Matthew Hawkwood Thriller Series Books 1-3: Ratcatcher, Resurrectionist, Rapscallion. James McGee
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СКАЧАТЬ amounted to military precision, he began to pay very close attention.

      Not that he should have been that surprised. Jago’s childhood, in the company of tinkers and horse thieves, had served as a fine apprenticeship for his life in the army, where he had gained a name for himself, not only as a first-class soldier but as a scavenger and protector to the men under his command. Twenty years in the military had only served to sharpen those skills. So it was hardly unexpected that he should have continued to utilize the same degree of artistry in his current, albeit dubious, means of employment.

      In fact, as Hawkwood had subsequently discovered, Jago had infiltrated the London underworld with considerable success. It was hinted that the sergeant had his fingers in several pies, most of them lucrative; from protection and pilfery to piracy and prostitution, though how much was fact and how much fiction, Hawkwood had been unable to determine. Where rumour led, a grain of truth was generally not far behind. What was certain was that in the short time since his arrival in the rookery Jago had won himself a position of some influence. Whether through the use of brain or brawn, one could only surmise. Knowing Jago as he did, Hawkwood presumed it was a combination of the two. Either way, it placed the ex-soldier in the position of being able to provide Hawkwood with the kind of information he sometimes sought.

      There had been occasional meetings over the intervening months, always on Jago’s home territory. Nothing personal, Jago had told Hawkwood. Only you could never tell when the provosts were likely to walk round the bloody corner. As Jago had chided softly, “Don’t want to be caught with my breeches down, do I, sir?”

      And so the partnership had endured, albeit in a somewhat circumspect capacity. A snippet of criminal information here, in exchange for a warning of impending interference from the authorities there. So far, both parties to the agreement had profited.

      Jago placed his tankard on the table and leaned forward. “Right, Cap’n, now don’t get me wrong. It’s not that I ain’t pleased to see you, but these old bones tell me this ain’t no social visit. I doubt you’re here to chat about old times. Strikes me there’s something on your mind. You care to tell old Nathaniel what that might be?” The candle flame flickered in a draught. Jago’s shadow, cast on the wall behind him, ebbed and flowed, one moment nothing more than a vague shapeless blob, the next a crook-backed goblin about to spring out of the corner of the room.

      There was a sudden commotion on the lower floor. The dog fight had resumed. Two animals had been dropped into the straw-littered pit. Snarling and yelping, their smooth-pelted bodies erupted into a frenzy of snapping teeth and gouging claws. Hawkwood turned his head away. “Information.”

      Jago raised a quizzical eyebrow. “You buyin’, or sellin’?”

      Hawkwood did not waste time in preamble. “Two nights ago, a coach was held up and robbed on the Kent Road. Two men were killed: the driver’s mate and a passenger.”

      Jago frowned. “And you thought I might have had something to do with it?”

      Hawkwood looked at his former sergeant long and hard. “No, but I’m guessing the incident might not have gone unnoticed. Am I right?”

      Jago tipped his head to one side. “Could be I did hear something.”

      “Like what?”

      Jago fixed Hawkwood with a steadfast gaze. “You aimin’ to bring ‘em to justice, Cap’n?”

      “Them?” Hawkwood said quickly.

      Jago took a sip of brandy and wiped his lips. Hawkwood knew the sergeant was giving himself time to think, weighing his options.

      “Two men. Old ‘un and young ‘un, so I ‘eard.”

      “What else did you hear?”

      Jago sighed. “Not much. Only that they ran foul of the Redbreasts and got away with naught but a few trinkets.” Jago shook his head. “Hardly worth the bleedin’ effort! Bloody amateurs!”

      “The passenger was an admiralty courier,” Hawkwood said.

      “Was he now?” Jago replied, eyes narrowing. “I was wondering why you was so interested. Tell me, what if it had only been the driver’s mate that was shot, would you and me be ‘avin’ this conversation?”

      “Murder’s a serious business,” Hawkwood said. “Doesn’t matter if the victim’s a prince or pauper. It’s not the same as stealing a loaf of bread.”

      “Try tellin’ that to the magistrate,” Jago grunted. “It’s an ‘anging offence, either way.”

      Hawkwood shook his head. “I’d not begrudge any man who’d steal a loaf to feed his family.”

      “In that case,” Jago murmured, “I’d say you was definitely in the minority.” He stared at Hawkwood. “Y’know, Cap’n, strikes me, this is becoming too much of a bleedin’ ‘abit.”

      “What is?”

      “You comin’ and askin’ me for favours. Just because you an’ me were former comrades in arms don’t mean I can be taken for granted.”

      “I thought you said it was always a pleasure to see me?” Hawkwood grinned.

      Jago stared back at him. “Christ, I’ll say one thing, you sure ain’t lost your sense of humour.”

      Hawkwood smiled. “I’ll not deny that you and me knowing each other makes it easier to ask for favours. You have to use what you’ve got.”

      “And right now,” Jago said, “all you got is me.”

      Hawkwood smiled again.

      Jago listened as Hawkwood explained how Lomax and his patrol had failed to pick up the highwaymen’s trail.

      “Bleedin’ cavalry!” Jago retorted. “What did you expect? Couldn’t find their own arses if they were sitting on ‘em!”

      An image came to Hawkwood: the face of Lomax, the ex-major of dragoons, mutilated almost beyond recognition. Had Jago seen those ruined features, Hawkwood knew the sergeant would not have been so ready with the slander.

      “I’m no informer, Cap’n,” Jago said.

      “I know that,” Hawkwood replied softly.

      “So, what we’re talking about is our usual arrangement. I scratch your back an’ you scratch mine.”

      There was a moment’s pause, followed by a theatrical sigh from Jago. “All right, I’ll bite. What do you want me to do?”

      “Just keep your eyes and ears open. Let me know if anyone tries to fence the goods.”

      “That’s all?” Jago asked doubtfully.

      “That’s all.”

      “You do realize it’ll play ‘avoc with my reputation? Me consortin’ with an officer of the law.”

      “I’m sure you’ll survive,” Hawkwood said.

      A blood-curdling howl rose suddenly from the pit below, followed by a collective groan from the spectators. СКАЧАТЬ