Matthew Hawkwood Thriller Series Books 1-3: Ratcatcher, Resurrectionist, Rapscallion. James McGee
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СКАЧАТЬ stairway was a door. Hawkwood’s quarry was there, knapsack at his feet, fumbling with a key. As Hawkwood’s boot hit the top step, the man looked up. Hawkwood was given no time to turn aside. Startled, the man’s eyes widened in shock, then recognition. His hand snatched towards his waist.

      Hawkwood hurled the sugar down the stairs. The heavy sack struck his target full in the chest, knocking him off balance. The knife he’d drawn from his belt rattled to the ground. Hawkwood went down fast. His boot thudded into the man’s crotch. As his victim collapsed in a gargling heap, hand clutching his genitals, Hawkwood picked up the knife and jabbed the point of the blade under the unshaven chin.

      “Now then, culley, that’s no way to greet an officer of the law.”

      No response, other than a low whimper.

      Hawkwood bent low. “Sorry? What’s that? Can’t hear you.”

      Another groan of pain.

      Hawkwood sighed. “All right, let’s start with your name.”

      “S-Sparrow.” The reply came in a whisper. “W-Will Sparrow.”

      “You’re Spiker’s mate,” Hawkwood said.

      Sparrow stared at him. “S-Spiker’s dead.”

      “I know that,” Hawkwood grated. “I watched him die.”

      Fear drove the last of the colour from Sparrow’s face.

      “So,” Hawkwood said, “I’m wondering what brings you to this neck of the woods. Running errands for William Lee? Rushing to tell him the news about Spiker, maybe? That it, Sparrow? Is Lee inside?” Hawkwood reached out and pulled the knapsack towards him. He put a hand inside. Some bottles, a loaf of bread and what felt like a slab of cheese. “What’s this then, breakfast for the troops?” Hawkwood pressed the point of the knife under the skin of Sparrow’s throat. A tiny bubble of blood appeared beneath the tip of the blade. “I think you and me should have a little talk, culley. In private, where no one can hear us. What do you say?”

      Sparrow blinked fearfully. Then his eyes moved and Hawkwood heard the faint hiss of breath. Sparrow wasn’t looking at him, he realized. He was looking at something behind him, in the doorway. Hawkwood started to turn, but he was about a thousand years too late. He sensed the shadow above him, heard the soft footfall, followed by a massive explosion of pain as he was struck hard behind the right ear.

      The thought that passed through his mind as he went down was, curiously, not how much the blow had hurt, but that this was the second time he’d been taken by surprise in nearly as many hours. It was getting to be a nasty habit. Or maybe it was a sign that he was growing too old for this sort of game. The second thing that struck him as he began to slip away was that the attack had clearly affected his sense of smell. He could have sworn that the impact upon his skull had been accompanied by the faint yet unmistakable scent of lemons.


      Hawkwood saw the rat as soon as he opened his eyes. It was impossible to miss. It was huge, at least a foot and a half long from nose to tail. There were rich pickings to be had along the waterfront and the rodent looked well fed and healthy, its pelt as shiny as velvet. Unafraid, the rat sat back on its hind legs, front paws raised, and sniffed the air, whiskers twitching. Finally, curiosity overcoming caution, it dropped back to all fours and scampered fluidly across the floor. Six feet away, it paused and stared at Hawkwood with bright, beady-eyed expectation.

      Hawkwood raised his head. A big mistake. Pain lanced through his skull. He groaned and closed his eyes, willing the hurt to subside. He opened his eyes again, cautiously, his cheek against the cold stone. The view hadn’t changed. The rat was still there, watching him.

      Something touched his shoulder. Instinctively, Hawkwood jerked away and regretted it instantly as another bolt of lightning seared along his optic nerve.

      “Easy, my boy, easy.” The voice was gentle and soothing. “Here, let me help you up.”

      Hawkwood felt guiding arms around his shoulders as he was assisted into a seated position against the wall. He put a hand to the back of his skull and winced as his fingers explored broken skin and what felt like dried blood. Slowly, he raised his aching head.

      “Master Woodburn, I presume?”

      The elderly man who was looking down at him with anxious eyes frowned then smiled. “You’ve the advantage of me, sir. I don’t believe we’ve met.”

      “My name’s Hawkwood.”

      “So, Mr Hawkwood, what brings you to my humble abode?”

      “I’ve been looking for you,” Hawkwood said.

      The old man’s eyebrows lifted. “Have you, indeed?”

      “I’m a special constable. A Runner.”

      What might have been a flicker of hope flared briefly in the old man’s eyes, to be replaced almost immediately by a weary resignation. The clockmaker regarded Hawkwood’s unshaven face, lank hair and smoke-blackened clothing and nodded sagely. “Well, I’m delighted to make your acquaintance, my boy. I only wish it could have been in more propitious circumstances.” The old man waved a hand expansively, then beckoned. “Come, let’s get you on the bed so that I can examine your wound. I assume, from the manner of your arrival, that you were set upon by the same ruffians who are holding me here?”

      As the old man helped him up, Hawkwood took note of their surroundings. A low trestle bed sat in the corner. The only other items of furniture were a table and chair. On the table sat a bowl and jug, a tin cup, and a plate containing bread and cheese; the groceries collected by Sparrow. High on the opposite wall, a small, square, barred window admitted a solitary shaft of sunlight. Had Hawkwood not known otherwise, he might well have thought himself inside one of the cells at Newgate.

      Josiah Woodburn patted the bed. “Sit, my boy, sit.”

      As his scalp was examined, Hawkwood made his own diagnosis. He could see that the clockmaker’s face was pale and that his clothing, dark coat and breeches, which at first glance had appeared without blemish, was in places soiled and stained. Hawkwood was no physician but, even to his untrained eye, Josiah Woodburn looked like a man who, faced with unaccustomed adversity, was trying bravely to hold on to both his dignity and his sanity.

      The old man clicked his tongue in sympathy. “‘Pon my word, you look as though you’ve been in the wars. You’ll live, though, have no fear. The skin’s broken, nothing more.” He patted Hawkwood’s knee paternally. “So, how did you find me?”

      Hawkwood was about to answer, when the old man held up a hand. “Let me attend to Archimedes first. If he doesn’t get his breakfast, he’ll only make a nuisance of himself.”

      Archimedes? It took Hawkwood a second to realize the old man was talking about the rat. Intriguingly, the animal was still there, staring up at them, whiskers twitching, still without a trace of fear. Hawkwood watched as the old man took a small wedge of cheese from the plate on the table and tossed it on to the floor. As soon as the morsel had stopped rolling, the rat darted forward, picked up the cheese in its mouth and scampered back the way it had come, disappearing through a dark crevice in the corner of СКАЧАТЬ