Time After Time: A heart-warming novel about love, loss and second chances. Hannah McKinnon Mary
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СКАЧАТЬ felt the heat rising from the bottom of her neck and spreading across her face. ‘I think so,’ she muttered, noticing a group of people staring and snickering. When she looked up at the guy she’d collided with, her embarrassment hit stratospheric levels in less than a nanosecond.

       He’s gorgeous. Drop dead gorgeous. Oh just kill me now. Open up, floor. Open up.

      Now Hayley stared, but she couldn’t help it. Despite him being on his knees he towered over her. His brown eyes were as smooth and warm as a delicious Galaxy bar. She looked at his dark hair, short at the sides with a hint of a quiff. Then she took in his all-black outfit; leather boots, jeans, belt with a silver buckle, tank top and leather jacket.

       He looks like he’s stepped straight out of a page in Vogue.

      ‘Let me help you,’ he said, getting up and holding out his hand. Hayley grabbed it and he pulled her up effortlessly and she was amazed he didn’t wince at her weight.

       ‘Sorry,’ she said. It came out as a ‘shwowee’ so she coughed and cleared her throat, buying some time. ‘I mean sorry. I tripped on a handbag on my way to the toilet for a pee.’

       Oh my god, I just said ‘pee’. Will you shut up!

      He grinned. ‘No problem. What’s your name?’

      Name … uh, what is my name?

      ‘Oh, erm, Hayley.’

      ‘I’m Chris. I’m going to get a drink. Want one? After you’ve been to the bathroom?’ He smiled and winked. Hayley wished she could hold on to something to stop her from falling over again.

       Sexiest smile, ever. Hang on. Did he really ask me if I wanted a drink?

      Butterflies in fighter-jets flew loop-the-loops in her stomach.

      ‘Yes please,’ she said and fled to the loo.

       Keep cool, keep cool. Don’t blow it. Don’t say anything stupid. Don’t even talk …

      She checked her hair in the mirror and smoothed down her shirt, wishing she looked three times as pretty and felt ten times as confident. She wanted to splash her face with some water but decided against it as it might mess up her make-up. Besides, the blue fluorescent light was hardly ideal for pan stick touch-ups. Hayley swallowed hard, then took a deep breath and walked out of the bathroom.

      Chris was there waiting and he led the way, bought two pops and handed one to her. She took a big gulp and managed not to cough and splutter when the fizzy bubbles almost went up her nose. Standing at the bar, desperately trying not to chew on her straw, Hayley felt the familiar sense of dread.

       I’ve got to say something. Anything. Before he walks off.

      ‘Do you …’ they both said at the same time and then laughed.

      Chris gestured with his right hand and bowed slightly. ‘Ladies first.’

      She swallowed. ‘Do you like the film Dirty Dancing?’

       Idiot! What did you say that for?

      ‘With Patrick What’s-his-name?’


      How could he not know Patrick Swayze’s name? The man was a god. The way he danced and his American accent were so hot. The first time she saw the film – and the four times after that – she wanted to claw her way into the screen and be Baby. She’d have fought Jennifer Grey with her hands tied behind her back. And she’d have won.

      ‘Swayze. Yeah, that’s it,’ Chris said. ‘It’s a bit of a girly film, isn’t it?’

      ‘Girly?’ She sniffed. This was sacrilege. ‘You make it sound crap. And it isn’t. It’s about a girl who meets a guy at a stuffy holiday resort and he teaches her to dance. It’s ace.’ She crossed her arms and stuck out her chin.

      Chris’ eyes twinkled. ‘So … it’s not a favourite of yours or anything then?’

      Hayley dropped her shoulders. ‘Definitely.’ She smiled. ‘The music’s brilliant and the dancing’s amazing. It’s so cool and –’

      Chris nodded and shouted, ‘Give me a minute.’ He walked away.

       He’s going. You stupid idiot. You blew it!

      Hayley watched him weave his way through the crowd to the DJ and yell something in his ear. They both looked at her, then the DJ nodded.

       Oh no, what’s he doing? Telling him he met Little Miss Dull?

      She started looking around for Ellen so she could tell her she wanted to leave, but when Yazz’s ‘The Only Way Is Up’ faded and the next record started playing, Hayley recognised it immediately. ‘The Time of My Life’, the Dirty Dancing theme song. Chris stood in front of her and held out his hand, then he leaned in towards her.

      ‘You said the dancing’s good, yeah?’

      She nodded.

      ‘Show me.’

      They moved onto the dance floor and Hayley thought she might throw up. This kind of stuff didn’t happen in real life, at least, not to Hayley. She wondered if it was a dream or some kind of hallucination. Maybe she was actually lying in hospital, running a high fever, or even dying, her family gathered around her, weeping, and all the while she was being whisked off her feet by a demi-god. Or a god. Who was she to tell the difference?


      Chris held her hand tightly, an encouraging smile playing on his lips.

       Oh help. I’m not dreaming. This is ridiculous. Everyone’s staring …

      ‘It’s a bit, uh, sexy …’ she said.

      ‘Show me.’

      Hayley placed her right leg between his and moved in close. She took his hands and put them on her waist before slipping her arms around his neck. Then they started moving to the music. A rush of excitement travelled through her body, making her tingle. She realised that, while she could dance well, Chris was far better. He got the moves right away, guiding her, pulling her even closer. Hayley’s pulse quickened.

       Oh heck. His crotch is almost touching mine.

      Other couples started watching and then copying them, until the room looked like the Kellerman’s resort itself. Hayley couldn’t believe she was dancing with this cool and handsome stranger. She caught sight of Ellen and Mark who were a few feet away.

      Ellen winked at Hayley, pointed at Chris and mouthed, ‘Wow.’

      The exhilaration kept on going for each new dance. When the slow songs came on, Chris pulled Hayley even closer and she could smell his deodorant and minty breath. She smiled.

      This is so much СКАЧАТЬ