Tilly Bagshawe 3-book Bundle: Scandalous, Fame, Friends and Rivals. Tilly Bagshawe
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СКАЧАТЬ on, now,’ he said smoothly. ‘I know we got off to a bad start. But don’t you think it’s time to bury the hatchet? I was really proud of your work today. We all were.’

      ‘Thank you,’ said Sasha.

      ‘So you’ll come out for a drink?’

      Sasha smiled sweetly. ‘Absolutely not.’

      She was never unprofessional, or overtly rude. She avoided Jackson where possible, and where not possible worked alongside him with a cool detachment that would have made Henry Kissinger proud. But her distaste for the company of Wrexall’s heir apparent was not lost on anyone at the firm. Jackson couldn’t shake the feeling that he was being laughed at behind his back, and that it was all Sasha’s fault.

      Lottie Grainger, a Yale graduate with short chestnut hair and an enchanting, freckled, pixie-like face, couldn’t understand Sasha’s continued hostility. One of the few other female executives at Wrexall and a rising star in the PR and communications group, Lottie considered Sasha a friend and confidante. But she also liked Jackson.

      ‘Don’t you think you should give him a chance? Compared to a lot of the old farts on the board he’s a good guy, you know. And you have to admit he’s great at his job.’

      ‘I never said he wasn’t.’

      Over the last few years, Jackson had developed something of specialization in high-end residential work, focusing on uber-wealthy private clients and developers. Sasha officially worked in the commercial group, under Bob Massey, which meant their paths rarely crossed. Recently, however, she’d been roped in to help with a potential joint venture in the hotel sector. The deal with Goldman Sachs’s Private Equity Group was Jackson’s baby. To Sasha’s surprise and irritation, he had specifically requested to have her work on it with him.

      Lottie Grainger would have given her eye teeth to have been Jackson’s right-hand woman and couldn’t understand Sasha’s bitching.

      ‘I know Jackson’s a player and all that,’ said Lottie.

      ‘Quite the legend. In his own mind,’ Sasha replied scathingly.

      ‘But I’ve been here four years and he’s always respected the boundaries.’ Lottie couldn’t entirely hide her disappointment. For some reason Jackson had made a pass at every attractive woman to walk through the doors at Wrexall … except her. ‘Besides, like it or not, Jackson Dupree’s going to run this place one day. If you want to make it to the top at Wrexall, you’re going to have to make peace with him at some point.’

      This was true. It was one of the reasons that Sasha had no intention of making it to the top at Wrexall. Her plan was to learn all she could, take the firm for as much money as possible, then get out and start her own firm. There was a popular saying at HBS: ‘No one ever got rich on a salary.’ Of course, that all depended on how one defined ‘rich’. But Sasha wasn’t interested in making a few million, the sort of money to keep her in big houses and couture clothes. She needed serious money. The kind that could buy and sell companies and make or break futures. The kind that could destroy a man.

      Looking at Jackson’s furious face after today’s meeting, Sasha thought, Maybe I’ll have to bring the whole “ quitting Wrexall ” plan forward a few years. Morgan Graham, the big cheese from Goldman, had pissed her off royally with his self-aggrandizing, sexist bullshit. But deep down, Sasha realized she’d gone too far. Jackson had been working on this JV for six months. If he went to the board and told them what happened, they’d have every right to fire her.

      Jackson stormed back into his office, slamming the door so hard that the framed photograph of his grandfather, Randall Dupree, crashed down off the wall. Lise, his secretary, knocked with trepidation.

      ‘Can I, er … can I get you anything?’

      ‘You can get me Sasha Miller’s head on a plate,’ snarled Jackson. ‘Tell Bob Massey I need to talk to him. She’s gone too damn far this time. And get Lottie in here,’ he added as an afterthought. ‘We need to figure out a damage-control strategy for the media. Everyone expected us to announce a deal this week. If we don’t put something convincing out there our share price is going to drop faster than Paris Hilton’s panties.’

      ‘Yes, sir. Right away.’

      Lise scuttled off. A few minutes later, Lottie Grainger walked in. In a simple, grey turtleneck sweater from J. Crew and Stella McCartney wool pants, with her face almost completely free of make-up, Lottie still managed to look radiant. She’s so lovely, thought Jackson, warmly. Seeing Lottie was often the highlight of Jackson’s working day. There was something pure and innocent and innately decent about her that had kept him from trying it on with her. Not that he hadn’t thought about it. The girl had no idea how fabulous her figure was, with those gazelle legs and perfect little apple breasts. But Jackson knew that if he slept with Lottie, the easy friendship between them would be gone forever. He’d wind up hurting her – Jackson could no more ‘do’ commitment than he could fly to Mars – and he didn’t want to be that guy, not with Lottie. Sasha, on the other hand, he would love to get into bed and then drop from a height. Boy did that chick have tickets on herself.

      ‘You wanted to see me?’

      ‘Yes.’ Jackson took a deep breath. Just being in Lottie’s presence seemed to calm him. ‘Sasha Miller just walked into Morgan Graham’s office and told the guy he was a prick and that she didn’t blame his wife for leaving him.’

      Lottie gasped. ‘She didn’t!’

      ‘So I think it’s safe to say that our Goldman deal is well and truly dead.’

      Lottie looked at Jackson’s clenched jaw and hunched, tension-filled shoulders and longed to walk over and touch him. I could make you better. I could make love to you so perfectly you wouldn’t stop smiling for a week.

      Aloud, she said ‘You want a damage-limitation strategy?’

      Jackson nodded. ‘We need to get a statement out by tomorrow morning. Something the street will swallow, before Goldman put their spin on it, or some trigger-happy equity analyst starts making shit up.’

      Lottie grabbed a pen, her quick mind racing, ‘OK. This is what I suggest.’

      Half an hour later, the press release was ready to go. ‘Should I send it out now?’

      Jackson hesitated, looking at his watch. It was already six o’clock. He was due at the Met in half an hour, attending yet another fundraiser, this time with a stunning French girl called Pascale. She was the new face of Chanel Mademoiselle and she was new to New York, bless her.

      ‘No. We’ll do it in the morning. I ought to sleep on it, anyway. Do you have plans tonight?’

      For a moment, Lottie’s heart soared. ‘No! Not at all, I’m free as a bird. Why?’

      ‘Oh, no reason,’ said Jackson. ‘You did a great job today, Lottie. Unlike some people I could mention. Go home and get some sleep. You deserve it.’

      Lottie watched him leave. It was as if someone had shut off the power to the building. Or at least to her heart. She knew she wouldn’t get much sleep tonight, whether she deserved it or not. Although she suspected she’d get more than poor old Sasha. What on earth was she thinking?

      Sasha СКАЧАТЬ