count one, as you breathe out count two. Continue up until ten and then begin again with one.

      There will be times when your attention becomes lost in a thought process – the moment you become aware of this simply return to counting one and continue. Continue with the counting until your attention begins to feel steady and established in your breathing process and then let the counting go, remembering that the counting is only a tool to establish your attention.


      As you begin your meditation, initially bring your attention to the whole movement of your breath from its beginning to end and notice the way in which your body responds to each inhalation and each exhalation – the movements of expansion and contraction.

      Notice in which part of your body you most clearly perceive your breath – it may be in the area of your upper lip and the entrance to your nostrils, the area of your chest or in the rise and fall of your abdomen. Establish your attention in the area of your body where your breath is most clearly perceptible and cultivate a sustained and unwavering focus at your upper lip, chest or abdomen. Notice the sensations that arise in this area of your body as you breathe in and out, whether coolness, warmth, rising or falling – not evaluating them but bringing a mindful attentiveness.

      Again your attention will be at times pulled away by thoughts, sounds or sensations. The moment you are aware this has taken place simply return your attention once more to the area of your body you have selected. As the mind calms and steadies, you will notice changes both in the state of your body and in the rhythm of your breathing. Your body will begin to relax and feel lighter, your breathing will become more subtle and slow. Don’t interfere in any way with this natural unfoldment, but keep the attention unwaveringly upon your chosen focus.


      As you begin your meditation and turn your attention to your breathing process, naming is another means of connecting your attention more closely with your breath. As you breathe, silently make a mental note of ‘in-breath’, as you breathe out silently make a mental note of ‘out-breath’. The words ‘rising’, ‘falling’, ‘expansion’ or ‘contraction’ can be gently attached to each movement.

      Continue to note each inhalation and each exhalation as they occur. The purpose of using these labels is to bring the attention closer to the actual experience of each breath as it occurs. Care needs to be taken in using the mental notes so they neither become habitual nor interfere with the direct perception of the breath on a moment to moment level.

      The introduction of naming is an effective way of bringing the mind to calmness and one-pointedness, particularly in times when it is particularly agitated or busy. As the mind calms and the attention begins to stabilize the mental notes will fade in significance and drop away.


      After settling yourself in your posture and turning your attention to your breath, again sense in your body the entire movement of your breath from beginning to end.

      Notice the slight pause between the ending of one out-breath and the beginning of the next in-breath. Let your СКАЧАТЬ