Blood Line: Sometimes Tragedy Is in Your Blood. Julie Shaw
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Название: Blood Line: Sometimes Tragedy Is in Your Blood

Автор: Julie Shaw

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Биографии и Мемуары


isbn: 9780007542277


СКАЧАТЬ what I was thinking,’ Charlie said to Theo one early autumn morning, ‘was that I’ll fetch you apples, plums and whatever else I get my hands on, and you keep it under the counter. It’s up to you if you save it for them that’s got coupons, but we’ll split the income, how about that? I’ll need to collect three-quarters of it, mind, Theo, because I’ve got my brothers to pay.’

      Theo looked doubtful, which amused Charlie greatly. Balding, fat and in his forties, lending him an air of jolly respectability, it was no secret that Theo had been a bit of a rogue in his youth. In fact, local legend had it that he’d won the money to buy his shop in a card game – and that getting his winnings, apparently the loser’s life savings, had involved a couple of bones being broken, too.

      ‘It’s illegal, Charlie,’ he pointed out now. ‘You know that.’

      Charlie nodded his understanding, then placed both of his huge fists on the counter. Not as a threat – more as a form of persuasion, just as he’d seen old Mr Cappovanni do so many times over the years. ‘I’ll do it, obviously,’ Theo added. ‘But I’m risking getting caught, aren’t I? Tell you what. How about we go halves?’

      Again, Charlie nodded to convey his appreciation of Theo’s position. Then he picked up an orange from a box on the counter. A rare and precious jewel now, oranges were only supposed to be sold to people who could prove they had children. And they came at a cost, too. He lifted it to his nose and sniffed it appreciatively.

      ‘Lovely,’ he said, tossing it in the air a couple of times. He then proceeded to peel it, throwing the bits of peel onto the floor as he did so. ‘Tell you what,’ he said. ‘Like I said, I have my brothers to pay, don’t I? And we’re taking a risk of getting caught as well. So here’s an idea. How about we don’t go halves. How about we stick with three-quarters?’ He looked down to the mess he’d created on the floor of Theo’s shop. ‘How about I also see to it that this place doesn’t get turned over by all the starving little thieves on my estate? What d’you think? How about that?’

      Theo shook Charlie’s hand and the deal was sealed.

      Charlie winked at his mam as he breezed back into the house the following morning, having finalised his plan overnight and strolled back down to Theo’s again to get himself a hessian sack. Annie had little Malcolm on her hip and was sitting with Eunice, and by the expression on his sister’s face Charlie reckoned they were having one of their regular discussions about Annie’s wish for Eunice to leave school and go to work.

      Eunice was 13 now, and Charlie knew she really didn’t want to. She’d said as much to her more than once, and he reckoned she was right, too. She was a clever girl and if she wanted to learn more then she should do. After all – look at Margaret, who toiled such long hours as a machinist, putting her wages in the pot on the mantelpiece only to have them taken out again by her father, once his wages had run out. And it wasn’t like they were going on anything useful for the kids, either. They were just funding his booze habit – helping no one, and often hurting them instead. He was still as free with his belt when he was drunk as he ever was. It was no wonder they’d recently found the pot smashed in the garden. No one had admitted to smashing it, but Charlie reckoned he knew. No, Eunice should stay put, to his mind.

      It was a Saturday, which meant no school, which on a sunny day like this one meant his siblings would variously be scattered around the estate or, more usually, all together playing out back. There were so many of them now, they didn’t really need anyone else for fun. They were like a tribe now, the Hudson kids, everyone said so. Well, except for Margaret, who’d started seeing some toff from down south. Called Bob Sloper, he’d come to Bradford to stay with an aunt, his mam and dad having been worried about him staying down in Kent since the bombings. He was joining up any day soon, so they’d be making the most of their last days together. And Margaret would be a right narky cow once he’d gone.

      ‘Kids in the back garden, Mam?’ he asked Annie now.

      ‘They are, son,’ she said. ‘Can’t you hear them? Our Reggie’s got the tin bath off the hook and they’ve put some water in it to play in.’ She shook her head. ‘Been in and out all morning, our Brian and little Keith have. Little buggers, the pair of them. The ruddy floor’s wet through!’

      Charlie laughed as he went through the house and into the garden. She was right. There was a soggy trail of tiny footprints all over the lino, which he dodged as he made his way to the back door. ‘Right,’ he said, scanning his siblings. ‘Reggie, Ronnie, Annie. Get your shoes on. And get your jumpers. You’re coming with me.’

      The kids stopped what they were doing and looked excitedly at Charlie. He knew they loved it when they were allowed to go on adventures with him. ‘Me an’ all, Charlie?’ Annie asked him, as if not believing her luck.

      ‘You as well, Annie,’ he confirmed. ‘You’re eight now, aren’t you?’

      ‘Eight and a quarter,’ she corrected. ‘And why’d we need jumpers? It’s boiling.’

      She was a sharp one, was Annie, Charlie mused. She’d go far. ‘Well, there you go, then,’ he said. ‘If you’re already eight and a quarter you should be earning your keep. And as for the jumpers …’ He tapped a finger against his nose.

      ‘Yeah, but she’s a girl,’ Ronnie pointed out.

      ‘Makes no difference,’ Charlie told him. ‘She’s like a bleedin’ boy, anyway.’

      Annie puffed up with pride at this.

      ‘Can I come too then?’ June asked him hopefully. She was like Annie’s shadow.

      Charlie shook his head. ‘Sorry, June. Too young for this one, I’m afraid. Besides, you gotta stay home and mind Brian and Keith, haven’t you?’

      Little Keith stamped his foot. ‘I don’t need minding!’

      ‘Neither do I!’ Brian agreed.

      By this time, the older three had run inside to dry their feet and get their shoes and jumpers anyway. ‘An’ you best stuff some paper in them,’ Charlie shouted after them. ‘It’s gonna be a long walk!’

      Getting hold of sufficient clothing had always been an issue, but the war had made everything so much worse. The only time any of them got any extra clothes to wear was if Annie swapped one of her coupons for a pullover, or the odd pair of trousers. Everything was handed down, nothing was new, and nothing ever fit any of them properly. But they were so used to dressing like orphans out of some grim Dickens books that they didn’t much notice, let alone mind.

      Shoes were harder, though. Having holes in the soles was always an issue, and though in the drier months it could be addressed by the use of a little creative padding, come the winter Charlie knew it would be a different matter.

      Right now, however, his three siblings couldn’t care less. They were going on an adventure with Charlie and when he explained to them what it was they were going to be doing they were over the moon. It also became clear why they’d been invited along. ‘It’s cos we’re small, isn’t it?’ Annie said, as they left the estate and began making their way across the fields. ‘Cos we can wriggle into small spaces and you can’t,’ she said proudly.

      ‘It’s exactly that,’ Charlie agreed. ‘And it’s a very important job. You’ve got to be quiet too, mind,’ he added, anxious for them not to become too over-excited.

      ‘So СКАЧАТЬ